Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 690

Mu Qing got up to put on her clothes, took out a pistol from a dark room under the bed, then pulled up Yang Muyan, who was unconscious, opened the door and went out.

"Don't move! If anyone moves, I'll kill her now

Mu Qing put the gun against Yang Muyan's forehead and said coldly to everyone.

Yang Muyan seems to be asleep, soft against the body of Mu Qing, obedient like a cat who is only allowed to be slaughtered.

These bodyguards are carefully selected by Yang Muyan. They have been with her for a long time. They are all very loyal to her. Now, seeing MuQing holding a gun at her, they all dare not move.

Only the leader seems to have been instructed by Yang Muyan for a long time. He stepped forward and waved to all the people and said, "everybody go out!"

After listening to his words, the crowd did not hesitate, and soon all withdrew.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed a trace of color, and the doubts in his heart rose again.

In terms of mental devices, Mu Qing thinks that he is not Yang Muyan's opponent. He is only good at medical skills, not good at intrigue. Yang Muyan's design today is certainly for a reason!

The head of the bodyguard who left behind did not seem to worry about Yang Muyan's situation at all. He just stared at Mu Qing coldly and said, "you let our young lady wake up, I will take her away, and I will not embarrass you. Otherwise, you'll wait for your woman's body to be collected! "

Mu Qing today gave Yang Muyan a total of six silver needles, he quietly pushed one of them into her body, and then pulled out five silver needles.

After a while, Yang Muyan woke up slowly.

Mu Qing pushed her to the bodyguard: "you can go! The next time I see you, I will not be so good to talk about. Besides, if my woman has any mistakes, you will die later

In fact, he not only worried about the safety of Zhao An'an, but also worried about the safety of Zheng Lun.

Yang Muyan can kill Ji Lili without any scruples. If she really wants to kill Zhao An'an or Zheng Lun, she won't have much difficulty. No matter how tight the protection is, she can try her best to reach in.

She can quietly poison Zheng Lun, and Zheng Jing has not found out how Zheng Lun was poisoned, which shows that she really has special means.

Yang Muyan also saw that he did not dare to kill her, so he dared to come to his home again.

However, he can't lay a dead hand on her, but there is still no problem in her body.

Does Yang Muyan think that only she can poison?

It's ridiculous. He Mu Qing is the master of poison, OK!

However, in order not to arouse Yang Muyan's suspicion, he did not dare to use too much poison. Now he will certainly not have too much reaction, and will let her live like death in the future!

Yang Muyan looks at Mu Qing's handsome face, even if Mu Qing is cold to her, she is also patient.

What you can't get is often the best.

MuQing doesn't like her, but makes her obsession with MuQing more and more deep.

Today, there are so many traces left on MuQing's body, which makes her in a good mood. MuQing stuns her, and she is not angry to say such ugly words.

"What I can't get, no one else will. Let you die I must be reluctant, but also can not let you live too moist, I have to let you know, I am the most suitable woman in the world for you! Wait, I'll surprise you! "

Yang Muyan silent with Mu Qing, Mu Qing can not understand what she is saying, but know that she is certainly not saying anything good.

Tonight's goal is achieved, Yang Muyan with his own people Shi ran left.

At this time, Zhao An'an is sitting on the bed, and then the mobile phone "Ding" rings, prompting her to have a new message.

She opened a look, impressively is Yang Muyan and Mu Qing in MuQing apartment intimate photos! MuQing's body is covered with kissing marks, and Yang Muyan lies on his body, the posture is extremely ambiguous!

Then, the mobile phone immediately received a text message: Zhao An'an, you quit, Mu Qing is my person now, anyway, you can't live long, don't drag him down. In addition, the original photos were sent by someone P. but this one tonight is not. If you don't believe it, you can go and see MuQing. His body is so hot that it's memorable!

Zhao an an read the text message, angry directly to the phone to fall!

Without saying a word, she got out of bed, put on her shoes and ran out.

Zhao's bodyguard stopped her from going out. Zhao an made a lot of noise and scolded the people who stopped her. The old lady was shocked by the loud voice.

"Ann, what are you doing so late?"

The old lady was very angry. She used to think that Zhao An'an was a girl. It's OK to pamper Zhao'an. They can indulge themselves in it.

But now, she finally found that no matter boys and girls, can't be too spoiled, otherwise, it will be too easy to make trouble.

Mu Qing specially told Zhao an not to run outside today. Jingyichen also called specially and said that she was optimistic about Zhao An'an, but she insisted on going out."Grandma, I'm going to find Mu Qing! He's with other women, he's with other women, they're married

The old lady wants to slap her granddaughter now!

But she was reluctant to fight after all. She just said in an extremely indifferent voice: "Ann, is that what I taught you?! How many times have I asked you whether to marry Mu Qing? What is your answer? Say it

Zhao an kept a stiff face and did not speak.

"Well, you don't say that, do you? Now I'll ask you again, will you marry Mu Qing

Zhao an's eyes were full of tears, but she was stubborn and refused to let them fall. She tried her best to force back the tears and yelled: "no marriage! He doesn't know anything about other women. Of course I won't marry him

"Since you don't marry, what qualifications do you have to take care of who they marry! Who is he good with? What does it have to do with you! Go back and reflect on yourself. You are not allowed to go anywhere these days! "

"I don't care! If I don't marry him, I'll ask him to understand. If I die, I'll be an understanding ghost. "

"Shut up!" The old lady's voice is fierce, she is most taboo Zhao an said "death", think this is very unlucky.

She said to one of the Zhao family's bodyguards who specially protect Zhao An'an: "knock the young lady unconscious and send her back to her room! You're on guard outside her house, and she's not allowed to go anywhere! "

The bodyguard said "yes" in a low voice, and then said "offend, Miss" to Zhao An'an, and quickly cut Zhao An'an's neck with one hand.

Before Zhao an could resist, he fainted directly.

Old Mrs. Zhao shook her head. She was distressed and helpless. She waved to the bodyguard and asked him to take Zhao An'an in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!