Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 707

"Yes, yes, right. Go and cook. I'll have cucumber salad! Mr. Jing, you don't have to do it for him. You just have to be hungry. You'll eat and live here all day. You don't have to pay for it. You don't have to worry about food! "

"Old man mu, make it clear to me what it means to be hungry? Why did I stop eating? I've been your assistant all day, and I can't even get a meal? Jingtianyuan, I haven't worked as an assistant in my life. I don't ask you for money. I still hate me

"You're not qualified! None of my grandchildren is better than you

"You wooden pimple, dare to take advantage of me! Who grandson do you mean? "

"I didn't say anything about you. What's your hurry..."

The old man began to quarrel with jingtianyuan again.

Mu Qing smiles and shakes his head, and doesn't try to persuade him to fight. Anyway, they have been like this since they were young.

It's noisy all day. Although the old argument is red in the face, it's never really angry. It doesn't take five minutes for the two to make up!

One of them had an accident, and the other was more anxious than anyone else.

The two of them are real friends. They know each other's preferences and personalities. In their old age, they are always accompanied by each other. Those who have a good relationship will be together almost everywhere they go.

Jingtianyuan also said that he had an old companion, so he would not be too lonely.

Mu Wensheng married two wives, but they only lived for a few years. The longest time to accompany him in his life was jingtianyuan.

When Jing Tianyuan was young, he was indifferent and did not like to talk. However, since he met Mu Wensheng, they quarreled almost every day. He was a chatter in front of him!

Mu Qing is actually very grateful that jingtianyuan can accompany his grandfather here every day. When the old man is old, there should always be someone to take care of him. However, he did not like the small generation around him all day long. He hoped that the descendants of the wooden family would work hard outside to earn face for him.

Two old men of the same age make company together, noisy, also very good.

Mu Qing listened to their argument for a while, and went out of the laboratory with a smile and went to the kitchen to make food for them.

Now the servants are home from work. It seems that he can only cook for them.


Zhao an an recently drank the tonic prescribed by the old man. His complexion is really much better and his immunity is greatly improved. Even if he kicks off the quilt at night, he won't catch a cold the next day.

Besides, she always feels energetic and seems to have endless energy. She always wants to Have a fight!

Soon, a taxi came to the door.

Zhao an, dressed in a black professional suit, sits gracefully in a comfortable leather chair, sipping coffee and reading the latest school bulletin.

This semester is the last semester for freshmen. Thanks to the huge scholarship support provided by Jing Yichen, this year's University of X has admitted many good students with poor families but excellent moral and academic qualities. The latest scholarship has been issued to help students tide over the difficult period when they just entered the University.

Zhao An'an felt that the money was worth donating. She was originally a chivalrous person. She could help when she saw the injustice.

Now when the principal, to help their own school students, that is more reasonable.

Therefore, she was thinking whether she would go back to discuss with her mother and let Zhao's Jewelry Group donate a sum of money.

Zhao an was thinking about it when her nominal assistant and actual instructor, Jin Ning, knocked at the door and walked in: "headmaster Zhao, a man who claims to be your friend comes to see you. He says his surname is Li."

Zhao an wonder, friend? Li?

How could she not remember that she had a friend surnamed Li?

Oh, no matter what, come in and have a look! Anyway, there are so many bodyguards for her by her cousin outside her office. Even if Yang Muyan comes, she is not afraid!

Since those bodyguards of jingyichen didn't stop him, he should have no problem.

"Let him in!"

Soon, a tall and powerful man came in.

As soon as Zhao an saw him, his eyes almost fell out. He lost his voice and said, "Li Feidao, how did you come here?"

Isn't this guy always protecting shangguanning and Jingrui? How did you come to school?

No wonder jingyichen's people didn't stop him, this is their own people!

There is a face to say that she is a friend, they are enemies, OK!

She didn't go to him to settle the old account of his imprisonment. He even dared to appear in front of her!

She was worried that she had no place to spread her strength all over her body, so she just came to fight!

When Li Feidao saw Zhao An'an, he even showed a trace of smile: "An'an, I applied with the young master. Recently, I was specially responsible for protecting your safety."

"What?" Zhao an can't believe, "you protect my safety? My brother agreed

Is he not afraid that she will toss Li Feidao to death?

How could he have spared such a strong man to protect shangguanning!?Li feiye did not agree with me for a whole month, but he did not want to marry me

Zhao an's coffee cup fell to the ground with a crash, and the white porcelain was suddenly broken.

It's impossible!

If others don't know jingyichen, can she not understand her cousin?

Would he be such a good talker?

Also allow their own subordinates to be choosy and allow their subordinates to move crooked minds?

If entreaty had been useful to him, she would not have been so miserable before!

Zhao an deeply felt the taste of a conspiracy, but she did not know what the plot was.

How could Li Feidao suddenly fall in love with her?

Last time he said he liked her, she thought he was just talking about it. How come they all come to school now?

Zhao An'an is all over the body!

She was once imprisoned by Li Feidao for half a year. She spent more than 100 days and nights in the same room, eating and sleeping with him. However, how could she have feelings for him.

She used to think every day how to kill this big head!

If not two people's strength difference is too big, how could she let Li Feidao live to this day!

Now Li Feidao said that she liked her and wanted to marry her. She was so angry with this muscular man!

She went forward in a fury, regardless of the appearance of Gao Leng, the headmaster, who was struggling to maintain herself. She punched and kicked Li Feidao.

While fighting, he scolded:

"who will marry you? You almost starved me to death when you imprisoned me. You forgot, I didn't! "

"Want to marry me? you must be dreaming! I'm very kind if I don't kill you. I'm still pushing my luck. I dare to play tricks on me , the fastest update of the webnovel!