Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 675

"Zheng Jing, you'd better be honest now, or I'll have her tongue cut off now! You haven't tasted what it's like to kiss a woman without a tongue? I think, you will be disgusting vomit out, no longer like your sister! Ha ha ha

Yang Muyan is really a changed state. What words irritate her? Is this to force them to kill her?

Don't talk about Zheng Jing. Even Mu Qing is very angry at what Yang Muyan wants to do to Zheng Lun.

But now really can't act rashly, or Yang Muyan can really cut off Zheng Lun's tongue and head!

Yang Muyan sat there and laughed like crazy. Her voice was too ugly to hear. At the moment, she laughed, and there was no difference between crying and howling.

Such an ugly voice, coupled with her delicate and perfect face, is extremely strange and creepy.

"Tut Tut, it's really eye opening for me. Are men so infatuated now? Jingshao, I heard that you are also an infatuated person! It's a pity that you protect shangguanning so well that I can't really put my hand in it. Otherwise, I'll let her taste the taste of becoming mute

Jingyichen stares at Yang Muyan coldly and says indifferently: "don't show off. I know your tricks. It's useless for me. If Zhao an and Zheng Lun have any injury, then your injury will be 100 times as much as theirs until you die. Zhao an has nothing to do at present. As for Zheng Lun, she coughed yesterday, didn't she? "

Yang Muyan's heart suddenly felt a little uneasy, "so what is it?"

"Mu Qing, let Miss Yang have a taste of coughing too. You don't need to keep your hands. You should be able to cough and bleed."

Cough bleeding?!

What a bad cough! It means her lungs will be broken and damaged!

Mu Qing goes to Yang Muyan and quickly inserts four silver needles into different positions on her head.

"Cough, cough..."

The acupoints were strongly stimulated, causing Yang Muyan's severe cough.

She didn't expect that jingyichen didn't even care about her threat. She was not afraid that she would retaliate immediately. So she let Mu Qing start with such a crisp and neat way!

In the living room, for a time, it was all Yang Muyan's heartrending cough. Although Zheng Jing felt that he was very relieved, he could not help but worry when he calmed down.

He asks jingyichen with his eyes. Will Zheng Lun be ok?

Jing Yichen knew what he was worried about. He said faintly: "don't worry. I have sent someone to your home. However, Zheng Lun's voice must not be cured by my people. Let Mu Qing have a look at it then. "

Zheng Jing finally put his heart down.

It turns out that jingyichen had expected that Yang Muyan would deal with his family. Fortunately, fortunately!

Zheng Lun just coughed yesterday. His voice has not changed much. MuQing has excellent medical skills. He should have no big problem to cure Zheng Lun.

Mu Qing tossed Yang Muyan into coughing and felt very happy. He patted Zheng Jing on the shoulder and said, "yes, just give it to me. There are only several ways to make your voice hoarse. As long as the treatment is timely, there will be no crow voice like Yang Muyan!"

Zheng Jing also patted Mu Qing on the shoulder: "good brother!"

Three people talk about themselves, Yang Muyan almost coughed out of breath there!

She tried to pull out the silver needle on her head, but when she touched the silver needle, her head felt like a needle prick.

Mu Qing "kind hearted" remind her: "you still don't move around better, my silver needle is not everyone can touch, in case you become a vegetable because of this, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Yang Muyan did not dare to move, but the severe cough made her very painful. After a while, her voice was completely hoarse: "stop Stop Stop... "

She said "stop" intermittently, but jingyichen still stood in front of her, looking at her from a commanding position, until she really coughed blood, and then motioned to Mu Qing to pull out the silver needle.

The silver needle pulled out, and the cough gradually stopped, and Yang Muyan's voice was dumb and speechless. Her beautiful blue dress was covered with blood stains because of her cough.

She grabs MuQing from the table and drinks the remaining half of the water and drinks it in one breath.

But drinking water could not relieve the burning sensation caused by the fierce cough. Her throat was still very uncomfortable, and her tears fell down.

This extremely painful voice made her think of the day when the Yang family was destroyed by Jing Zhongxiu.

The luxurious villas of the Yang family collapsed one after another, and the explosions were so loud that people could not hear any other sound at all.

The big fire was burning, and it took her a lot of effort to get out of the fire and run into the secret passage.

She will never forget that the choking fireworks burst into her throat, giving her a sense of suffocation and needle pricking pain.

On that day, her voice became hoarse and rough, just like a ghost!

She was filled with hatred and vowed to let everyone in the Jing family suffer and annihilate the ashes of the family!And now, she has the urge to destroy everyone!

Jingyichen or ZHENGJING, including MuQing, will be destroyed! Although she likes MuQing, since she can't get it, other women can't get it!

"You All to die! I will take you Kill one by one

Yang Muyan looks ferocious, and there is no trace of elegance and calm on her beautiful face.

She wanted to scream and roar, but her voice was hoarse. People could only see her mouth opening and closing, but could not hear what she was saying.

Jingyichen knows lip language. He understands it.

"Jingshao, what is this woman talking about?" Mu Qing is a little worried. Although Yang Muyan's voice is terrible, it still has a sound. At this moment, even the voice is gone. It's like watching a silent film. It's too uncomfortable.

Zheng Jing also looked at jingyichen with questioning eyes. He knew that jingyichen knew lip language.

Jingyichen said faintly: "it's OK, she is just dreaming. MuQing, do you have a way to make her voice temporarily? "

Mu Qing thought for a moment and said, "yes!"

With that, he turned around and went to the medicine room at home. After a while, he came out with a cup of light brown medicine.

He put the potion in front of Yang Muyan: "drink it, drink your throat, and you can talk for a while."

How can Yang Muyan drink? Who knows what medicine will be added in this glass of water? Will it kill her or will she become dumb forever!

Mu Qing saw that she refused to drink, without saying a word, squeezed her mouth and directly poured it in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!