Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 692

Now all the assets of the Yang family are in Yang Muyan's hands, which is due to her outstanding talent since she was young. Mrs. Yang has quietly transferred many assets of the Yang family to Yang Muyan.

Yang Muyan has never divorced Jibo, one of the most important reasons is that she covets the assets of the Ji family.

Yang's remaining assets are about to be squandered by her, if there is no money, she will be a dead end!

Jibo has always known that Yang Muyan is coveting the family assets of the Ji family. She once proposed that she help him obtain the inheritance right of the Ji family, and then divide all the assets of the Ji family equally.

Jijia's assets on the surface alone are hundreds of billions. How can Jibo share equally with Yang Muyan!

"You want something from the Ji family? Dream

Every family has its own glory. As the second largest family in a city, the Ji family has been standing for hundreds of years. Although each generation will have fierce internal strife, they are basically United when they are external.

Jibo has always wanted to be the successor of the Ji family's generation and lead the Ji family to a more brilliant future. He has a strong sense of responsibility and will never give up the Ji family easily.

"If you want to get it, just try it! If our Ji family has been standing for hundreds of years, will we still be afraid of you, a woman with mental disorder? "

Jijia and Jingjia join hands, Jibo doesn't believe that a Yang Muyan can turn out any waves!

"Standing for a century?" Yang Muyan sneered and said sarcastically, "don't stick gold on your face! Do you think you Ji's family is as solid as the king's family and can't be attacked at all? I just need a little bit of scheming, and the Ji family will fall apart immediately! Jing Yichen is the only successor of the Jing family. The estrangement scheme is of no use to him, but it is very useful to you Ji family. "

Jibo looked at her coldly: "if Jijia is so easy to be calculated by your estrangement, it will not exist now! You are so careful to deal with the Ji family, just for the money? "

"Money? Well, of course money matters! But I think it's important that you Ji's family doesn't like it! I'm the only one left in our Yang family. I'm dead. Why are you Ji's so prosperous! I want you all to die! In the end, you are the only one left in your family. You live alone and hard! "

Jibo looked at Yang Muyan like a lunatic. He said angrily: "it's the Jing family that killed you Yang family. What's the relationship with our Ji family?"?! If you have the ability to deal with the Jing family

"Don't worry, you Ji family can still live you, as for the Jing family, it's better not to live at all! I will destroy their whole family

At the thought that both the Ji family and the Jing family will decline as quickly as the Yang family, Yang Muyan will be in a good mood.

More than once, she imagined how rich she would be if she could get the assets of Ji family and Jing family!

She's going to be the queen of city a!

"Well, Jibo, you can go away and kill me? You are too young! In addition, as a punishment for you trying to kill me, Ji Minyu will never wake up again! Their mother and daughter are a companion on the huangquan road. It looks good too! "

"What? Yang Muyan, you are not a human being! "

Jibo yelled in anger.

She killed her aunt Ji Minyu again?!

Yang Muyan has become a paranoid murderer! She's addicted to murder!

Jibo did not want to directly toward Yang Muyan, two people fell on the ground together.

Yang Muyan's more than ten bodyguards were about to shoot, but there was a violent explosion around, and all of them were blown out.

But immediately there are more bodyguards intrepid, their task is to protect Yang Muyan, now see that she is in danger, nature is to do their best to protect her.

The aftershock of the explosion made Jibo and Yang Muyan's lips bleed.

Yang Muyan glared at Jibo, and said: "Jibo, you dare to blow me up with dynamite! I wanted you to live, but if you want to die yourself, you can't blame me! "

She said, taking a sharp blade out of her underwear and scratching it down Jibo's throat.

Jibo's strength is much greater than her, see her take out the blade, two hands dead hold on her, the blade stopped in his neck a centimeter place, again difficult to advance a little bit.

However, Yang Muyan is cautious and suspicious by nature. Her place has been fixed by her for a long time. After just a round of explosion, her people quickly rushed in and surrounded Jibo.

Just Jibo also brought a lot of people, the two sides are in confrontation, no one side rashly.

The situation is stalemate, although Jibo is strong, but Yang Muyan has many tricks. She not only has a blade hidden in her underwear, but also has it in her mouth!

She put her mouth close to Jibo's face. Jibo thought Yang Muyan was going to kiss him, but the next second, Yang Muyan spits out a blade from his cigarette holder, and then makes a fierce stroke. A bloody wound immediately appears on his handsome face.

Jibo ate pain, immediately kicked Yang Muyan out.He used all his strength to kick, Yang Muyan's body "click" a sound, he even directly kicked broken ribs!

Yang Muyan suddenly screamed, lying on the ground can not get up.

Her men immediately protect her and point their guns at Jibo.

And Jibo's people also protect him, aiming at Yang Muyan.

Both sides do not give in, but it is obvious that Yang Muyan suffered more losses.

Although Jibo's face is burning with pain, but he has never been as happy as today!

He always thought that Yang Muyan was an unshakable myth. His heart was full of fear for Yang Muyan's cruelty. He even shivered in his heart when he came to see Yang Muyan.

Today's everything, but he is just holding on!

But in the end, facing the threat of death, he burst out a powerful force.

It turns out that he can also hurt the cunning, sinister and cruel Yang Muyan!

Although there are many people around her to protect, but her personal combat effectiveness is low, she domineering, relying on all those unreliable external forces!

I can't kill Yang Muyan today, but it's enough to make her seriously injured!

After that, you can kill her!

Jibo soon left with his own people. He did not care to deal with the wound on his face and went straight to the hospital where Ji Minyu lived.

However, he went late.

Ji Minyu has no breath.

The death report given by the hospital said that Ji Minyu was a normal death.

Ji Minyu's heart is not good originally. Shock is a common occurrence. Death after shock is very normal for patients with heart disease. , the fastest update of the webnovel!