Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 708

Li Feidao did not move. She stood there and let her fight.

When Zhao An'an was exhausted, he said, "it was wrong for me to imprison you before, but I also worked for Jing Yiran at that time. I took his money to take care of you, but I never hurt you. If you're still angry, hit me until you're angry

Li Feidao is usually reticent. He is the least talkative under jingyichen. He is even more silent than the silent Li duo. At ordinary times, a Hu doesn't want to talk to anyone. He has two mugs around him, so it's impossible to hold him back.

Now, although Li Feidao still looks bad at words, relatively speaking, he has a lot of words.

He really likes Zhao An'an. He always thinks that she is different from other girls. He likes to talk to Zhao An'an and is willing to let her out.

The key is that Zhao an is very angry and resentful, but Li Feidao feels that she is flirting with him now.

Her fist hit him, only a slight pain, no threat to him at all, he felt that the force was just tickling him.

In the past six months with Zhao An'an, Zhao'an didn't beat him less. Every time he came back, he didn't hurt, but her hand hurt.

This time, of course, the results are the same.

Zhao an used all his strength to fight and kick, and soon he lost his strength.

She breathed heavily and sat on the ground without any image. Looking at her red and swollen hands, she could not help crying: "it hurts me! Are you human or not? Why are you so hard all over the body? "

Li Feidao looked down at his body and said, "I can't help it. I've been beaten too many times before. If I don't have strong muscles, I'll be killed soon. In order to survive, I've been practicing like this. "

He has a lot of strength, which is natural, but his muscles are all worked hard the day after tomorrow. In this way, his attack and defense will be more powerful.

He was killed long ago because he didn't have the real ability to mix in the bloody black road.

Li Feidao looks tall and powerful, and seems to have no brain. In fact, on the contrary, he has a quick and delicate mind, never emotional, calm and thorough work, and he even knows Japanese and English, and a lot of partial knowledge.

Otherwise, he would not have been hiding for so long with a Zhao An'an under the close search of Li duo and Mu Qing.

He is outstanding in all aspects and loyal enough, so Jing Yichen received him under his command, and let him become his right-hand like ah Hu Li duo.

Zhao an sits on the ground and looks up at Li Feidao.

His whole body is full of strong muscles, which gives people an explosive sense of strength. What's more, he has scars in many places. Some of them are not obvious, but some are still ferocious. It can be imagined that he was injured seriously at that time.

I don't know how he carried it.

Be a thug for others

To live

Zhao an was suddenly sour.

Li Feidao looked at his frustrating experience very lightly. When he said it, he didn't have any sad mood. His tone was very calm.

This is obviously a very sad, very bad memory, but he said so frankly.

Zhao An'an is soft hearted.

Although she was ill, she had always lived a life of a young lady. Although she also fought, it was purely her leisure to do something deliberately to find fault.

Li Feidao has never had a good day.

When they lived together, he once said that his life was the most secure time in his life.

She laughed at him at that time. She was locked up in a room all day and couldn't go anywhere. It was also called safe. If she died, she would be more secure in the coffin.

Now think about it, it is estimated that that time was really the most comfortable time in his life.

Zhao an wiped the sweat on her head and beat her. She was also depressed. Li Feidao was so poor that she could not care about him any more.

She got up from the ground and glared at Li Feidao: "get out of here, don't get in the way, or I'll beat you again later, and you can't cry!"

Li Feidao did not move, but looked up at Zhao An'an, whose face was red. His heart was always hard and soft: "An'an, did you promise to marry me?"

Zhao an was unstable and almost sat on the ground again!

When did she promise to marry him?!

"You can see from what word, expression and action I just said, I promise to marry you

Li Feidao some happy way: "but, I think, you are very good to me."

Zhao an was completely defeated by him!

Li Feidao had suffered so much before that she felt that she was good to him after beating him!Zhao an's heart rises a sense of powerlessness, this person can't communicate at all!

No wonder he is not very talkative. I'm afraid that he can't talk with everyone else!

"I will certainly be good to you in the future. I will always protect you from being bullied by others. Please marry me and we will live together."

"I will not marry!"

Zhao an yelled at him feebly.

This person usually looks at a very crisp person. Why is he so wordy now!

"Who will you marry if you don't marry me? Wood green? OK, you wait. I'll go and have a fight with him now. The winner is entitled to marry you! "

What's this all about!

Zhao An'an feels that he is going to be driven crazy by Li Feidao!

"You come back! Don't go to MuQing! I will not marry him

Look at Li Feidao's fierce muscles and terrifying power. How can MuQing be his opponent! If Mu Qing gets hurt, she will die of heartache.

What's more, if Mu Qing knew about it, she would have to die!

If Li Feidao feels good about himself and tells Mu Qing that she treats him well and wants to marry him, Mu Qing will kill him directly in the school if he doesn't do anything!

"So you promised to marry me?"


Zhao an completely collapsed!

What if she wants to kill! Why didn't she bring a knife to school today!

"I don't marry, I don't like you! I'm not interested in you. Get out of my office! I don't need your protection. There are plenty of people here to protect me! "

Zhao an's voice was hoarse and smoky. She wanted to drink some coffee to moisten her voice, but the cup had been smashed by her.

Today is out of the door did not look at the Yellow calendar, so bad luck! , the fastest update of the webnovel!