Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 674

Zheng Jing is a criminal policeman. He is very experienced in dealing with sensors, explosives and other things. After seeing the sensors in Yang Muyan's fingernails, he did not move. He checked her body again and again, holding a detector in his hand, and repeatedly swept her body.

When the detector scanned her left chest, it gave out a beep.

Zheng Jing frowned and looked at a large number of data displayed on the detector, and then said with some solemnity: "four micro sensors are implanted into Yang Muyan's left chest, which can reflect her physical condition in real time. Once she is in danger, the instrument connected to the sensor will definitely fluctuate."

Mu Qing forehead immediately exudes fine sweat, he some anxious way: "that she now this appearance can pass out?"

Where did Yang Muyan get this kind of high-tech thing, and also implanted in his chest!? Crazy enough!

In case Yang Muyan's person receives the signal, how to do to the disadvantage of Zhao An'an?

Looking at Yang Muyan, Zheng Jing said in a low voice: "the sensor in her body should be the latest research and development, and I have never seen it before. However, I guess as long as her physical condition does not change greatly, there should be no problem. Did you give her the needle? "

Mu Qing nodded: "yes, she said before that if she had any accident, An'an would be killed there, so I just let her go to sleep and didn't hurt her."

Zheng Jing was relieved: "then it should be OK."

Jingyichen stood on one side and suddenly said faintly, "MuQing, let her wake up and ask her, in addition to Zhao An'an, she also controls who."

Mu Qing and Zheng Jing were all stunned.

What do you mean? Is Yang Muyan still pinching other people's lives?!

Jing Yichen is not sure. He just knows Yang Muyan's character better than them. She can't dare to find Mu Qing alone just by controlling Zhao An'an!

Although she likes MuQing and wants him very much, she is far from being confused by love!

Or, in fact, her feelings for Mu Qing are not love, but just possession.

Yang Muyan's paranoia is very similar to that of Tang shunian. The only difference is that Yang Muyan's IQ and EQ are higher than that of Tang shunian, and he is better at scheming than Tang shunian.

Mu Qing quickly took out the silver needle from the back of Yang Muyan's head, then reached out and patted her face to wake her up.

Yang Muyan woke up and saw three more men in front of her. She was not surprised. Her face was still calm.

But she was very angry at the moment, because she hated other men except MuQing to see her body!

Although she was very angry, there was no sign of shyness on her face.

She calmly got up, picked up the underwear on the ground, put it on slowly, and then picked up her skirt to put it on. When she was ready, she said in a grim voice: "MuQing, I've been seen all over by them tonight. Tomorrow, Zhao An'an will be enjoyed by several people in turn! I do what I say

Her voice is still hoarse and ugly, coupled with her grim expression, let Mu Qing fight a cold shiver in the heart.

Mu Qing pressed down the uneasiness in the bottom of her heart and looked at her in disgust, and said with disdain: "how good-looking do you think you are? Look at you, we still feel dirty eyes

Yang Muyan was turned pale by his words, but she was a master of controlling emotions, and her expression soon returned to normal.

She sat down on the sofa, a queen's approach posture, arrogant way: "very good, so soon all come together, it seems that I am very important in your heart, I have not killed people for a long time, today, who should start? Or do you want to kill all four of you? "

Jingyichen looked at her from a commanding position and said coldly: "you have any cards to say it, or you will not be able to speak after a while."

He is really moved to kill Yang Muyan, today's such a good opportunity, if let go, later find Yang Muyan will be more difficult.

Yang Muyan smiles and claps her hands gently. It seems that she is clapping for jingyichen: "I just like to talk to smart people like you. It saves time and effort."

She glanced at Mu Qing's ugly face and said faintly, "I'm here today. I want MuQing. If I get him, then nothing will happen. If you don't get it, the people around you, one by one, will die! "

She suddenly turned her eyes to Zheng Jing: "officer Zheng, how is your sister? Did she cough a little yesterday? In fact, her voice has been suffering for many days, but she has not told you. Oh, it's really brother and sister's deep love. She has been carrying it all by herself when she is ill, for fear that she will worry you if she says it out! "

Zheng Jing, who was originally sitting on the sofa, stood up and said in a sharp voice, "what have you done to my sister?"

Zheng Lun didn't have a cough at all yesterday, but a bad cough. She didn't know what was going on. She just thought she had a cold and didn't take it seriously.It turns out that this is the ghost of Yang Muyan!

Zheng Jing only felt that all the blood gushed to his head, and the anger in his heart almost made him want to kill Yang Muyan!

"Oh, don't be nervous. She won't die yet." Yang Muyan turned a blind eye to his anger and said faintly, "however, in a few days, her voice will become the same as me. It's very nice to hear, just like crows crow! Ha ha ha... "

She ha ha a smile, that voice is coarse and ugly, really like she said, like crow crow.

"Dare you! I'll kill you

Zheng Lun is a taboo that can not be touched in Zheng Jing's heart. If anyone hurt her, he will give back ten times a hundred times.

"Oh, don't be so excited. I haven't finished. In a week, her voice will become the same as mine, but it's too cheap for her. Can I be such a kind person?"

Yang Muyan's lips rose slightly, showing a cruel smile: "of course, I am not a kind person, my purpose is to make her become a mute! I'll never make any sound in my life

Zheng Jing's whole face has changed color. His black eyes are burning with fury, which makes him lose his sense. He will kick Yang Muyan's body.

Mu Qing hugged him in a hurry and called out: "Zheng Jing, don't be impulsive!"

Yang Muyan sat steadily on the sofa, holding an elegant posture, even did not move, as if she was determined that Zheng Jing did not dare to do anything to her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!