Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 696

Grandma and mom went out, leaving Zhao an alone at home, guarding such a large villa, she felt that her heart was empty.

Zhao An'an now knows that the photos and marriage certificates she has received are just the means of Yang Muyan to sow dissension. The purpose is to let her leave MuQing.

And she was fooled!

Zhao an was very upset. She felt that she was a little sorry for Mu Qing. In this kind of thing, her first reaction was to doubt him, not to believe him, and scold him so badly. No wonder he would be angry.

That Yang Muyan is really not a good thing!

Zhao an scolded her 800 times and Mu Qing 900 times in her heart, which made her feel more comfortable. Then she went to lunch with heartless smile.

The next day, Zhao An'an was lifted from the "foot ban". The old lady allowed her to go in and out freely, but only if she was free to enter and leave Mu's Hospital, and she was not allowed to go anywhere else.

Why did grandma Zhao drop her chin? Have you not allowed me to go to Mu's hospital? Aren't you afraid I'll see MuQing? "

The style of painting is changing too fast. She can't accept it for a while!

"This is not a decision you have to make for your health," the old lady said. MuQing has developed a new anti-tumor drug. The effect of the first batch of patients on trial is very good. He will give you a physical condition test before medication, so as to avoid any immune reaction in case of need of medication. I'm still thick with this old face and ask him to give you an adjunct to regulate your body

Mu Qing has already told Zhao an an about the research and development of new drugs. Now she has heard this, but she has no doubts.

She has a little knowledge of medical problems, and she doesn't know very well, so she thinks it's normal to test the physical condition before taking medicine.

Anyway, she was very happy to go out and see MuQing! No matter what test is not tested!

In a few days, the summer vacation of X university will be over, and she will go back to continue her career as a headmaster. She will be very busy at that time. She will be able to meet Mu Qing in the past few days. Zhao An'an is happy to stay up all night.

She realized that the more she couldn't see MuQing, the more she would miss it. When MuQing was around her every day, she didn't feel how important MuQing was. When he spoiled her every day and coaxed her, she didn't feel much happy.

But now, she can see Mu Qing and insomnia, this is really incredible.

Can distance really produce beauty?

Zhao an doesn't know whether the distance is beautiful or not. She only knows that insomnia last night caused her to get up this morning. After getting up, she has two big dark circles on her face, which looks very ugly!

For the first time in his life, Zhao An'an noticed his appearance and his image.

Her heart to Mu Qing's attention has reached an unprecedented degree, Shangguan Ning a series of planning and coercion, let her in some way began to enlighten.

She took a bath and made herself clean and refreshing. She wore a blue checked chiffon shirt and white Capris, a pair of soft shoes of white Brock style on her feet, a neat short hair and a youthful look. She looked like a college student who had just entered the University.

This dress of hers attracted old lady Zhao's eyes and laughed at her: "it's twenty-eight, but you still dress eighteen. Don't you know when you were born?"

Zhao an was not hit by the old lady at all. She was in a good mood today and made a face at the old lady: "grandma, you are jealous that I am beautiful! When Yu Lan and I are young, you and I are not so good-looking! Oh, I can't help it. I'm too shy to go to the street to avoid those people's inferiority bumping into the wall

The old lady was amused by her thick face and poked her forehead: "your mother and I are the most stable people. How can you raise such a skinny monkey like you?"

Zhao an snorted coldly and hopped on Zhao's luxurious Rolls Royce phantom and asked the driver to send himself to Mu's hospital.

When Zhao an used to take his own car, he didn't think there was anything good about it.

Since her economy was "sanctioned" by the old lady, she knew that riding in her own car was really a pleasure!

Look at this gas field! Not only luxury car, very comfortable, but also a full-time driver, the most important thing is that she does not need to spend a cent!

Rolls Royce drove directly into the door of Mu's hospital. The eye-catching "a88888" on the license plate made the hospital owner look at it.

People can't help but hold their breath to see whose car this is.

The driver's door opened, a driver in a straight suit came down, then opened the back door, respectfully said: "Miss, the hospital is here."

When people saw that the person who got off the car was Zhao An'an, all the doctors and nurses in the hospital were shocked.

People here all know Zhao An'an. She is the president's sweetheart. Mu Qing dotes on her. Who knows her!However, no one knows the specific identity of Zhao An'an. She is slovenly all day and her personality is careless. All the people in the hospital think that she was born in an ordinary family. Today, they couldn't believe that she was in such a luxurious car and full-time driver.

However, Rolls Royce did not leave, the driver has been sitting in the car, waiting for Zhao An'an to come back.

Everything they see is real!

Zhao An'an's family background is not ordinary at all!

The female doctors and nurses who used to say that Zhao An'an was not worthy of Mu Qing in the back all shut their mouths involuntarily.

Zhao an didn't feel that she was any different today than usual. She was used to sitting on Rolls Royce and didn't think it was any great. Her cousin jingyichen had more rolls Royces than her, and all of them were sleeping in the garage!

She had no idea that someone else would judge her identity by a car.

When she saw the doctors, nurses and some patients staring at herself, she thought it was because she was wearing beautiful clothes today, which surprised people!

Zhao An'an is really beautiful today. Her facial features are very beautiful, with a trace of heroism rarely seen in girls. She is 1.7 meters tall, her legs are long and straight, and her white nine point trousers fully highlight her advantages. In addition, her light blue elegant chiffon shirt adds a touch of flexibility to her already lively.

Of course, people see her not because she is beautiful, but because of the car and the license plate number of Lafeng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!