Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 669

Zhao an ran out of MuQing's apartment like a gust of wind. Another gust of wind ran in front of Zheng Jing. He didn't find Zheng Jing at all.

Zheng Jing saw that she ran away without a shadow, and hurriedly limped after her.

The two men spent more than an hour at home, causing him to wait downstairs for so long that his legs were numb.

I don't know what kind of good thing MuQing has done. Zhao an is so thick skinned. Now he has a shallow flush on his face.

Zheng Jing felt that he was very hard-working. Although the young couple had been fighting and making trouble all the time, he was actually very happy in his small life. He became Zhao an's full-time bodyguard. He had just been in the sun for more than an hour. He was sweating and his belly was cooing with hunger.

He ran after Zhao An'an and called out, "An'an, wait for me!"

Zhao an looked back in surprise: "Zheng Jing?"

How often have they met each other recently?

"Why are you here?"

In order to prevent Zhao An'an from suspecting, Zheng Jing preemptively opened questions.

Sure enough, Zhao An'an had doubts about why Zheng Jing was here. When he asked him, he was so guilty that he couldn't keep up with him.

"Well, I That is Come out and take a walk

Zheng Jing raised his eyebrows: "it's a hot day. Are you too casual? Not afraid of heatstroke


It seems that this excuse is really not very good.

But who is Zhao an? She won't change her temper and really reason with Zheng Jing.

"Why, I'm heatstroke, I'd love to! Does it have anything to do with you? Stay away from me, keep out of the wind

She said, and then she left. She didn't mean to chat with Zheng Jing at all. She was so sticky that she just wanted to go home to have a bath and change her clothes.

Zheng Jing used his mace: "An'an, I'll treat you to dinner."

He shook his wallet: "I have a lot of money with me today."

Zhao an turned and walked back, looking at Zheng Jing suspiciously.

Ah, it's funny that she's still promising! It's true that money makes the mare go. "

"Officer Zheng, you are very suspicious today! Say it! Are you following me? "

Zheng Jing's heart jumped, but he asked: "why should I follow you?"

"You didn't follow me. Why can I see you everywhere? Just now I forgot to ask, what are you doing here? " Zhao an looks like he is going to arrest the thief, and he is vicious.

If Zheng Jing can be scared by her, then his criminal police can be done in vain!

His face was baffled, and his acting skills exploded: "I'm looking for Mu Qing's!"

"What are you going to do with me Hum, liar, she just came out of MuQing's house. MuQing has been with her all the time. When did she mention Zheng Jing?

"Yes, I had a lunch appointment with him yesterday, but he just sent me a text message telling me that he would have an operation and could not have lunch with me. It's strange that I didn't pay attention to the operation again

Zhao an suddenly felt guilty.

If this is the case, Mu Qing must be because she did not see Zheng Jing, but also said that he had surgery to do.

What kind of operation does he have? He has just been sleeping at home!

"That Well, you've passed the test! "

Zhao an waves and prepares to leave.

Zheng Jing was surprised: "I didn't have lunch. Won't you go with me?"

Isn't Zhao an always open to money? Don't you always like to eat?

Why did the wind change today?

"No, no, I'm going home! You are not allowed to follow me. Get out of here

With that, she reached out and stopped a taxi.

Zheng Jing was a little uncomfortable with Zhao an, who was not greedy for money. He stood there in amazement and didn't know how to proceed with the next step.

All of a sudden, the purse in his hand was snatched away.

With a smile, Zhao an grabbed her purse and got into the taxi. Then she yelled, "master, drive quickly!"

When the taxi ran more than ten meters away, Zhao An'an suddenly poked out his head again, threw the empty wallet on the ground, laughed and yelled, "Hello, officer Zheng, return your wallet! Remember to bring more cash next time

Zheng Jing is about to be vomited by her!

He said, "why didn't Zhao an steal money today? He found a new way to steal money."!

Zheng Jing walked forward for more than ten meters, picked up his wallet, opened it and found that there was no more than 1000 yuan left today, which was all taken away by Zhao An'an!

Fortunately, I left him two yuan to take the bus. Today, I didn't even save the bus money!Zheng Jing is angry. Even if he wants to follow Zhao An'an, he has no money to take a taxi.

He had to call one of his men and tell him the license plate number of the taxi just now, so that his subordinates can drive and stare at them first, so as to avoid Zhao An'an any more mistakes.

He had to eat something to have the strength to spend with that little girl!

Zheng Jing turned back to MuQing's apartment, went up to the 11th floor, and knocked on the door of MuQing: "I've been robbed of all my money by your woman. I'm here to eat! By the way, I'll settle the account with you. She robbed me of ten thousand yuan in half a month. You should pay for it quickly! At the same time, in order to prevent her from robbing me in the future, I have to pay another 10000 yuan in advance! Twenty thousand in all. Be quick. Take the money

Mu Qing thought it was Zhao An'an who had gone and returned. He came to open the door happily. As soon as he opened the door, he was actually Zheng Jing, and he wanted to ask for debts!

He was very unhappy: "not serious, give your sister-in-law some money to spend even? mean! Or is it not a brother? "

"Brother, you should settle your account clearly, not to mention we are not brothers. Don't be wordy and get the money quickly. I still have more than ten days to pay my salary this month. If you don't give me the money, I'll have to drink from the north and the West! "

Mu Qing glared at him fiercely, but still took 20000 yuan from the drawer and handed it to Zheng Jing: "if An'an is short of money, you should give her more, and you can ask me to pay for it!"

"Forget it, I don't dare to give more. About 1000 is OK. This price can only buy domestic flights, not international ones. If she takes the money and goes abroad again, you must eat me

The two brothers were noisy and had a simple lunch together. Then they parted ways. Zheng Jing continued to protect Zhao An'an, while Mu Qing went to the hospital.

When he returned to the hospital in the afternoon, he heard the doctor and nurse call him "Dean Mu". Mu Qing knew that he was the president of the hospital again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!