Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 668

Zhao an is as calm as beating a drum. Mu Qing has never been so good at adjusting emotions before. When did he learn this? Too bad!

She grabbed a pillow and smashed it towards MuQing. MuQing said "ouch" and immediately hid behind.

"Do you really don't have to change your underwear? It must be wet and uncomfortable. I'd better change it! "

Zhao An'an smashed the pillow even more: "shut up

Zhao an finally didn't change his underwear, took his bag and ran away in a hurry, regardless of MuQing's pitiful retention.

I don't know whether Mu Qing forgot or Zhao An'an forgot. In any case, neither of them proposed to return the key to his house, as if the key was not important at all.

Without Zhao an's figure, her voice and her breath, the family suddenly became empty.

Mu Qing felt a little uncomfortable, turned to see Zhao an's gift box on the living room table, and was happy again.

Zhao An'an has grown up a lot recently. He even knows how to bring gifts to his home!

What a surprise!

Mu Qing opened the gift box full of hope. When she saw the contents, her smile froze immediately.

What the hell is this?!

This is obviously an old man's suit! Not only is it not his favorite color and style, but it's not his size at all! He is 1.83 meters tall, and his clothes are for people of 1.73 meters at most!

He thought that Zhao an had left a letter for himself before. He thought it was a love letter, but now it seems that it is not!

Mu Qing picked up the paper towel from the ground and saw it read: This is the clothes I owe to Mr. mu. Please help me pass it on to him. When you give it to him, you should remind him that you are the dean.

Mu Qing is confused by Zhao An'an. What is this?

When did she owe her grandfather's clothes?

What does it have to do with him being a dean?

Zhao Bai'an knows how to buy a gift for him.

However, we also know that Zhao An'an didn't buy the clothes himself. It must have been carefully prepared by the housekeeper of the Zhao family. This style, size, color and texture are all the types that the old man likes. Zhao An'an can't be so careful and know that Mu Wensheng's happiness is so clear.

Mu Qing was depressed for a while, but she was happy again. Anyway, Zhao An'an knew that it was a good thing to give the old man clothes as a gift!

Before he was happy, he received a phone call from Mu Wensheng.

Mu Qing is a little surprised. Why did he call when he just thought of Mu Wensheng?

"Hello, grandfather. What can I do for you?"

On the phone, Mu asked in a voice full of anger: "I can't call you if it's ok? You've been flirting with that smelly girl all day long. Have you taken me an old man seriously

"Where can it be?" Mu Qing quickly made up her smile and responded very quickly: "I'm not seizing the time to marry you a granddaughter-in-law. If you don't flirt, how can people nod?"

"OK, then give me a letter. Don't look back. I'm in the coffin. Your daughter-in-law hasn't married home yet."

There's no guarantee of this!

Hehe, you are not a man who has broken the record of longevity? The coffin won't work! But I've got a new suit here. You can use it. It must be comfortable. Do you want it? "

Wood asks raw cold hum a, angry way: "hum, Zhao family that stinky wench gives?"

Mu Qing opened her eyes in surprise: "how do you know?"

"Oh, she just asked you to give me the clothes, but she didn't say why she gave me clothes?"

"She said it owed you."

"Don't you owe me that?"

The old man's tone was not good. When he thought of yesterday's incident, he was very angry: "this unfortunate child, I had to let me promise you to be the Dean yesterday. I don't know who she heard. She thought you were abandoned by the wooden family, so he begged me not to give up you. She didn't do anything about it. If I didn't agree, I tore my clothes and threw me away! "


And that kind of thing!

Why didn't Zhao an say anything today? She's really changed. She can hide her words. It's really hard for her.

But He didn't see the spectacular scene yesterday! It's a pity that we don't have much time to see the old man eat flat!

Zhao an was able to do such a thing. Other people were absolutely respectful to the old man, for fear of offending him. She was careless and careless. It was normal to tear the clothes of raw wood.

"That's the new clothes your aunt just made for me. It's so bad that I didn't sleep all night!"

Mu Qing wanted to laugh but did not dare to smile. He endured very hard. He could imagine the ugly face of the old man yesterday. I'm afraid he was very angry. He couldn't beat or scold Zhao An'an."Well, don't be angry. She brought you a better set today, and I'll send it back to you tomorrow!"

Wood asked cold hum, disdain to say that he did not want Zhao an sent clothes, all the clothes are not as good as his daughter-in-law to measure his own hand to do!

"After all, you didn't like her in vain, and you knew how to plead with me and let you go back to be the Dean! I tried to embarrass her yesterday. She didn't even run away. It seems that she still has some affection for you

When Mu Qing heard that Zhao An'an was made a mess by his grandfather, he was not happy: "grandfather, how can you be so old, and you can't be a little girl at such a big age. Don't you feel ashamed? I don't care. ANN is my man in the future. If you are difficult for her, you can't get along with me! "

But he knows that Mu Wensheng's ability to create difficulties is called a high one. Even jingtianyuan can't resist his poisonous tongue, let alone Zhao An'an.

He is not willing to let Zhao An'an suffer in front of the old man.

Mu Wensheng is almost pissed off by his grandson. Even a woman can't make up his mind. He has to show up. As a result, he shows up, and stinky boy still dislikes him!

It is said that women are not suitable to stay. He is a grandson who is not suitable to stay!

"You son of a bitch, you beat your grandfather for the sake of a woman! Believe it or not? It's good to say it's your person. Yesterday she said it had nothing to do with you, and said that she would never see you again! If you have the ability to marry her in, is it useful to talk with me here? "

The old man was so angry that he hung up the phone with a bang. When he hung up, he remembered that he had called Mu Qing to tell him that from today on, he was still the president of Mu's Hospital, but as a result, he forgot the business! , the fastest update of the webnovel!