Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 702

Zhao an was so sympathetic that he begged Mu Qing: "can I raise one?"

Men and women's thinking logic and psychological state are completely different.

Although MuQing also likes small animals, these mice are specially and carefully fed to do experiments. They are just mice. He will not have any intolerance to do experiments.

Seeing Zhao An'an want to raise, he refused without thinking: "no, you can't. First, they carry all kinds of bacteria and viruses, which are likely to infect. They'll die two or three years later. They'll live two or three years

Well, that seems to make sense.

She would be really upset if the little thing that had been raised for a few years died suddenly.

She pursed her mouth and followed MuQing around, and her attention was quickly attracted away.

Here the number of mice reached thousands, each was numbered, detailed records of their birth, disease, diet, medication and so on.

In some rooms, some staff are busy cleaning up the garbage for the mice and recording various data. When Mu Qing and Zhao An'an come in, they all greet them warmly.

"Dean mu, is this your girlfriend? How do you like it when you are so beautiful? "

"But this is the first time I've come to see you! How come the research institutes are all male animals, and suddenly there comes a beautiful woman, and everyone has the energy to work! "

"Dean mu, you should recruit more female researchers to participate in our R & D work, and the efficiency will certainly double by then! We bachelors will have a place


Everyone was talking and laughing, and Mu Qing also talked to them with a smile. Zhao An'an only stood beside Mu Qing, smiling, and did not interrupt.

She is usually a very active person and talks a lot, but recently she has changed a lot in her behavior.

Outside, she won't be as ignorant as before. She doesn't give Mu Qing face at all. She knows now that she doesn't need to say anything in front of Mu Qing's friends and colleagues. She just needs to stand by Mu Qing's side quietly.

In this way, we will not win over the guests, and we can let Mu Qing have more prestige in front of colleagues.

Zhao an is generous and has a proper smile. Sometimes she says a word or two, which makes Mu Qing a little surprised. However, those researchers have a good impression on her and keep praising her.

They have made a breakthrough in drug research and development. In the past two months, they have also achieved good results in volunteers, and all of them are jubilant.

The research and development of each drug is a huge project, which cannot be separated from the research and trial of researchers day and night.

Zhao an holds Mu Qing's hand tightly.

The most important thing for him to do in the research and development of drugs is his heavy work.

He didn't know how much hard work and sweat he had paid behind her, but he never heard him complain.

Her heart was moved and heavy.

If her illness can not be cured and Mu Qing's efforts are wasted, will he collapse?

When she first came, she still disliked Mu Qing's cheating on her and that he had not prepared a romantic surprise for her. It turned out that what he prepared was the best gift!

He has been preparing for many years!

After visiting the laboratory, Mu Qing took Zhao An'an to the bacteria control room, where you can clearly see the active cancer cells.

Then they went to the pharmaceutical department.

There are a lot of people in the pharmaceutical department. Although mechanized operation can be realized now, many medicines still need to be handled manually.

The anticancer drugs developed by MuQing team are still in the experimental stage, so there is no mass production of the drugs, only a small part of them are made.

After visiting several complicated departments, Mu Qing took Zhao An'an to his office.

In the office, Barton is wearing thick glasses to analyze the latest patient tracking data. Mu Qing comes in and he doesn't notice.

Zhao anqing didn't introduce to him.

He took off his sterile clothes and Zhao An'an's, and took her out slowly.

"Barton is a workaholic. He only sleeps a few hours a day, and all his time is spent on drug research and development. This is half the reason why Barton's drug has made a significant breakthrough. Do you know why you try so hard? "

Zhao an shook his head gently.

"Because his wife and daughter died of cancer."

Mu Qing's words, let Zhao An'an's heart like a heavy knock.

She can't help but clench Mu Qing's hand.

This is what she fears most. She is afraid that if she marries Mu Qing, she will die first. What's more, if she has a child, and the child inherits her disease, she will not live long.Mu Qing didn't know what she was worried about. He took her hand and gently comforted her: "An'an, don't be afraid. You see, everyone here is busy developing all kinds of new drugs. The diseases that could not be cured in the past may be cured in the future. I'm bringing you here today to let you have a look. Our R & D work has made great progress and success. Even if you have a relapse, I'm sure I can cure you. "

Zhao An'an has been greatly impacted today. She is a little confused.

She worried about the disease for so long, so difficult to cure the disease, can really be good?

She has a terminal illness!

What is incurable disease? It's a disease that can't be cured at all!

Today, Mu Qing told her that her disease could be cured. She felt that this was a dream!

She still had a lot of doubts in her heart, not because she did not believe in Mu Qing's medical skills, but because she was deeply afraid and helpless about the disease.

Zhao an can't believe it completely, but he has hope in his heart.

She finally understood why Mu Qing had to bring her, and why he said she had to see it with her own eyes to believe that he was not lying to her.

She quietly followed Mu Qing back to the car, and then she put out her arms around him.

"MuQing, thank you."

She buried her head in his chest and said in a very soft voice.

Mu Qing showed a faint smile, stroked her short hair and said, "do we need to be so polite? To save you is to save myself. What's the point of living alone without you? "

Zhao an raised his head, looked at his eyes, seriously said: "no, even without me, you also want to live well."

Mu Qing smiles and doesn't go on with her.

How could he not have her?

They will be together all the time. Maybe they will be a complete family of three when the old man has successfully cultivated the embryo! , the fastest update of the webnovel!