Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 712

Since Zhao an an became the principal of X University, Mu Qing did not come to the school to see her once.

All he knew was that after she became the principal, she changed a lot. She not only wore a suit and skirt, but also wore high-heeled shoes. She had a noble and intellectual temperament in all her actions. She looked like a good headmaster with lofty ideals.

Although she is still in front of him that some confused some careless girl, but she in front of others, has been able to play a good role, will not be as wayward and impulsive as before.

And since had this sense of responsibility very heavy work, she is really rested to escape the mind.

Recently, she has been working hard to make the University of X better, let more excellent students learn in it, and let more excellent teachers come to school.

This is much more attentive than when she was a teacher at X university.

The headmaster's office is very easy to find. All the students in the school know where it is. They can ask about it at will.

Because the principal's office is an independent small building, which is the high-rise office of the school. This building was built more than ten years ago. At that time, the principal was not min, but someone else.

That headmaster was very good at enjoying life, so he asked the school to build a small building for himself as the place where he worked and lived.

Later, after President min came to power, a man who was not so bold and brazen occupied a building as an office, which made other high-rise buildings in the school choose a room to do the office.

After Zhao an became the headmaster, the first and second floors of the five story building were all hers. The upper three floors were used as offices for other leaders of the school, and principal min's office was also among them.

Mu Qing drove the car and stopped in front of the small building. As soon as he got off the car, he saw two rows of twelve bodyguards standing in front of the office building.

Majestic. It doesn't look like protecting a headmaster, but it looks like protecting the president.

With so many powerful bodyguards in suits and suits going there, who dares to bully Zhao An'an?

The rest of the school leaders would not dare to come to this office building for fear of attacking her. He guessed that Zhao An'an was actually working in the building alone.

In the front of the twelve bodyguards, a tall and tall man stands, which is the target of MuQing's trip, Li Feidao.

After a distance of more than ten meters, Li Feidao saw MuQing at once.

His eyes immediately became sharp and fierce, and his expression was firm in dealing with his rival.

Mu Qing saw all his expressions in his eyes, and was very angry.

Li Feidao really takes himself seriously and regards him as his rival in love!

He means it too!

What qualifications does he have to rob Zhao An'an with him?

Knowing that Li Feidao would be interested in Zhao An'an, he should not have let Li duo bring Li Feidao back to China, but also let him follow jingyichen and become his right-hand general.

Mu Qing slowly stepped forward and looked at Li Feidao lightly. Before he opened his mouth, he listened to Li Feidao: "MuQing, are you looking for my An'an? She's not available now. Go away

Mu Qing was almost angry and vomited blood by his words!

What is "my Ann"?!

When did Zhao An'an become him!

And he actually made the decision for Zhao An'an and drove him away!

I want to give him a new life!

Mu Qing breathed deeply for more than ten times, and then pressed down the impulse to kill.

If Li Feidao is now a member of jingyichen, he must have put a silver needle into it now, and he will never wake up again.

"Li Feidao, you'd better get away from me. ANN is my man. Don't insult yourself. Ann doesn't like you. The person she likes is me, always me! You, no way

"If Ann likes you, why doesn't she marry you?"

"She didn't marry me for a special reason. It didn't mean that she didn't like me. On the contrary, she refused to marry me because she liked me."

Li Feidao looks at Mu Qing like an idiot. How could there be such a reason?

Don't marry him because you like him?

You can't cheat a three-year-old, can't you?

Make an excuse, not a decent one! Does he look like he has no brain?

Li Feidao was not happy, and his tone became more and more hard: "as far as I know, you two have broken up now. You are not her boyfriend anymore. I have nothing to do with you. It doesn't matter whether she likes me or not. As long as I can marry her home, she will gradually like me! "

Mu Qing is so angry in her heart!

You want to marry me?!

He is not willing to force her to marry!

Does Li Feidao want to imprison Zhao An'an as before?

No, no, no, he must not dare now. If he doesn't say anything else, jingyichen will certainly not forgive him lightly."She can't marry you. You should die. She can only be my woman all her life. You'd better disappear from An'an's eyes now, or I'll keep you out of bed for a month. Then don't blame me for my ruthlessness!"

Li Feidao two hands together, slightly a force, knuckles will "crackle" straight ring, listen to the scalp numbness.

"You want to fight? It seems that you like An'an more than Zheng Jing. I was going to fight with him just now. He counselled him and refused to fight with me. So I don't think he's competitive. He doesn't even have any strength for women. Ann won't like him. She will only like me, who is willing to protect her and fight for her

Mu Qing has never known that Li Feidao, who is usually silent, can say so much!

And every word you say is straight in your heart!

Where is Zheng Jing's advice? There is no need for him to fight with Li Feidao! He doesn't like Zhao An'an. He has enough food to solve his love enemy for him!

Wood green gas of a handsome face are white, eyes seem to be able to spray fire.

Although he was very clear that Zhao an could not like Li Feidao, he was very angry when he heard Li Feidao say that An'an would like a strong man like him.

Li Feidao called one by one. He was so intimate. I didn't know how good the relationship was between them!

Mu Qing wants to hit Li Feidao very much now, and he is very angry.

But look at the muscles of Li Feidao's whole body. It's as strong as copper. He has no place to start!

Besides, he's a doctor, not a thug. He compares strength with Li Feidao. Isn't he looking for abuse himself!

It's just that in this case, it's not easy to get rid of Li Feidao's dizziness, and it's too cheap for him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!