Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 695

Mu Wensheng sighed and looked at jingyiran, who was unconscious on the bed, and said faintly: "jingtianyuan, that old guy, has always been very lucky. He has only one son in his life, but his son is excellent in all aspects. Even his son's son is very powerful. His family has strong genes. In addition to Jing Yiran, everything else is developing in the best direction."

He said, some self mocking smile: "originally I still laugh at him every day, said his grandson does not like women, will marry him a man to go home."

"As a result, jingyichen got married faster than anyone else. In the second year of her marriage, she gave birth to a big fat boy. She was so greedy for the old man that she went to see Xiao Jingrui several times. That boy is really strong. He has never seen him grow so well when he was born seven months ago. In the future, he must be an excellent successor of the Jing family. "

"Take a look at our family. Although all of them are good, there is no one who can support our family! It is not easy to have you so outstanding, but also like a girl with bad health

Mu Qing listens to the old man's words and feels like a knife.

He knelt down in front of the old man with a "plop", and his tears fell on the spotless ground and became a cold drop of water.

"Grandfather, I'm sorry for you..."

"Unfilial" is not enough to express his sin.

Mu Qing deeply remorse himself, in the heart is extremely painful, but let him give up Zhao An'an, he can't do it at all.

The old man knew that Mu Qing would not give up Zhao An'an. He said these things just because of his feelings, not to force him to marry another woman.

If MuQing can't have more children, let other grandchildren have more children. You can always choose one with better talent and let that child learn medical skills with MuQing in the future.

However, Mu Wensheng is still reluctant to give up his grandson's excellent genes. He always thinks that only the descendants of MuQing are the best.

"If you insist on marrying Zhao An'an, your grandfather won't stop you, but you can't be without a queen. You can help her get some eggs and freeze them for a rainy day

Mu Qing raised his head in astonishment: "grandfather, you are..."

Does the old man want to cultivate embryos himself?!

"Try it. This is the last resort."

Mu Wensheng can't guarantee that he will succeed. If he guesses right, Zhao an's egg cell activity will be very poor, and the survival rate will be extremely low.

For the next three days, Mu Wensheng came to Jing Yiran for acupuncture every day. On the fourth day, he asked Mu Qing to do it himself. He was only responsible for guiding Jing Yiran.

Muwensheng only needs two hours to do acupuncture, while MuQing takes three and a half hours.

However, it is the first time that he has done such complicated acupuncture and moxibustion. His success at one time shows that his talent is amazing.

In this way, Mu Wensheng wants a great grandson of Mu Qingsheng.

Jing Yiran is in better condition every day. His hands and feet sometimes move. Fawn is very happy.

MuQing is caught in another big problem.

How should he cheat Zhao An'an to the hospital and take the eggs from her body?

Some time ago, Yang Muyan made trouble, and they have not yet made up!

Mrs. Zhao also made a special call to tell him that Zhao An'an had received an ill intentioned text message and a picture of him making love with other women. She was so angry that everyone was pleased to see her. She held a face for several days, as if others owed her five million.

Mu Qing now thinks of Zhao An'an and has a headache. He has not been angry with her for a long time. I'm afraid Zhao An'an has always been angry with him.

If you tell her directly, if you want to take her eggs, she will be killed.

No, I can't. We have to plan well.

Or the old man had a way to come up with such a good idea!

When the embryo is cultivated, go abroad to find a surrogate to give birth to the child, he will not be a father!

I don't know whether Zhao An'an will kill him with a knife after he knows it.

Mu Qing excitedly plans to take the egg, while seriously doing acupuncture for Jing Yiran.

After seven days of acupuncture, jingyiran finally woke up on the eighth day.

Jingyi ran wakes up, there is no MuQing anything, anyway, there is a deer in, she will take care of him.

There is no need to do acupuncture for Jing Yiran. Mu Qing spends all her time arranging to get eggs for Zhao An'an.

It's not easy to get eggs. Women are different from men. Women usually only discharge one egg a month, and there are more than 400 eggs in a lifetime.

However, Zhao An'an has a special situation. Her oocytes are low in activity and less in number.

The first thing to get the eggs is to give her ovulation induction treatment at the beginning of her period, that is to say, she needs to be injected with follicle stimulating hormone. A course of treatment takes about half a month.

During this period, it is necessary to continuously monitor the follicles by B-ultrasound. When the oocytes are large enough, the follicle fluid is extracted from the ovaries through the puncture needle through the puncture needle under the guidance of B-ultrasound.The subsequent work of sorting out the eggs from follicular fluid is MuQing's, which does not require Zhao An'an's participation.

According to Zhao an's physical condition, a course of treatment is definitely not feasible. She needs at least three courses of treatment before she can extract enough eggs of good quality.

Tell Zhao an an the truth directly, she must turn around without saying a word, take the egg must be even with the deceive.

However, this matter matters a lot. Mu Qing can't make a decision unilaterally. He invited Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Zhao to dinner, and then explained the matter in detail.

The two were shocked. They all dreamed of having a child of Zhao An'an. Unfortunately, Zhao An'an had been treated with chemotherapy too many times, and her son Gong was injured, so the possibility of pregnancy was very low.

Now there is such a way to let Zhao An'an have her own children. They can't get it!

Persuading them is much easier than expected. Mu Qing's prepared baskets of words are actually useless.

The three people had a hot meal, and Zhao an was the only one who was pitifully kept in the dark.

Zhao an is in a bad mood recently. She is in a bad mood with Mu Qing again.

Mu Qing seemed to be angry this time and didn't come to comfort her.

If she doesn't have any reason to comfort Mu Qing, she doesn't have any reason!

What's more, she can't go out to play. She's bored at home every day!

She was holding a white kitten in her arms, but unfortunately, she had a cute kitten, which was almost hairless! , the fastest update of the webnovel!