Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 705

Shangguan Ning cried and laughed: "this little villain, he will cry, just deliberately don't call me, I am so angry! Today, I asked for a bullet case, so I'm willing to speak, ghost spirit

Jingyichen smiles and holds her and Jingrui into his arms, gently wipes her tears away, and then kisses her eyes across Jingrui: "fool, what are you doing with a nine month old child? You should be happy when your son is so smart. He must follow me. He doesn't like to talk much. We'll teach him how to speak in the future

Jingrui doesn't care what his parents are talking about. He is still trying to grab the bullet case. He was very busy sweating, very dissatisfied in the heart - can you two not show love? Can't you give me the bullet case for a while?

In fact, Jing Rui can't understand them all.

No matter how smart he is, he is just a baby.

It's just that he was a boy who was not naturally interested in the toy balloons that girls like. He was naturally interested in guns and bullets, even though he didn't understand what the use of these things was.

All the things that jingyichen teaches are in line with a boy's preference, while those taught by shangguanning are more suitable for girls.

His father is more and more like Ruijing.

However, it is true that he can speak but will not.

This may really have something to do with genetic inheritance. Jing Zhongxiu doesn't like to talk, so does Jing Yichen. Besides talking to shangguanning a lot, he is very indifferent to others and is reluctant to write.

Seeing his wife's tears, Jing Yichen immediately patted his son's small buttocks and taught him: "call your mother again, or you won't be allowed to eat today! Don't want a bullet case, and I'll confiscate the pistol! "

Jingrui immediately cried out pitifully, "Mom, please!"

Shangguan broke his tears for a smile. She kissed his son's small face and handed him the bullet case: "here you are. I have to give you something good to call me. I'm really giving birth to you for nothing!"

Jing Rui is very happy to get the bullet case. He laughs and shouts "Mom" several times, which makes Shangguan's heart melt.

Of course, she can't really get angry with her son. He is so old and doesn't understand anything. She will teach him slowly in the future to make him more intelligent and powerful.

Of course, maybe she can only teach Jing Rui a few years old with her IQ. The latter education must be handed over to Jing Yichen.

She just needs to take good care of her son's body, ensure balanced nutrition, and let him grow up healthily and happily.

However, after this incident, shangguanning also changed the way she taught her son. Although she still taught him as a child, she focused on cultivating his interests and hobbies, rather than simply teasing him with toys.

Nine month old children should be weaned.

It's not easy to wean Rui's breast milk. It's not easy for him to break his breast milk.

However, jingyichen is very dissatisfied. He feels that he will not have a certain welfare in the future, which makes him not very happy!

Shangguan Ning couldn't laugh or cry. He was in his arms at night and laughed at him: "why don't you have a son? They don't have any rations. They eat something else quietly, but you don't want to break it. It's a shame

Jing Yichen didn't feel humiliated at all, and said with a strong voice: "I love my daughter-in-law. What's so embarrassing about me? I've been a milkman for such a long time for free. You should give me a reward!"

"Why do you ask me for a reward? I didn't ask you for money." Shangguan Ning giggled. She thought it was interesting to fight with jingyichen. He always had a lot of wrong reasons.

"I don't want money. I have all my money in a woman's hand. She is penniless and I am poor. But I don't have money, but someone, you can make me How about sleeping with me

"No, I'm at a loss!"

"Why, I'm so handsome, you've earned it!"

He said, then can't help but say the Shangguan Cong pressure under the body, low smile to take off her clothes: "baby, the son is fast growing so big, can we consider giving birth to a daughter?"

Shangguanning was close to his skin, and his body was as hot and hot as he had been ignited by him. Even his voice was so charming: "nonsense, my son is so little. Let's raise him first..."

"Well, that's good, otherwise I won't be able to touch you for a long time..."


Zhao Shun'an is very comfortable recently.

In the school, those who were not pleased with her, and she also looked at others, were all found by her and rectified.

She was in power, and her backers were tough enough to clean up the troublemakers, and no one dared to retaliate.

In the school, she almost said exactly what she said. No one dared to contradict her.

This makes her have a kind of heroism when the king of the mountain!

She has learned almost everything about her work. Now, even if there is no assistant for her to guide her, she can cope with all kinds of situations.Mrs. Zhao also specially invited a etiquette teacher to teach her business etiquette.

In the past, where Zhao An'an was impatient to learn any etiquette, she always liked to sit on the ground casually.

Now she thinks it's very useful to learn this, at least it's also good to frighten people - it's very cold to stand there with a stiff face, it's extremely cold, and has the demeanor of a school leader!

After two months, Zhao an's words and deeds have been so perfect that he can hardly pick out any mistakes.

She's very clever. She just didn't want to study hard before.

Now forced to "Liangshan", can only work hard to fill knowledge.

Of course, in addition to the work, everything seems to be very stable emotionally.

She keeps a delicate balance with Mu Qing. She does not mention marriage, nor does he mention marriage. The two people are like good friends and intimate lovers. Occasionally, they have a little intimate behavior, but there is no further depth.

She still goes to have an examination every two days. Of course, the later examinations are not as comprehensive as the first one, and each time does not take long.

However, Mu Qing seemed to take something out of her body last month. She was in a state of anesthesia at that time. She did not know exactly what it was.

She just thought MuQing was collecting her cells for analysis.

Zhao An'an does not know that Mu Qing did collect her cells, but this cell is special. It can be combined with his Jing son to develop into an embryo, which will eventually be bred into an egg cell of an infant.

This month, it's time to extract follicular fluid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!