Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 672

He just promised Zhao an an that he would never let other women come. As a result, there was a goblin in the evening! This makes Mu Qing very angry.

Yang Muyan, however, looked as if he had not seen Mu Qing's anger. He folded his long legs and said lazily, "Oh, this key is from Zhao An'an. She's so stupid that it's very easy to get a key from her. "

She said, saw wood green forehead blue veins burst up, angry as if to eat people, she slightly shook her head: "you don't be so fierce, this will affect your handsome, I don't like it."

"What's more, I can only have your key in this house. No other woman is allowed to have it. Except I can come in, no other woman can come in. Otherwise, there will be only one end - death!"

Mu Qing was all white with her angry face. "This is my home, not your home, who can come in, I has the final say. Give me the key. Get out of here! What's more, you are not allowed to provoke Zhao An'an in the future, otherwise there is only one end, death! "

He didn't know how Yang Muyan got the key from Zhao An'an. Today, Zheng Jing and his people were following Zhao An'an all day. According to reason, Yang Muyan should not have the opportunity to start his own business!

She can take away the key in Zhao An'an's bag, which shows that she has enough strength to kill Zhao An'an quietly!

At the thought of this possibility, Mu Qing's back suddenly burst into a cold sweat!

He had a sharp voice and a fierce look, and he no longer had the usual sunshine.

When it comes to Zhao an's personal safety, where can he have a little good temper!

Tomorrow, he must let jingyichen send more people to protect Zhao An'an!

"Oh, really? Are you sure this is your home? "

Yang Muyan gave a cold smile, reached out from his sky blue baby to take out a house property certificate, and then swayed toward the wood green: "have a look, who is this house now?"

Mu Qing went to her side, holding back the anger, picked up the brand-new real estate certificate, opened a look, the address of the house is no doubt his house, but the name of the householder's column is: Yang Muyan!

This is clearly his house. When did it become Yang Muyan's?!

Wood green "bang" of a house property certificate to the ground, angry way: "Yang Muyan, you are too much! This is my house. Don't try to move the house a little bit! You're playing dirty, right? Then let's try, who can play who! "

When Yang Muyan is facing others, she is usually cruel and irritable. However, she shows a good temper to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing threw her house property certificate, and she was not angry at all, but said softly: "is not mine yours? I spent a lot of effort to transfer the house. I just want to tell you that I can get everything I want. I don't take it because it's not rare. I'm not short of money, I just need a man like you

Even with a beautiful face, say this, Mu Qing still feel that Yang Muyan really makes him sick!

He has never seen such a shameless woman!

Over the years, there are many women who pursue him, and some of them will be entangled. But after he gives a cold face, they will generally retreat. Women are generally thin skinned, and they will not continue to sway in front of him without face or skin after being rejected.

Only Yang Muyan, who used to be ugly and earth shaking, released "heroic words" and insisted on marrying him. Now that she has married Jibo, she still wants to marry him. It's endless!

"Miss Yang, I think you have made a mistake. I have nothing to do with you. Mine is mine and yours is yours. Please don't disturb my life in the future. You are a married woman. You come to my house in the middle of the night. I'll say it for the last time. I don't like you. Please respect yourself

Yang Muyan suddenly stood up and walked in front of Mu Qing. A beautiful face almost stuck to Mu Qing's face. He was scared to take two steps back: "what are you doing? Stay away from me

Yang Muyan did not have any expression on his face, but asked lightly, "is my skirt beautiful?"

Her skirt is fresh water blue, which is MuQing's favorite color. Zhao An'an may not know what color MuQing likes best, but Yang Muyan remembers clearly.

Mu Qing didn't know what she suddenly said. He frowned and looked at Yang Muyan coldly without saying a word.

Yang Muyan seems to have no need for him to answer. She said to herself, "don't you want to take off my skirt and see what my body looks like? I am very beautiful, and my Luo body has not been seen by a man, let alone touched, I have always kept it for you. Come and take off my skirt and take me to bed, and I'll be your woman, and then we'll have a relationship

Mu Qing couldn't bear it: "neuropathy! Yang Muyan, are you sick! Get out of here. If you don't go out again, you will never go out again in your life! "

"Oh, you want to kill me?"

Yang Muyan said, elegant gesture opened the side zipper of the dress, and then, the skirt directly slipped to the ground, revealing her white body.Wearing only her light blue underwear, she went to Mu Qing and said, "if you want to kill me, just come. Anyway, if I die, Zhao an will bury me with me. Even if she doesn't go out all her life and stays in the villa like Zhao's fortress, I have a way to kill her. My people have already laid an ambush, waiting for me to die. Come on, kill it. I'm glad to die in your hands. "

The silver needle in Mu Qing's hand almost can't help but prick to Yang Muyan's body!

As long as it goes down, Yang Muyan will die in an instant!

However, Mu Qing can't stick it down. He doesn't know whether Yang Muyan's words are true. In case her people have been ambushed, Zhao An'an may be in danger of life if he goes down this needle.

He can't risk Zhao an's life. He would rather let Yang Muyan go for a while, and then discuss with jingyichen to deal with her.

As for Yang Muyan's alluring Luo body, MuQing is totally unmoved.

He is a doctor and a woman's body. He can't be more familiar with what a perfect body he has seen. Now he has no interest in Yang Muyan's body.

Yang Muyan thinks that she knows men very well. She doesn't believe that Mu Qing is indifferent to her body.

She reached out to unbutton her underwear, revealing a pair of snow-white and plump jade rabbits. Under the dim light at night, she was particularly charming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!