Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 698

Mu Qing immediately swept her with a precision instrument, and then relieved, comforted her: "it's OK, some hyperplasia, it doesn't matter."

Although he had touched her two soft balls with countless kisses, it was the first time that he really examined her carefully.

To do an examination for Zhao An'an is totally two concepts with another woman.

As soon as Zhao an shouts pain, he feels pain in his heart, for fear that she will have any secret disease.

Mu Qing patiently examined Zhao an's whole body. When she came to check her privacy, Zhao An'an felt quite uncomfortable.

"I won't check! Let go

Mu Qing's voice was a little hoarse, and he refused doubtlessly: "no, it's not finished. Don't move!"

God knows, this is absolutely a torture to him!

"You are a rascal! You take advantage of me Zhao an scolded him in a low voice.

Mu Qing couldn't help laughing: "I really want to take advantage of you, still use gloves? I'm just a doctor now, miss. Don't you think about it

Zhao an's face is full of red, he tossed the shortness of breath, a pair of unbearable appearance.

She gritted her teeth and said, "hurry up

MuQing deliberately misinterpreted her meaning: "do you want to be faster? How fast? "

Zhao An'an kicked him on the shoulder.

Mu Qing grabs her white and thin legs with a smile and coaxes her with a gentle tone: "be obedient, don't make noise, it will be OK in a moment."

Zhao an did not make any more noise, but his face became more and more red.

She didn't know whether Mu Qing was intentional or not. She almost cried out.

After the manual inspection, MuQing was not at ease. He checked it again with the instrument, and then carefully recorded all the data for comparison with the later data.

Until the end of the day, Mu Qing gave Zhao an FSH treatment. He had calculated Zhao an's regular holiday. He should come this afternoon or tomorrow. The injection effect is the best at this time.

Zhao an looked at him with some doubts: "why do you still need injections?"

She shrinks on the small bed, looks at him pitifully with a pair of bright eyes, Mu Qing's heart suddenly a soft, can't help but bow to kiss her.

"For testing, don't worry. Just call it once a month, about three times. After the injection, please tell me what's wrong. "

Zhao an Du mouth nodded: "Oh."

She didn't like injections, not because she was afraid of pain, but because she hated the feeling of being pricked and injected with drugs.

Before chemotherapy, she would be constantly pricked. The back of her hand was full of pinholes and bruises. She couldn't even sleep because of the pain.

However, since it is used for treatment, she will endure if she does not like it.

In this respect, she is not an affectation woman.

"I'll come back every two days, and I'll record your body's detailed data and make it into a table for analysis."

To deceive Zhao An'an like this, Mu Qing is somewhat guilty.

However, Zhao An'an was so clever today that he didn't doubt the injection, so he felt more guilty.

Zhao An'an was very happy to hear that she could come every two days. She didn't care what kind of injection she didn't take.

Don't have to be locked up at home every day. It's a pleasure to fight with MuQing!

Seeing Mu Qing, she forgot all the unhappy things before, only he was in her heart.

She can also feel that Mu Qing has not been angry for a long time. In fact, he used to be like this. If she did something wrong, MuQing would be angry for a while at most, and would not be more than one day. He would go to her and coax her first.

The two of them are very similar in character. They are the kind of people who don't care or hate. Happy things will be remembered and unhappy things will be forgotten soon.

Zhao an was very neat when she took off her clothes, but she lingered on her clothes at the moment.

Having finished the examination and the injection, she can't stay here any longer.

But no matter how long you linger, there are times when you can put on your clothes.

Mu Qing was closing those instruments and equipment. Seeing her dressed and going out, she grabbed her and pulled her into his arms: "where are you going? Don't go, wait for me

Zhao An'an doesn't want to go, but she really has to go.

She has become increasingly ambivalent.

She couldn't leave MuQing, but she was afraid that she would die accidentally one day, which made muqingkong happy.

"I'm going home."

Zhao an said in a low voice, and then wanted to break away from Mu Qing's arms and go out.

Mu Qing finally sees her, where can let her leave so easily.

He held Zhao an's wrist in one hand, packed up the materials recorded today with the other hand, and put them into a kraft paper bag. Then he held the paper bag in one hand and Zhao An'an in the other: "open the door, let's go."

Zhao an can't break free, so he has to go out with him.This information Mu Qing did not put in the hospital, but took the information on the car. These materials all record Zhao an's private data, and he doesn't want others to see it.

Of course, Zhao An'an was forced into the car by him. Mu Qing drove Zhao's Rolls Royce back to Zhao's directly.

Zhao an was very dissatisfied: "you drove my driver away. Who will take me home then! I can't afford a taxi! "

Mu Qing sat in the driver's seat, carefully fastened the seat belt for Zhao An'an, bowed his head and kissed the tip of her nose, then took out his wallet and threw it to her: "spend whatever you like! What's more, I'll take you home. What do you want the driver for? "

Zhao An'an now sees money with stars in her eyes. She grabs MuQing's purse and opens it to see a pile of red banknotes inside!

She laughed happily, patted Mu Qing on the shoulder and said, "you are more active than Zheng Jing that guy! He's stingy. I have to rob him to give me the money every time

Mu Qing is speechless.

Can Zheng Jing compare with him?

Mu Qing is in the heart stomach Fei: Zheng Jing gives you money, that is also to cooperate with shangguanning acting. Where is he really giving you money to spend, the money that I give you is still my reimbursement, OK!

He turned his head and looked at Zhao an's happy way of counting money, which made him laugh.

Silly girl, give some money to be happy like this, thanks to the rich Zhao family, if the Zhao family has no money, she will not see the money will rob.

Zhao an drove to the supermarket.

MuQing had more than 3000 yuan in her purse, which made Zhao an happy. She counted several times and determined that it was 3752 yuan and 101 Mao.

Then, she put more than 3000 yuan into her bag, put the dime back in MuQing's purse and threw it to him: "OK, that one Mao will reward you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!