Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 667

Zhao an did not deny it.

There is no denying that she loves MuQing.

Whether it is her expression and behavior, or her physiological reaction, all show to Mu Qing that she loves him.

Her hand, on Mu Qing's chest, felt his powerful heartbeat, her uncontrollable mood finally stabilized.

What's more, I don't know what's going on. Recently, the sense of panic in her heart disappeared because of Mu Qing's words.

She thought that Mu Qing would marry Mi Xiaoxiao under the pressure of Mu family.

However, today to hear Mu Qing's words, she believes that Mu Qing will not marry others.

A big stone in her heart suddenly fell, and her eagerness for MuQing finally faded.

Recently, she has been under double pressure from home and MuQing. The old lady has been forcing her to make a choice, and MuQing seems to be getting farther and farther away from her.

In fact, she was afraid of losing MuQing. She almost said that she would marry MuQing several times.

She is not sure how long she can hold on to. Maybe if she continues to push on like this, her heart's desire for MuQing will occupy the absolute dominant position. She will be unable to control herself and will be with Mu Qing regardless.

If shangguanning knew that all the efforts she had made some time ago had been abandoned by Mu Qing, she would have been very angry.

Doesn't she know that forcing Zhao An'an so hard and letting Mu Qing ignore Zhao An'an will make Zhao An'an very miserable?

But why does she still do it?

What she wants is to make Zhao an suffer!

Zhao an is too stubborn. It is difficult for her to figure out the persistence in her heart and make changes on her own. At this time, only external force, which has a great impact, can force her to make changes.

She will finally realize that all of her persistence is not as important as MuQing!

But now, in her heart, she still feels that MuQing is the best for MuQing if she doesn't marry her. She is sacrificing her own feelings to achieve MuQing and others.

Shangguan wants Zhao an to understand that she is reluctant to give up MuQing. She needs MuQing. She can't push him to other women's arms!

Even if she wants to die, she should die in Mu Qing's arms, instead of watching Mu Qing embrace other women to die!

Of course, Shangguan Ning doesn't think Zhao An'an will die. She thinks that Zhao An'an will live a hundred years later, so she doesn't want Zhao An'an to push Mu Qing out. If her disease does not recur all her life, or if she relapses and is cured, then she will regret that she did not marry MuQing.

Love is a matter of two people. Although shangguanning wanted to help before, he never interfered casually.

However, since Zhao an had to hide in England in order to avoid Mu Qing, and was imprisoned for half a year, Mu Qing went crazy to find her, and shangguanning changed her mind.

She knew where the crux of Zhao An'an's refusal to marry Mu Qing was, and this knot could not be solved until Zhao An'an was completely cured.

But in addition to solving the crux, there are other ways to let Zhao An'an marry Mu Qing. If Yang Mou is not good, then use conspiracy.

She doesn't care whether Zhao An'an will hate her in the future, as long as she can be more Mu Qing together and use some means and tactics to her, it is nothing at all.

Zhao An'an had already been forced to a critical point by her. She only needed to take the last strong medicine. She would take the initiative to find Mu Qing and ask to marry him.

However, now her mentality has returned to the previous state - Mu Qing still only loves her. She can't marry Mu Qing. Otherwise, after her death, Mu Qing will be like Jing Zhongxiu, refusing to marry others for the rest of her life, and will be lonely all his life.

She still has to stay away from MuQing so that she can forget herself.

Mu Qing doesn't know the subtle changes in Zhao an's mentality. He just sees Zhao an's expression relax and no longer look as anxious as she had seen several times before. He is somewhat happy in his heart.

He couldn't see Zhao An'an miserable.

In fact, he has his own way to force Zhao An'an to marry him, but he just can't do it. He can never force Zhao An'an to get a certificate from him like Jing Yichen.

Moreover, with Zhao an's character, if she is forced to get the certificate, she can't stay at home quietly like shangguanning, and she will certainly escape again.

He doesn't want to force Zhao An'an. It's good now.

They live in a city and have so many connections with each other that it's hard not to meet.

"What is it to come to me today? Are you in any trouble? "

Zhao an shook his head: "No

He only said two words, but refused to say one more word.

Mu Qing gently stroked Zhao An'an's soft short hair and asked her in a low voice: "what would you like to eat at noon? I'll make it for you. "

Since Zhao an refused to say what she was here for, Mu Qing did not ask.What she didn't want to say could not be asked. If she wants to say it, he doesn't have to ask, she will also crack a lot.

She is a snack. Feed her stomach first.

Zhao an subconsciously wanted to say "eat steak", but he stifled it.

She should go. If she stays here for lunch with MuQing, she will talk about leaving MuQing and making him forget himself.

She pushed aside the wood green, red and swollen eyes and said, "you can find me a dress to wear."

Mu Qing obediently got up and went to the wardrobe to find clothes for her.

His family has a lot of Zhao an's clothes from head to toe, including underwear, underwear, shoes and socks. All the clothes are bought by him all year round, so that Zhao an can have clothes to change when he lives here.

He found a dress similar to Zhao an's white T-shirt and handed it to her. When she was dressed, he could not help but put his arms around her waist and asked in a low voice, "do you want to change your underwear?"

Just now, she has been touched by Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's tone is ordinary, and there is no deliberate ambiguity, but the meaning of the words makes Zhao an embarrassed.

Mu Qing has not touched her for a long time, so that her body is very sensitive, there are physiological reactions that make her feel ashamed and angry.

Mu Qing saw that Zhao an's ears were red, and she couldn't help laughing: "you just like me so much. Don't feel embarrassed. I've seen you when you are more enthusiastic than today."

He reached Zhao An'an's ear, bit her ear and whispered, "I like it very much." , the fastest update of the webnovel!