Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 704

Jing Yichen looks at Shangguan Ning with a serious look and can't help laughing.

He picked up his wife and went directly to the restaurant with Jing Rui: "OK, we're going to have dinner! After dinner, teach your son to talk again

After dinner, the couple even cancelled their usual walk on the beach. They were lying on the bed, one left and one right, and Jing Rui sat there. Then they were forced to call them "father" and "mother".

Young Jing Rui is now in a state of collapse.

How come it's not over!?

He is only seven and a half months old, and he will be bombarded by his parents in turn. If he calls, he will be forced to shout all the time. If he doesn't, they will teach him to bark like a wind up machine.

You two are full. He hasn't eaten yet!

He wants to milk, he wants to go to the seaside to play, he wants to sleep, he doesn't want to call Mom and Dad!

The couple tried hard all night, and their voices were hoarse. Jingrui just stared at them with big innocent eyes, and refused to speak again.

Jing Yichen gently patted his son's buttocks and said with hatred: "Stinky boy, you can call clearly, but you don't cry. This is just so big, so stubborn, and you'll get it later!"

Although the son didn't call her "mother", but he could call "Dad", which proved that his language ability was very good. Shangguanning didn't care so much about it. He hugged his son and kissed him: "don't cry if you don't call. Anyway, our son will speak in seven and a half months. He is very smart. This is the most important thing!"


Since knowing that Jingrui can speak and understand what they are saying, shangguanning has always taken Jingrui with him and has been explaining many things to him.

So is jingyichen.

He began to study with Jing Zhongxiu when he was three years old. Jing Zhongxiu never regarded him as a child. He would tell him about simple things or complicated things.

At that time, of course, he couldn't understand everything, but with the help of his ears, a lot of things will soon be integrated after they grow up.

Therefore, he will often take Jing Rui with him to teach him to speak and all kinds of knowledge.

He doesn't think his son can't be better than himself. Jing Rui is certainly smarter than him and has a stronger learning ability. Therefore, there will be no problem in teaching him from his childhood.

After one and a half months of teaching, Jing Rui, who is nine months old, obviously likes to follow jingyichen instead of shangguanning.

Some of the officials are surprised.

Can Jing Rui really understand what he teaches?

Otherwise, there is no reason why he doesn't like to follow shangguanning, but he loves to follow him.

Shangguan Ning usually teaches Jing Rui something very simple, such as -

"Ruirui, this is an elephant. You can see that the elephant has four legs and a long trunk, which can spray water..."

"Ruiruirui, which balloon do you like? Is it red or green? The one on the left is red, the one on the right is green... "

What jingyichen teaches is all profound things, such as -

"the pistols we use now mainly include self-defense pistols and assault pistols. The self-defense pistol has a range of 50 meters, a magazine capacity of 8 to 15 rounds and a weight of about 1 kg. The assault pistol, also called combat pistol, is fully automatic. It is generally equipped with a detachable butt. The magazine capacity is 10 to 20 rounds, and the effective range can reach 150 meters. When you grow up, I'll teach you how to operate it. I'll give you this empty submachine gun to play with. "

"Diamond is the hardest and simplest gem in the world. It is made of carbon, which is similar to coal and pencil lead. The best diamonds come from the alluvial deposits in Namibia, and we are also involved in the mining. Gemstone jewelry profit margin is very large, you are interested in developing Jingjia's business in the future. This diamond is for you to play with. It doesn't matter if you lose it. Don't eat it carelessly. "

If Jing Rui is a teenager now, it's normal for Jing Yichen to take these things. However, Jing Rui is only nine months old now. It's normal for him to go to the government to teach him. However, Jing Rui is not interested at all. He doesn't want to hold his mother at all. He is willing to hold him with his father!

Shangguan Ning was deeply hit, she felt that her IQ must be despised by her son! Otherwise, how could he not love to hold her!

Or is it because jingyichen keeps giving gifts to his son and buying him away?

Did she buy balloons and toy elephants for her son that he didn't like?

He likes guns and diamonds?

Shangguanning was defeated by his son's high-end hobby!

She doesn't believe in evil. She takes an empty bullet shell from jingyichen, then takes a piece of sugar and puts it in front of Jingrui at the same time.

"Ruiruirui, mom gives you a big white rabbit candy to eat, you or?"

She said, regardless of whether he wants to or not, directly put the sugar into Jing Rui's hand.Jingrui doesn't even look at the candy, but throws it away. Then he grabs the bullet shell in her hand. Hasn't he eaten this candy many times? How to give it back to him! It's more fun to be naked.

Shangguan Ning's heart is so cool!

Is the son really so smart?

He doesn't care for candy balloons, dolls, but pistols and bullets?

Shangguan tightly clenched the bullet case and refused to play with this for his son.

How can such a little child play with pistols and bullets? How dangerous! Not even bullet shells!

Jing Rui is in a hurry. He tries to grab the thing he is interested in.

Shangguan Ning is not to him, as a result, he was anxious, directly called out: "Mom!"

Shangguan Ning can't believe it. She picked up her son with surprise and joy: "ruiruirui, please call me again!"

"Mom, yes!"

In the living room, her son's voice is clear again! She's not listening!

Jing Yichen heard his son's voice as soon as he came out of the bathroom. He immediately came over happily and said, "did the son speak again?"

Shangguan Ning nods her head and tears of joy fall down!

"Yes, yes, he called my mother! He'll scream

Since Jing Rui called "Dad" more than a month ago, he has refused to speak any more. No matter how he teaches or teases him, he just doesn't say anything.

Shangguan Ning has no way to take him. He will not force him at all. When he will call, he will call naturally.

I didn't expect that he made my son anxious today. He actually spoke! And it's so clear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!