Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 670

Mu Qing said hello to the doctors and nurses all the way back to his office.

Yesterday, Zhao an's plea worked so quickly that the old man really let him be the dean.

If it wasn't for Zhao An'an, it would have taken a long time for him to be the dean. Mu Wen was angry that he had thrown the hospital aside and ran to England, and was punishing him.

When Mu Tong saw him, he was relieved and said with a smile: "it can be regarded as letting me out of the bitter sea. I have returned the original to you in this hospital. Do you see, the business situation has not declined? Isn't scientific research behind? This day, I'm afraid that I can't sleep well! For such a long time, I am so tired that I have lost all my weight! "

"Brother, it's hard for you to manage the hospital well, and I'm just like that. It's no better than you! I wanted to have more leisure, but now I can't! "

In terms of hospital management, Mutong not only has less resources than MuQing, but also has less talent than MuQing. He has more than enough to keep success, but he can't achieve further development. The only thing Mu family can do is MuQing.

So Mutong was afraid of any mistakes in his management of the hospital. When he returned the hospital to Mu Qing, it would be too shameless!

He used to be round and round, but he really lost more than ten jin because of his worry during this period. The whole man looked a little handsome, and the nickname of "wooden barrel" could hardly be preserved.

He doesn't like to be a dean. He has to deal with so many things all day. He is too tired. It's better to be a doctor who specializes in treating and saving people.

It's not important for Mu Qing to be a dean.

In fact, Mutong can also run the hospital very well. Mu Qing has never wanted to take the position of the president back. Anyway, it is all Mu's hospitals, all of them are Mu's family members. It's the same who is the president.

Even if he was not the Dean, no one would dare to bully him in the hospital. All kinds of experimental equipment were used casually, and medical research projects were carried out in an orderly manner, which did not have a great impact on him. Zhao an's relationship is chaotic.

As for Zhao an's discovery that Mu Qing has not received surgery recently, it is his own request.

The research and development of tumor suppressor drugs has entered the final experimental stage, which has achieved good results in mice, and will be used in human trials in the next step.

If the test results are excellent, this will be a major breakthrough in the medical field, and he will become famous internationally.

More importantly, these drugs can save the lives of countless cancer patients and Zhao An'an.

Cancer can be treated if it is treated in time and with the most effective drugs.

Zhao An'an's first two cases were discovered in the early stage, and then the cancer cells in her body were killed after chemotherapy and drug treatment.

If it's found late and the cancer cells spread, then no drugs will work.

The same is true of MuQing's anticancer drugs, which can only be applied to patients at the initial stage, but there is no way to do it in the late stage.

Therefore, he told Zhao An'an that if something happened, he should tell him immediately that the longer the delay, the more difficult it is to cure.

The two brothers had a good relationship since childhood. They talked for a while and complained about the old man. Then they laughed and went to their own business.

MuQing has only had two operations in recent week. One is to take the bullet for the deer, and the other is to take the bullet for jingyiran. The operation of these two people was done at night, and neither of them could be known, so the relevant records could not be found on the hospital's website.

He put on sterile clothes and went to intensive care unit.

Jingyiran has not yet woken up, he is still wearing an oxygen mask, lying quietly in the hospital bed, without the wild evil spirit of the past, pale as fragile and beautiful porcelain.

Fawn is still at his side, and the whole person is a bit dull.

Now the environment is very safe. There is only a faint smell of disinfectant in the ICU. There is no blood smell.

She should be sleeping now, and another fawn should occupy her brain and body.

But no, she was still awake, and another fawn did not appear.

She guessed that it was because she was too worried about jingyiran that she did not sleep in the past.

This had never happened before, for she had never been so restless and miserable as she was now.

It wasn't until she saw the green in her eyes.

"When will he wake up?"

"I've had a similar operation before. It usually takes three to five days. There's a very small probability that I'll wake up in one day, and there's a very small probability I'll never wake up. " Mu Qing's reply is a little cautious. Although he has confidence in his own medical skills, the human brain is the most complex structure of the human body. Even if he has no mistakes in the operation, it can not guarantee that jingyiran's immune function will remain normal in the recovery process.

Jing Yiran's body is also connected with various instruments. Mu Qing checks the data of his body one by one, and then takes off the sterile gloves to check his pulse.Half an hour later, Mu Qing raised his head and comforted the fawn: "his body is still in a normal state and is recovering. Don't worry."

Fawn nodded: "OK, I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait for him to wake up."

She looks cold and clear, and there is not much pain and anxiety in her expression. Mu Qing knows that she must not feel well now, but she is not good at expressing, and she never shows her inner pain.

"You've been guarding him all the time, without rest?"

"I don't need to rest."

"Did you eat?"


"Why don't you go to sleep first, if you don't go to sleep."

"I'm fine."

"I know that you have a special constitution, and you will not have too much trouble after two or three days of boiling, but it will also damage your health. Listen to me and eat first, otherwise, how can you have enough energy to take care of him?"

Deer did not speak, but also did not move, put clearly will not listen to wood green, will guard in jingyiran side.

Mu Qing has no way to persuade the deer. He can only give up temporarily. It is estimated that she will find something to eat when she is too hungry. Besides, jingyiran should be able to wake up in a few days. The fawn has a strong constitution. Even if he doesn't eat anything and only drinks water, he can support it until then.

He looked at jingyiran and couldn't help sighing. He didn't know what luck jingyiran had taken. He was able to get into the deer's eyes and get her so dedicated care.

At present, he has not been in intensive care unit for a long time.

Then he drove to the Institute. , the fastest update of the webnovel!