Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 694

Pulse diagnosis depends on talent and experience. Mu Qing's talent is enough, but his experience is far from that of the old man, so he can't see the problems he can see.

Mu Wensheng felt for Jing Yiran for a long time.

Although Mu Qing's medical skills are not comparable to him, he is actually very powerful. His basic skills are very solid, and what he lacks is just experience. Even he couldn't find out the problem of jingyiran, which means that jingyiran's problem is a little complex and rare, and he needs to carefully investigate one by one.

An hour later, Mu Wensheng's forehead was covered with sweat.

Pulse taking is very exhausting. After all, the old man is old, and he still can't bear the long pulse diagnosis.

Mu Qing naturally wiped away the sweat for him, and then he still stood beside the old man, waiting for the final result and his careful instruction.

Another half an hour later, Mu asked the student to take it back. Then, he began to teach Mu Qing. What's the problem with Jing Yiran.

This is a very good case. The old man did not rush to treat Jing Yiran. Instead, he used him as a teaching material with detailed explanations to let Mu Qing have an intuitive understanding.

The deer didn't make a sound. She sat there quietly and listened to Mu Wensheng say a lot of words that she didn't understand.

Although she didn't understand the technical terms, she understood that the old man knew the crux of Jingyi's coma.

This only gives the fawn great hope.

Mu Wensheng explained to Mu Qing for more than an hour before he stopped.

After a short rest at noon, Mu Wensheng recovered his physical strength and energy. He took MuQing back to the intensive care unit and began to give Jing Yiran acupuncture for two hours.

After acupuncture and moxibustion, Mu Wensheng's face was a little pale, but jingyiran, who was originally pale, did not wake up, but his face was bloody and looked much better.

When Mu Wensheng was acupuncturing, Mu Qing had been studying beside him.

When he saw the master's superb acupuncture technique, he was greatly admired.

At present, he can't do it at all.

I'm afraid that only mu Wensheng can do it all over the world. Jingyiran's current situation, western medicine has no way but to rely on acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine.

In other words, only the old man can save jingyiran.

Every time he saw his grandfather rescue people, Mu Qing's heart would shake once, and he would pay more attention to the inheritance of Mu family's medical skills. His grandfather was so powerful that the origin of Mu family's family learning could not be cut off from him.

In fact, he can understand why Mu Wensheng didn't let him marry Zhao An'an.

Zhao an can't have children, which means he will have no offspring.

And if he does not have his own children, if he can not generously pass on all his medical skills to others, then waiting for him will be the top secret medical skills of the wooden family, which will not be inherited. All the things that have been painstakingly researched by dozens of generations will be lost.

The old man has always been looking forward to his having a son of his own, so that he can personally teach his great grandchildren and carry forward the medical skills of the wooden family.

This is a precious treasure that can save countless lives. The ancestral precept of the Mu family was that he would rather give up his life than keep his medical skills.

Who buried the inheritance of medical skills, who is the culprit of the wooden family.

At present, among the younger generation of the Mu family, there is no one who is intelligent and has a talent for medical skills.

This kind of thing, the genetic possibility is the biggest, so mu Wensheng is most optimistic about Mu Qing's children, because Mu Qing's medical talent is the highest in the Mu family.

It is impossible for him to adopt a gifted child to inherit the wood family's medical skills. On the one hand, it will violate the ancestral precepts of the Mu family. Secondly, it is not the Mu family that is separated from each other in the end, and there will be less responsibility for the inheritance of that medical skill.

Mu Wensheng stood up, patted his grandson heavily on the shoulder and sighed, "ah Qing, my grandfather is not afraid of anything else, just because there is no successor in our wooden family! If so, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors of the Mu family? "

Mu Qing was so ashamed that he felt terrible in his heart. His eyes were red and he choked: "grandfather, grandson is unfilial! It's a burden to you! "

He was proud of his surname Mu since he was a child. He grew up in the aura of his grandfather's "miracle doctor". All along, he valued his family more than anything else.

Since she was a child, Mu Cong Hui has never been able to support Yang Cong's family. In fact, she has never been able to support Yang Cong's family because she has never been able to support Yang's family.

If you give birth to a son with such a woman, the child will inherit the powerful genes of his parents. Once born, he will have incomparable congenital advantages, and he will surely get twice the result with half the effort in the future.

This reason was only mentioned once by Mu Wensheng, and later he did not say it again.

He loves Mu Qing and doesn't want to force him to marry a woman he hates.

But if there is no grandson, it will be a more difficult problem.Mu Wensheng has just finished acupuncture. His face is very tired and looks much older than usual.

Mu Qing is very sad in his heart. His grandfather is old and worried about his affairs.

He was with Jingtian every day. When he saw that he had a big grandson, he must be very envious!

Mu Wensheng seems to know that Sun Tzu is not feeling well. He patted his grandson's head lovingly and rarely spoke to him in a gentle tone.

"You are the most gifted in our family. I have brought you with me since I was a child. Your mother has complained to me that I am an old man who robbed her son, so that you are closer to me, but a little strange to her."

"No, grandfather, my mother has always respected you. I have today. It's all due to you. My mother said that if I follow her, I won't achieve what I have today."

Mu Wensheng shook his head gently.

His daughter-in-law does respect him, but she does have complaints.

This is very normal. He deprived his daughter-in-law of the right to be a mother. Mu Qing grew up in his childhood and childhood under his guidance. His daughter-in-law seldom holds MuQing. Unless she doesn't love Mu Qing, she will feel miserable.

However, Mu Wensheng does not regret doing so.

Mu Qing's talent is so good, of course, he should cultivate his interest in medicine since he was a child, even if his daughter-in-law complained about him.

Mu Qing is not really close to his parents. He is closest to the old man, and he knows it himself.

But he didn't think it was bad.

After grandma's early death, the old man has always been a person. It is proper for him to be able to accept and honor his elders.

Even if his parents do not have him, two people can accompany each other, and without his electric light bulb, two people's feelings are very close. , the fastest update of the webnovel!