Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 691

Ji Lili's death caused the intense anger of the Ji family.

In the silent night, someone broke into the heavily guarded villa of the Ji family, killed the princess who was held up by the Ji family since childhood by cruel means, and then escaped easily under the siege of many hands!

This is the scorn of the Ji family!

What's more, when Jili died, there was no complete place all over her body. The autopsy report proved that she died after being bullied and humiliated.

The Ji family soon knew that the person who started the attack was sent by Yang Muyan.

Ji Lili once had a fierce dispute with Yang Muyan. With Yang Muyan's paranoid and arrogant character, Ji Lili was killed by such cruel means. It was very normal.

Ji Minyu saw her daughter die with her eyes closed. Even though her heart disease recurred and passed out, she was still lying in the hospital and didn't wake up.

Mrs. Ji was also angry and dizzy, but she soon woke up. The hatred and anger supported her, making her seem stronger than ever.

She launched all the relationships that can be launched by the Ji family, blocking and killing Yang Muyan from all aspects!

At the same time, she spent eight million, invited two top killers to assassinate Yang Muyan.

However, three days later, not only did they not kill Yang Muyan, but the two killers lost their lives. Many people in the Ji family's Officialdom were reported in succession. The cooperation in the shopping malls was also greatly affected, and the losses increased sharply.

Mrs. Ji was surprised and angry. She called all the people of the Ji family to her and announced who could kill Yang Muyan, and who would inherit the Ji family from now on.

Everyone wants to get the inheritance, and Jibo is no exception.

Originally, if jilili didn't have an accident, the inheritance right of the Ji family was basically his. But after jilili's accident, Mrs. Ji took the inheritance right as a chip and forced people to deal with Yang Muyan.

Jibo doesn't want to deal with Yang Muyan any more in this life. No one knows Yang Muyan better than him. She is not a person at all. She is a devil!

What's more, she only has a lonely family. Her goal is very small, but the Ji family is so huge that it is a living target. She can knead it any way she wants!

But almost everyone in the Ji family is looking at him with strange eyes, as if, if he doesn't avenge Jili, he shouldn't be alive!

Yes, Yang Muyan is still his wife. They haven't divorced yet!

What's more, jilili likes him. It's not a secret at all in Ji's family. The last time she quarreled with Yang Muyan, it was also because of Ji Bo.

As a matter of fact, Jilli died miserably, and Jibo was not happy. Although he hates Jili and sometimes wants to strangle her, it doesn't mean that others can bully and humiliate her at will!

He is not sure if he can kill Yang Muyan, but he always has to try.

Jibo called Jing Yichen and asked him for help.

They all belong to the same camp and share a common enemy. Cooperation is necessary.

Jing Yichen told Jibo all the information he found about Yang Muyan, and then gave him an address.

Jibo deliberately chooses the time of day and goes to Yang Muyan - the day is better for him, and the night is better for Yang Muyan.

Yang Muyan saw Ji Bo, a little surprised on his face.

"Jibo, how dare you come to see me alone? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?"

She took a lot of medicine to protect her voice. Today, she can make a little voice. Although she is hoarse and ugly, she can speak.

Jibo didn't know that Yang Muyan had undergone plastic surgery. She was surprised to see her face, but only listening to the voice could confirm that it was Yang Muyan. No doubt, other people had no such bad voice except her.

"Yang Muyan, I want to divorce you."

Yang Muyan's side, there are more than a dozen bodyguards to protect, today to kill her, as difficult as heaven.

Jibo said that he had made up a good excuse before he came, standing there quietly, thinking about countermeasures.

"Divorce? Are you sure you're here to divorce me, not to kill me? Hum, you have become more bold now. Who gave you the courage? Jingyichen? Or the so-called politicians of the Ji family who are not in a good mood? "

Yang Muyan tells us the real purpose of Jibo. To lie in front of her is to seek death!

Jibo was exposed by her true purpose, there is a moment of panic, but he soon calm down.

He didn't come alone today.

He brought enough people to protect himself even if he could not kill Yang Muyan.

"You killed my cousin, don't you die?"

Jibo thought of jilili's tragedy, the anger in his heart could not be contained at all.

If you kill her, you will not let her die happily. You must torture her to pieces. How can there be such a vicious woman in this world!

And he even once cooperated with the devil, even married her!It's a great life for him to live to this day!

"Ha ha ha ha!" Yang Muyan's twisted laugh was hoarse and cruel, as if from hell.

"Kill your cousin? I don't want to kill your cousin. I will kill all the people in your Ji family one by one! "

Ji Bo smell speech facial expression a change, sharp voice way: "Yang Muyan, you don't too much! The Ji family has no injustice or hatred with you. I helped you when you needed help most. If the Ji family didn't protect you, you might have been killed by jingyichen! That's how you repay me? "

He knows that Yang Muyan is not joking at all, nor is he deliberately threatening him. She really can say it and do it! Life in her eyes, nothing!

"Oh, in that case, you can live! All the others are going to die! "

Yang Muyan stood up, stepped on the beautiful golden high-heeled shoes, and walked to the Jibo side.

"After all, you are still my husband in name. If you die, am I not a widow? Moreover, if all the Ji family members are dead, I may not be able to get your family property. It's more useful to me if you're still alive! "

The Ji family is a big family. Many assets must be in the hands of the heirs. Except for the heirs who know what assets are and how to use them, others don't know.

Including Jishi group, a company with hundreds of billions of assets, the assets of Jijia are not so easy to swallow. Yang Muyan may get a small part of the assets on the surface, but she certainly can't get the larger invisible assets.

Just like the Yang family, what jingzhongxiu destroyed was only Yang Jiaming's assets. No one knew how many invisible assets there were and how to obtain them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!