Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 689

Zheng Jing laughed bitterly: "I am the criminal police, not the Civil Affairs Bureau. You belong to the category of divorce. I can't operate it here. You can only go to Jing Shao. He must have a way. "

Yang Muyan and MuQing register this kind of thing, it must be that she found someone to register for MuQing. This kind of thing is very simple. As long as we have a good relationship with the Civil Affairs Bureau, they will not check it more strictly.

In addition, with Yang Muyan's ruthlessness, she is likely to use the most drastic means to force the people of the Civil Affairs Bureau to register their marriage for them, regardless of who she married and how many times she married.

Hang up the phone, Mu Qing's mood is still very bad.

He hates Yang Muyan now. Even if he dissolves his marriage, he will be divorced once!

The feeling of forced marriage and divorce makes Mu Qing feel depressed and uncomfortable. The only person he wants to get a certificate is Zhao An'an. How can he get a certificate from Yang Muyan!

Fortunately, this kind of marriage has no practical significance. He has never promised Yang Muyan, nor has he ever seen Yang Muyan. The red marriage certificate is not counted at all.

Mu Qing took a moment to call jingyichen.

He outlined the matter and asked him for help.

Ten minutes after hanging up the phone, Jing Yichen sent him a message: it's settled, not a divorce, and the marriage record has been eliminated.

What he meant was that he directly erased Mu Qing's marriage record. In the system of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he could not find anything that he had registered with Yang Muyan.

That's good! This is the best!

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

If the word "divorce" was written in his profile, he would be disgusted to death.

Jing Yichen not only works efficiently, but also works perfectly.

Mu Qing's sincere gratitude and admiration.

This night, I don't know how he did it. It's estimated that someone had intruded into the system of the Civil Affairs Bureau and changed the data in it.

He came here today full of hope. He wanted to have a good talk with Zhao An'an, but ended up unhappy and came back disappointed.

He returned home a little tired, as soon as he turned on the light, he found Yang Muyan sitting in his living room again!

Mu Qingqi almost ran away!

However, Yang Muyan did not come alone today.

In the living room, in addition to her, there were more than a dozen bodyguards in black, all of them looked ferocious, and all of them were holding guns. More than a dozen Black Muzzles pointed to MuQing.

Mu Qing saw Yang Muyan's face, and all the blood gushed up to his head. If he hadn't been wary of having so many guns facing him, he would have rushed straight up and killed Yang Muyan!

"What are you doing again?! Get out of here! I don't want to see you. If you dare to come in again in the future, I will poison your family and poison you! "

Today, Yang Muyan is wearing a white dress and long hair. She is sitting on the sofa elegantly. There is a cup of steaming coffee in front of her. I don't know whether she bought it from outside or brewed it in MuQing.

She did not seem to take Mu Qing's words seriously. She took a sip of coffee gracefully, then raised her face to look at MuQing and pointed to her throat.

Wood green this just remembers, Yang Mu smoke by his cup of medicine to pour down, now has lost voice.

A tall and powerful man behind Yang Muyan opened his mouth and said, "my miss's voice is hoarse. You should prescribe medicine to cure her voice! Otherwise, we'll blow your brains out

Mu Qing sneers, cure her throat?!

Don't say that he can't cure it. Even if he can, he won't cure her!

"I can't cure your throat. You can talk in a few days. Bear with it! I broke your voice, you let me marry you once, we are even

If the hero doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, MuQing will not be so stupid as to fight against the dozen people with guns.

He can knock down a few with silver needles and medicine, but a dozen of them can't be completely knocked down. Moreover, he doesn't know whether there are other bodyguards hidden around, so he can't act rashly.

Yang Muyan silent smile, beautiful face can not see a trace of anger, only the evil in her eyes revealed her heart cruel.

She patted her hand gently, then four men came forward, pressed MuQing, and tied his hand.

"Yang Muyan, what are you going to do?"

Mu Qing's handsome face suddenly turned red. He was completely angry.

Four strong men lifted him up without ceremony, then went into his bedroom and threw him on the bed.

Yang Muyan then followed in, she waved, and the four men went out quietly.

She showed a strange smile toward MuQing, then kicked off her shoes and went to bed, and the whole person was lying on MuQing's body.

She licked her lips, her slender white fingers turned slightly, and began to untie MuQing's buttons.

Although she looks beautiful, although she has a good figure, but Mu Qing was touched by her, her whole body has a layer of goose bumps, how disgusting and how disgusting.Originally touched by the person he disliked, his disgust was so strong!

Soon, Mu Qing's coat was taken off by Yang Muyan, but his two hands were tied, and his clothes could not be taken off.

Yang Muyan also didn't take off again, she looked at Mu Qing's strong chest, the corner of her lips picked up a trace of smile, then lowered her head and bit it.

She bit very hard, MuQing's neck, chest, stomach, she soon bit the skin, leaving a row of clear and ambiguous tooth marks.

Mu Qing suddenly understood what she was going to do!

He was startled and angry. After struggling to get rid of the rope, he immediately took a silver needle from under the pillow and pricked it on Yang Muyan's body.

Yang Muyan seemed to have expected that he would make her dizzy. She closed her eyes calmly and fell asleep.

Mu Qing looks at his whole body's kiss mark, can't help but smile bitterly.

If these traces are seen by Zhao An'an, she must have misunderstood them again!

However, Mu Qing doesn't think Zhao An'an will come to him. First, she should be sulking now. Second, Mrs. Zhao won't let her go out easily.

He frowned slightly and looked at Yang Muyan, who had fallen asleep on the bed. His doubts became more and more serious.

This wily woman, will not come up with any vicious idea?

Otherwise, she could not have bitten him intentionally today, leaving so many ambiguous traces.

Now these things are not the focus, the key is how to solve Yang Muyan and a dozen people outside!

It's not a good thing that Yang Muyan always runs to him. This woman is a madman and can do everything. If one day he carelessly follows her way and has something wrong with her, how can he face Zhao An'an! , the fastest update of the webnovel!