Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 706

The last extraction, Zhao an a full rest of three days no pain, this time again again, Zhao An'an face a little white.

"Dr. wood, are you a little too cruel! I'm in pain. What are you doing? How can it hurt so much? "

Mu Qing is wearing a white coat, wearing white latex gloves on her hands, and wearing a blue disposable medical mask on her face. She said solemnly:

"Miss Zhao, the president has explained once that this is to extract certain cells in your body for research and analysis, so that I can accurately master your immune function and effectively help you prevent various diseases 。 The needle directly pierces several layers of your flesh. Of course it hurts! Please lie down. I'm going to start injecting you with anesthetics

Zhao an lay down reluctantly, and suddenly grabbed Mu Qing's arm. He said pitifully, "I hurt. You should lower your hand!"

Mu Qing helplessly looked at her, some heartache and some guilt.

He took off his mask and no longer pretended to be like her. He gently coaxed her: "close your eyes, don't be afraid, don't move, or you will be hurt. This is for your future, but also for my future, do you want to give up halfway? It won't hurt if you have anesthetics

Yes, it's for their future!

Mu Qing knows that she certainly does not know the meaning of these words, and he does not need her to understand, as long as she does not resist.

If she hurts, then he is willing to coax her all the time.

Zhao an despises herself in her heart. How can she become so delicate!

At the moment, she still needs MuQing to coax her!

In the past, it is common to break ribs and break arms in a fight. It is much more painful than now. Isn't she carrying it?

Such a thought, really relaxed a lot, she should have been beaten a meal on the line.

She closed her eyes and said to Mu Qing, "OK, come on!"

Mu Qing gently patted her hand, then put on a mask and injected her with anesthetic.

Five minutes later, after the anesthetic had worked, he began to extract follicular fluid.

There were five oocytes in the follicular fluid extracted last month. Unfortunately, only one egg could develop into an embryo, and the rest could not combine with Jing's.

And this is a normal egg, wood old man son also not satisfied.

This is related to his great grandson, a weak egg. Even if his grandson's Jing son is strong and combines with each other, it will also lead to the weakness of the embryo! How can you be strong and smart in the future!

He thought that Zhao an's egg cell activity would be very poor, but he didn't expect it to be so bad! Even artificial embryos can hardly be cultivated!

The old man personally gave Zhao an a prescription for nourishing his body, and then asked Mu Qing to boil the traditional Chinese medicine according to the prescription, so that she could drink it every day, so as to regulate her body.

To Zhao An'an, drinking medicine is just like a piece of cake. She used to drink it before, but now she drinks it again. She doesn't repel it. She drinks as much as MuQing gives her. Anyway, MuQing won't harm her.

The extraction of follicular fluid is very smooth, Mu Qing sent Zhao An'an home, with the newly extracted eggs directly back to Mu's home.

Mu Wensheng still buries himself in his laboratory and is trying to help the only successful embryo become strong.

Jingtianyuan is also sitting in his laboratory. He seems to be the assistant of muwensheng. He can find and hand over what he wants immediately.

He was born with Mu Wen all the year round. He has already become half a doctor, and his medical skills are not weak.

Seeing Mu Qing come in, Mu Wensheng doesn't lift his head, but Jing Tianyuan laughs at him: "my great grandson can talk now, and he knows that playing with guns doesn't mean playing with balloons. Look at you. It's so hard to give birth to a child that your grandfather's tired beard has fallen off! "

Mu Qing takes a closer look. Mu Wensheng's original beard is all gone.

He was so shocked that he walked to Mu Wensheng in two or three steps. He lost his voice and said, "where is your beard, grandfather?"

Mu Wensheng is always proud of his beard. He often says that the beard is a sign of his life. The longer he lives, the older he will live. Therefore, he refuses to cut his beard.

But now the old man's beard is all gone. How can Mu Qing not be surprised.

The old man impatiently pushed him aside. While observing the embryo with a microscope, he murmured: "don't listen to old man Jing's nonsense. I shaved my beard. How could it be gone? Even if I died, my beard would not fall off by myself!"

Mu Qing still couldn't believe: "you have grown your beard for more than 20 years? Why is it shaved off now? "

Mu Wensheng finally raised his head and looked at him. He was quite angry and said, "it's not for you, boy! It's inconvenient for me to use a microscope for such a long beard. It's inconvenient to do experiments. It's too long to do anything. I have to cut it off! If all you get back this time are dead eggs, I'll take care of you! "

Mu Qing is a little guilty. The old man is so desperate for him that he even shaved off his favorite beard.However, the egg is Zhao An'an, the poor activity can not blame him!

Of course, Mu Qing didn't dare to talk back at this moment. He handed a medical CRYOBOX to Mu Wensheng: "you see, this time there are six. There should be good ones."

Mu Wensheng took over, opened it carefully, observed it under the microscope one by one, and made several complicated tests. After struggling for more than an hour, he finally got a little happy on his face.

"Ha ha ha, there are two living people, and one of them is not sick at all! It seems that the prescription I prescribed is very effective. Ah Qing, you can continue to cook and drink for her. You can't break it for a day

Mu Qing quickly agreed: "good, I will let her continue to drink."

Wood asked the novice on the busy non-stop, the mouth is still muttering: "Zhao an that girl, looking strong like a calf, how the body's cell activity is so bad, all sick, really should be good conditioning conditioning."

Mu Qing raised his watch and took a look at it. Now it's more than ten o'clock in the evening. Usually, the old man should have gone to bed at this point. He always pursues to go to bed early and get up early. He seldom stays up late.

When Jingtian foresight looked at his watch, he suddenly remembered one thing: "ah Qing, you should help us make something to eat. We haven't had dinner yet! I'm starving to death just following this old man

Isn't it? It's so late that the two old men didn't have dinner!

Wood asked to listen to jingtianyuan so said, this just remembered that he actually forgot to eat!

He said that he always felt that there was something very important missing!

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