Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 673

Yang Muyan's body is indeed very beautiful. She has a well-balanced body, without a trace of flesh all over her body. Her chest is plump, her buttocks are round, her waist is slender, and her snow-white skin makes her proud.

If it's another man, I'm sure I can't help staring at her nearly perfect body greedily, and even will roar at her and turn her into her own woman.

Unfortunately, she met Mu Qing.

In his eyes, in addition to Zhao An'an, there are no women?

Mu Qing's eyes were clear and without any emotion. He looked up and down at Yang Muyan, and then sneered: "I've seen a lot of women's bodies, and you have so many body defects. Do you want to seduce me? Chest shape is also ugly, and sagging so much, I advise you to do a breast augmentation surgery first! "

Yang Muyan eyebrows slightly a wrinkle, looked at his chest, light way: "you are in the egg pick bone just."

She said, then kicked off the high-heeled shoes, red Luo body, regardless of the embrace wood green.

She exhaled in Mu Qing's ear: "I dream of you every day. I dream that you hold me. Now I am finally in your arms. Hold me to bed. I want you!"

"Get out of here!" Mu Qing is indifferent and indifferent to the cold drink.

Yang Muyan suddenly laughs happily and incomparably, but the delicate facial features are slightly distorted because of this laugh, which makes people feel unspeakable terror.

"Today, I must get you, if not, Zhao An'an will not see the sun tomorrow!"

Mu Qing's expression coagulates, has not spoken for a long time.

"Have you decided? Do you want me to save Zhao An'an's life, or don't you want me to let Zhao An'an die by the way? "

Yang Muyan's white fingers scratched in front of MuQing's chest, then slowly untied his crystal buttons.

She kept Zhao an's life, which was a correct decision.

Otherwise, MuQing will kill her as soon as she comes back.

She likes to deal with these affectionate and righteous people. The more affectionate and righteous she is, the easier she is to be trapped.

Although she hated the woman named Zhao An'an, hated her for occupying Mu Qing's heart, and tried to kill her several times, she still didn't start.

Without Zhao An'an, Mu Qing will have no scruples. Where can she be like now, standing in front of her and letting her touch!

Look, what a perfect figure! Long legs, straight and straight back, strong arm, sexy chest muscle and strong abdominal muscle, everywhere, let her indulge.

She likes MuQing, like to go crazy, even if can not get his heart, that also want to get his people first!

She hugged MuQing's neck and began to kiss him eagerly.

Mu Qing saw her take off her clothes. She was naked all over her body. There was no place to hide anything on her body. Then she stretched out her hand and patted her back.

Two silver needles, all of a sudden into the back of Yang Muyan's head.

The next moment, Yang Muyan closed his eyes, fell straight to the floor, issued a "bang" sound.

Mu Qing didn't even feel any pity for her. She let Yang Muyan lie on the cold floor without inch thread, and then took her clothes and bags and began to look for things.

This vicious woman threatened Zhao An'an's life. He was really a sick cat!

He will not touch Yang Muyan even if he dies!

Such a disgusting woman, holding him makes him want to vomit!

It's a wonderful flower. There are people who force men to go on her, madman!

Mu Qing finally understands why jingyichen is not touched at all. Once someone touches him, he will feel nauseous and vomit. When he hates others to a certain extent, he will feel unbearable for touching his skin!

He scolded Yang Muyan indignantly, and turned over her bag.

However, Yang Muyan's clothes and bags are not found suspicious things, wood green turned around, put his eyes on Yang Muyan's body.

He carefully examined Yang Muyan's body from head to toe, and finally found a micro sensor in her fancy nails.

If she wants to send a message to her subordinates and ask them to kill Zhao An'an, it is estimated that this sensor will be used.

MuQing did not use this thing. He was worried that there would be problems if he took it off rashly, so he immediately called Zheng Jing. He is an expert in this field. He has seen countless sensors and knows the uses and taboos of these things.

Zheng Jing was awakened by Mu Qing's phone, but there was no displeasure. Instead, he immediately asked him what was wrong.

Mu Qing is not the kind of person who doesn't know the importance. If you call him at 2:00 in the middle of the night, something must have happened.

Mu Qing quickly said the matter, Zheng Jing made a decision: "the sensor does not move, I will go right away!"

I called Jingmu again.

"What's the matter?"

Jingyichen's low and cold voice came over the phone. He was very sober. Obviously, he didn't fall asleep."Jingshao, Yang Muyan is here! What's more, she said that Ann has already set up people around her, and she is likely to kill her! "

Jingyichen short way: "first to retain Yang Muyan, an there to me."

Hang up the phone, jingyichen's figure soon disappeared in the night.

Half an hour later, jingyichen and a Hu came to Mu Qing's apartment. Soon, Zheng Jing also came.

Yang Muyan is still naked, eyes closed, lying unconscious on the floor.

Jing Yichen and Zheng Jing take a look at her, but neither of them has any reaction. Zheng Jing is slightly surprised at her face which is completely different. Jingyichen has known from jingyiran that Yang Muyan has undergone plastic surgery, so he is not even surprised. His face is still indifferent and has no expression.

Only ah Hu is a little shy. He thinks Yang Muyan's body is very beautiful. He has never seen such a perfect body.

Of course, that's all.

If Jing Yichen gives the order to kill Yang Muyan, he will smile with sincerity and sincerity, and then turn the beauty into a corpse without hesitation.

Ah Hu, who is simple and honest in appearance and cold in heart, doesn't have the word "cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade" in the dictionary.

What's more, ah Hu knows how cruel Yang Muyan is. At this moment, he certainly won't have any idea about her. He's embarrassed, but he just because women still have a final mystery to him - he hasn't tried what women are like.

Ah Hu stubbornly felt that he should leave his first time to his daughter-in-law.

It's amazing how these four men treat her like a piece of wood when she is lying in the living room without clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!