Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 703

Medical science is in constant progress, continuous development, in the future, others will certainly develop more and better drugs.

Isn't there an anti-cancer vaccine in the United States now? If you vaccinate when you don't have cancer cells, you can prevent cancer.

Although there are very few kinds of vaccines now, it also proves that this is not an insurmountable problem.

But now, even if he has more means to protect Zhao An'an, he has not forced Zhao An'an to agree to marry him.

He liked her in his heart and didn't want to force her to do anything.

He is different from shangguanning. Shangguanning can force Zhao An'an ruthlessly because they are close friends and good friends.

He is Zhao an's man, as a man, he does not want to give up his women's grievances.

Everyone's ideas are different. He won't force Zhao An'an to accept his ideas. He respects her own will more often now.

Mu Qing drove Zhao An'an back to Zhao's home, and then returned to his apartment.

Whenever he separated from Zhao An'an and went home alone, he would feel lonely.

The song is really right. It's not because of loneliness that I miss you, but because I miss you that I'm lonely.

In fact, MuQing is more eager than anyone else to marry Zhao An'an home. In this way, he no longer needs to sleep alone and wake up alone.

For a month, they can meet every other day, which is very satisfied for Mu Qing.

Soon it was time to start school, and Zhao An'an began her career as a headmaster again.

She runs between the school and the hospital. Sometimes she fights with the old stubborn methods in the school, and sometimes quarrels with Mu Qing. She has a rich and happy life.

Shangguan Ning knows that Zhao an has met Mu Qing almost every day recently, and also knows what the real reason is.

Since it is for the sake of the next generation of two people, shangguanning is of course very supportive.

This is Mu Qing's big killing weapon which tied Zhao An'an!

It's much more effective than all her plans and plots!

However, shangguanning did not give up the plan to promote the marriage of Zhao An'an and MuQing.

She has only one last step left. Although Mu Qing has destroyed a lot of the things she built in the early stage, it doesn't matter. Her efforts will not have no effect at all. When the last step is completed, Zhao An'an has a great chance to find Mu Qing to get married.

The plan to help the two get married is going on slowly, and Shangguan Ning's life is also very substantial.

She hasn't come back to Jingsheng yet. However, she often takes Jingrui to her coffee shop and goes to Liyu technology to discuss the orientation and marketing plan of the latest products with the backbone of the company.

Shangguanning seldom leaves Jingrui at home for his sister-in-law to look after. Most of the time, she takes Jingrui with her and leaves her son at home alone. She is not at ease.

If she has something to do and can't take Jing Rui, she will let Jing Yichen take care of her son. Sometimes, if they are not free, she will send him to jingzhongxiu or jingtianyuan.

At present, most of the affairs of the Jing family have been handed over to Jing Yichen. Most of the time, Jing Zhongxiu is fishing and playing chess with Huang Lihan. He lives like an immortal.

Now Jing Tianyuan simply stayed with Mu Wensheng and rubbed two sets of new clothes. He had been greedy for the clothes made by his daughter-in-law, and now he has mixed them up.

Every time shangguanning sends Jingrui to jingtianyuan to look after him, it is the happiest time for the two old men.

Jing Rui is very obedient and sensible. He seldom cries. Most of the time, he sits there quietly listening to others.

He is now seven and a half months old. He is very beautiful and very likable.

Shangguanning just manages the coffee shop and Liyu technology. Most of the time, she is not busy. She stays at home for two days and teaches Jingrui to talk. At night, jingyichen comes home from work, and the family of three will go for a walk on the beach.

Today, jingyichen left work early. As soon as he entered the door, shangguanning held Jingrui in his arms and said with a smile, "ruiruirui, dad is back!"

To the surprise of Shangguan Ning and jingyichen, Jingrui even said clearly: "Dad!"

His voice was clear and tender, clearly visible in the quiet living room.

Shangguan Ning and Jing Yichen look at each other's eyes and see their surprise. Obviously, they didn't hear wrong just now. Jing Rui really called him father!

Jingyichen laughs happily, and even doesn't take off his coat. He hugs Jingrui: "dear son, call me again! Call Daddy

Jing Rui looks at him for a moment and says, "Dad!"

This time, it's clearer than last time.

Jingyichen happily hugs Jingrui and turns around. Then she kisses him hard: "my son is so smart. He will call him dad when he is so young! It must be a genius in the future

Shangguan Ning is also very happy. She has taught Jing Rui for a long time, but he used to jump out of a single syllable. He has never called "Dad" so clearly.Today, he even called Dad, and asked him to shout, which showed that he could understand adults.

She also felt that her son was very smart.

However, it is obvious that jingyichen is much happier than she is. Holding her son's strong kiss, she still smiles so brightly, and praises Jingrui to heaven!

She had never seen the noble and cold jingyichen so childish!

Jing Yichen happily asks Jingrui to call "Dad". Every time Jing Rui calls him, he will smile for a long time, which makes Shangguan smile bitterly.

Is not the son will call the father, is really too easy to satisfy!

But why doesn't the son call it "Mom"?

Shangguanning is a little distressed. She has taught Jingrui "mother" more times. Why did she call "Dad" first?

That's not good. How shameless she is!

Fortunately, jingyichen hasn't been complacent for a long time. He always asks Jingrui to call his father. As a result, after more than a dozen times, Jingrui seems to know that his father is not normal today, so he won't pay any attention to him.

Jingyichen has not heard enough. He holds Jing Rui and goes to Shangguan Ning. His face is dignified and says, "ah Ning, why doesn't my son call me again?"

Shangguan Ning couldn't laugh or cry. He said with one eye: "you're endless. Jingrui doesn't want to play with you any more! You can say it

She said, holding Jing Rui, she began to make unremitting efforts: "Rui Rui, you can't be partial. You can only call your father, not your mother. Don't you love your mother? Come on, call Mom, Mom Mom - "

she just hated the endless jingyichen, but now she is more persistent than jingyichen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!