Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 697

Mu Qing has been waiting for Zhao an in the office for more than an hour. Since Zhao an entered the hospital, he has been standing by the window staring at her.

Seeing her fresh and fresh dress, she is as young as a little sister next door. Mu Qing only feels that she is relaxed.

Waiting for nearly ten minutes, the door rang "dudududu" knock on the door.

This girl, when did she change her temper, she even knew she was knocking at the door!

Didn't she just rush in directly like a gust of wind before?

If you don't have a smile, you will come into the door.

Zhao an in the outside and hard "bang bang bang" knock twice, there is still no sound inside, she can not help but doubt.

Isn't it?

No, I have made an appointment for her to do some drug immunity test today. Did Mu Qing forget?

She couldn't wait any longer. She opened the door and went in.

As a result, as soon as she opened the door, she fell into the arms with a light fragrance of medicine.

Mu Qing hugged her with one hand, closed the door with the other hand, and said with a low smile: "today's good luck, just opened the door, someone came to throw her arms to see her off!"

Zhao an pushed him aside and said coldly: "doctor mu, I'm here to see a doctor today. If you want to play a rogue, you'd better look for other patients. I don't want to accompany you!"

Mu Qing touched his chin and thoughtfully said, "Oh, I am a doctor today! I'll have a routine examination then, and you can't refuse

Zhao an actually pushed him away and regretted it. She was just a subconscious action. Before Mu Qing held her like this, she would push him away and never have any nostalgia.

But today, after pushing MuQing away, she felt empty in her heart, as if reluctant to give up the warmth of his arms and the faint fragrance of medicine.

But she couldn't pull her face down again and rubbed his arms again.

"It's just routine examination. Why should I refuse it? Unless there's something wrong with your routine examination! "

Zhao an an casually sat down on a chair, looked at Mu Qing and said, "where to check, right here?"

Mu Qing raised eyebrows: "so you can't wait. Of course it can't be here. Let's go. I'll take you to the examination room

Zhao an a pair of indifferent appearance followed him, two people a front and a back into the examination room, and then Mu Qing conveniently locked the door.

Zhao An'an didn't pay attention. Her attention was attracted by those instruments.

Mu Qing turned on all the instruments and let Zhao An'an lie in a small bed.

He came up with such an excuse to give Zhao an an injection of follicle stimulating hormone, and then wait for the oocytes to mature before taking them out. In fact, it is not entirely an excuse.

He can make a detailed analysis of Zhao An'an's physical condition. In case of her relapse in the future, he can give her the most appropriate dosage according to her physical condition. Otherwise, the less the dosage is, the greater the effect will be, and the larger the dosage will damage her body.

For Zhao An'an, Mu Qing has done his best to break his heart.

After turning on the instrument, MuQing washed her hands with disposable medical hand sanitizer, then put on a pair of thin latex gloves, turned to Zhao An'an and said, "take off your clothes."

Zhao an's eyes widened: "what? disrobe? Isn't it a drug test? Take off your clothes

"Am I a doctor or are you a doctor? If you take it off, you can take it off. Where haven't I seen you? "

Zhao an curled his lips and said, "take it off. If you dare to mess around, I'll yell at you! Let everyone in your hospital know what kind of person you are

She took off her underwear and underwear, but Mu Qing was still not satisfied: "take it off! None of them

Zhao an clenched her teeth angrily, but seeing his serious face, she had to take off the rest, but her hands had been covering her chest, and her cheeks were a little red.

Wood green see her naked appearance, eyes suddenly dark, breathing also slightly disordered.

It was strange that he did not know how many women's bodies he had seen and how many women had been examined, but he had never had that kind of impulse towards other women.

Only Zhao an, who has seen her many times and even asked her many times, still has a strong reaction when he sees her body again.

Mu Qing forced himself not to think about her beauty and stretched out his hand to knead and press on Zhao An'an's chest.

Zhao an immediately screamed: "wooden bastard, what are you doing! You're a rascal

Mu Qingdun is covered with black lines.

Can she not shout so loud? I'm afraid others don't know what they're doing in there now, right!

"Shut up and don't move! I press your chest and tell me where it hurts

"I'm a son. There's something wrong with my chest. What do you do with my chest?"

"As I said, these are routine tests. Don't shout and lie down! Other people come to do these tests. No one yells so loudly. Be honest and don't affect my judgment. "MuQing said, and his fingers began to exert themselves on Zhao An'an's chest.

Although Zhao an was unconvinced, he did not know whether it was a routine examination.

What she thinks now is, does MuQing often have to massage the chest and abdomen for other women?

This is too It's delicious!

Zhao an was so sour in his heart that he blurted out: "how many women have you pressed on your chest?"

Mu Qing didn't even lift his eyelids. He said casually: "I can't count them. Thousands of them are."

Zhao an was stunned: "so many!"

Wood green light "um" a, eyes staring at Zhao An'an, only feel his whole body blood is boiling.

How can this be done? He is quite normal when checking others!

He simply did not look, just kept pressing with his hand, and then kept asking, "does it hurt here?".

After pressing the left chest, Mu Qing took up his pen and lowered his head to record the situation just now.

Zhao an looked at the clear fingerprints one after another on his chest, and saw the way Mu Qing lowered his head to record carefully. He could not help but wonder whether he was using the heart of a villain to treat a gentleman's belly.

She was slightly uneasy. Since Mu Qing had seen so many women's bodies and touched so many women's bodies, wouldn't it be different? Or is it that he has touched too much and is numb to the woman's body?

Would he be numb to her?

Zhao an's own heart random guess, wood green has begun to press her right chest.

Press to a certain point, Zhao an suddenly "ouch".

Mu Qing asked nervously, "what's the matter, Ann? Does it hurt here? "

He said and pressed again.

Zhao an "hiss" inhaled a cold air: "pain!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!