Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 693

People in the Ji family think that Ji Minyu died of a heart attack. Only Ji Bo knows that Ji Minyu's death was written by Yang Muyan.

This matter, Jibo did not say to the Ji family, he just told jingyichen all the process of the matter.

Only jingyichen can have a more secure way to deal with Yang Muyan's paranoia with super high intelligence quotient.

However, after this incident, Yang Muyan disappeared.

Jingyichen spent a long time looking for Yang Muyan, but did not find the real Yang Muyan. Every time he got the news, it was false.

With Yang Muyan's intelligence and ability, she wants to hide will be very easy, she is good at camouflage, unscrupulous use of everything, anyone may be her cover.

It's not a good thing for everyone to have such a poisonous snake hibernating.

There are only jingtianyuan, jingzhongxiu and jingyichen in jingtianyuan, jingzhongxiu, jingyichen, Jingrui, who is still in infancy and is under close protection, and jingyiran, who is lying in the hospital unconscious.

These five people are extremely difficult to kill.

But the Ji family is different.

The Ji family is prosperous and not united enough. It will not take too much effort to kill.

Almost every week, some people in the Ji family die inexplicably. Within a month, four of them have died, including Ji Bo's father Ji Minjun.

The whole Ji family is in a state of panic, afraid that the next person to die is himself.

Jibo lost his father, grieved, but with more powerful means to gather together the power of the Ji family, he even repeatedly asked Mrs. Ji to take over the whole Ji family and use all the strength of the Ji family to deal with Yang Muyan.

In just one month, Mrs. Ji has become ten years old. Her hair is white. In addition to her sharp eyes and bitter hatred, her physical condition has also declined rapidly.

Her son, daughter, granddaughter were all dead, and many more were dying. They were so young that they all died in front of her old woman.

Hatred supported her to live, and she firmly grasped the assets of the Ji family in her hands. She refused to give it to anyone, nor to Jibo.

Who can kill Yang Muyan, the Ji family is whose.


It's been a whole month and a half since the time of surgery, but jingyiran didn't wake up.

Mu Qing, who has never doubted his own medical skills, is now doubting whether he has broken the operation every day!

However, after looking through the video of the operation countless times, he made sure that there was no problem with his operation.

But Jing Yi Ran did not wake up. Mu Qing was so anxious that she couldn't eat any more rice. Every day, he thought hard about what went wrong. He went to see jingyiran every day and tried various ways to make him wake up.

The other one who can't eat is the fawn.

At the beginning, she would ask Mu Qing every day, when jingyiran would wake up, but now she has not asked.

She keeps jingyiran every day. If he doesn't wake up, she will always be with him.

Mu Qing has no choice but to give Jing Yiran two brain fine examinations, and found that he recovered very well. He should not have been in a coma for such a long time.

He came across another problem in his medical career.

After trying all kinds of methods, jingyiran still has no sign of waking up. Mu Qing has no way out, so she turns to her grandfather for help.

Although Jing Yiran has now been expelled from the Jing family, his family name is Jing after all, and he has the blood of the Jing family. After Mu Wensheng asked Jing Tianyuan what he meant, he went to the hospital.

Every time he asked the old man to come forward, Mu Qing had to be reprimanded.

It's not just Mu Qing, but everyone in the Mu family. Anyone who has a problem that can't be solved will be scolded bloody. Mu Qing is the grandson of the old man, and he scolds him very seriously.

"You've been running after a woman all day, and now you don't study medicine! Do an operation have such big problems, you still want to be the dean? I'm going to lose my face. Don't say it's my grandson

Mu Qing murmured discontentedly: "I don't say it's your grandson, others also know that I am! If I insist that it is not, people may think that my father was born to my grandmother and old Wang next door! "

The old man's ears and eyes were clear, and his murmur was clearly heard. Suddenly, he was angry and inverted!

He raised his big hand like a leaf fan and slapped Mu Qing on the back of his head. He was disgusted that he didn't hate the back of MuQing's head. He took off his thick soled cloth shoes and hit MuQing's buttocks.

"You little bunny, what old Wang next door! Your grandmother has been dead for so many years, you dare to throw dirty water on her! I know better than you if your father is my son! I can't kill you! I'm so mad at you to talk nonsense

Mu Qing was hit by the old man, his eyes were shining, and his ass was on fire!

He jumped up and down in the office for his life and kept howling: "ah! Grandfather, I'm wrong, I'm wrong! I'm talking nonsense. My father must be your own! Stop fighting, you're going to die! "The old man played for a long time, until he was sweating all over, and then he stopped and sat on the chair and put on his shoes.

Mu Qing was spanked and blossomed. She wanted to cry without tears and murmured in her heart: I'm sure I'm not my grandfather's grandson. Otherwise, how can you be so cruel!

Of course, he would not dare to say that, otherwise it would be another fight.

You're kidding. The old man is serious! It's true that he was nearly killed in such a big fire!

Although he had never met her grandmother, he had heard from his father and uncles that grandma was the most virtuous and gentle. However, he had a good relationship with him. Of course, there could be no old Wang next door.

Well, he won't talk nonsense in the future!

However, after such a fight, the old man forgot that he only knew how to please women and not to study medical skills.

He changed into sterile clothes and went to intensive care unit.

However, after seeing the patient, he immediately put away all his emotions and earnestly checked all the data of jingyiran, and then he felt the pulse for a long time.

Mu Qing didn't dare to talk and stood aside honestly. His butt hurt so much that he didn't dare to sit down.

Deer know the master's ability, see him come, has not been angry in the eyes of a wipe of light.

MuQing's traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are very good. Western medicine may barely be able to keep up with the master's level, but in traditional Chinese medicine, he is far less than Mu Wensheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!