Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 666

"Ann, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"

Zhao An'an heard his gentle voice. She didn't know what was going on. Her tears immediately came down. She was so aggrieved in her heart that she bit him fiercely. Then she cried and beat him: "I hate you. Don't touch me! I'm a mess. What should I do

She wants to be with Mu Qing forever, what to do?

She doesn't want to leave. What to do?

She also like wood green, otherwise how can have no face no skin secretly ran into his home!

He didn't dare to control herself, as long as he didn't think about it!

When will this endless suffering and torture end?

Who can understand the pain in her heart?

She has been pursued by the God of death. Who can understand the fear and fear of facing death all the time?

Every time she went to review, she pretended to be indifferent. But who knows how scared she is?

She is also afraid of death.

Zhao an an hugs Mu Qing's neck and sobs like a child.

Mu Qing was scared and didn't know why she burst into tears.

Zhao An'an has always been very seldom crying. She has a cheerful personality, and she doesn't care about ordinary things. She lives happily every day.

So every time she cried, MuQing felt like the sky had fallen.

He didn't know whether he had provoked her just now, or because she remembered something sad. He hugged Zhao An'an and immediately admitted his mistake: "An'an, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not right. You can beat me and scold me. Don't cry, OK? As soon as you cry, my heart aches. If you touch it, my heart is broken. "

Zhao an didn't listen to anything, but kept crying.

She usually does not shed tears in front of Zhao Zhao and Zhao Fu. I don't know why, she is always more vulnerable in front of Mu Qing. His embrace makes her feel that she is still a child and can cry freely to release her long-term depression.

Perhaps, it is because Mu Qing dotes on her too much, so she will have no scruples in front of him.

"Ann, I love you, I love you very much, don't you know? If you can, I'm willing to die for you. As long as you can live safely, I will do anything. Don't be angry, OK? "

Mu Qing forgot all of Shangguan Ning's advice and said all the words in his heart.

Zhao An'an knows that Mu Qing's words are not just words. He really thinks her life is more important than his own.

She felt much better, at least, Mu Qing is so concerned about her, he is willing to share her inner pain.

She cried with tears on her face. Mu Qing was deeply distressed. He directly picked up Zhao an's T-shirt and wiped her tears and nose.

Zhao an's voice choked: "you dirty my clothes, what to wear for a while?"

All cry like this, and have leisure to worry about her clothes! It seems that there is nothing wrong with her. She is the aggrieved disease of a woman. She just cried in his arms.

Mu Qing is really scared, he thought, she cried earth shaking, because she found her cancer recurrence, scared him to death!

It's OK. MuQing is relieved, and his face is covered with sweat.

He was really scared.

"It's OK. I have a lot of your clothes here. I'll change them later. I'll buy them for you. Don't cry. Your eyes are swollen. You can't explain it when you are seen. "

It worked for Zhao An'an. She stopped crying immediately.

Otherwise, after a while, I went home with swollen eyes and was seen by grandma. I really can't explain it.

Mu Qing wiped her small face and gently kisses her.

"Fool, what is there to cry about? Don't be afraid, everything has me. No matter what happens to me, you must bear everything

It took Zhao an a while to realize what Mu Qing was saying.

He meant to tell him if she had a relapse.

But the last person she wanted to tell was him.

Because he's going to die of pain and worry.

How could she let him worry about the pain.

Zhao an did not speak, she thought in her heart, she did not say "good" is not agreed. Later, when she had an accident, MuQing still didn't know.

How can Mu Qing not know that little girl in her heart? She didn't speak and obviously wanted to hide it from him. Otherwise, with her personality, she would say "yes, of course I'll tell you.".

He didn't force Zhao an to agree. If there was such a day, even if Zhao An'an didn't tell him anything, he would certainly know.

Now, she is by his side, in his arms, he does not want to do anything, so holding her, has been very satisfied.It was he who was too anxious to force her to do that.

Mu Qing gently put on her underwear, and then lay on Zhao An'an's side, holding her in his arms, chin against her forehead, and talking to her in a low voice.

"Why come to me today?"

With Zhao an's character, it's certainly not just because he wants to come to him. What's more, Mu Qing is really not sure whether Zhao An'an wants him or not.

Zhao an an lies in his arms, opens his mouth, but does not speak.

Mu Qing laughed and asked in a gentle voice, "are you afraid that I'll be ok with other women? I'm afraid I'll marry someone else, so come and see if I have any other women here? "

Zhao an subconsciously denied: "no!"

Mu Qing knows that this is not the reason for this. He just wants to take the opportunity to tell Zhao an an what he has in mind.

"I won't marry anyone else, Ann. You are the only one in my heart. I can't hold anyone else."

When MuQing said this, the tone was relaxed, but the tone was indescribable. Zhao An'an felt a little trembling in his heart.

"I won't have any other women here, only you."

Zhao an raised his eyes, staring at Mu Qing. The deep feeling and tenderness in his eyes belonged to her alone!


Mu Qing put Zhao an's hand on his chest to let him feel his heartbeat.

"I said in my heart that I love you."

He said, holding Zhao an's wrist with his other hand and touching her pulse.

"Your pulse is beating so fast. From a professional doctor's point of view, either you have a heart problem, or you are attracted to me, causing the blood flow to accelerate, so you show such a strong beat."

"From the body to the mind, all of the characteristics are a problem."

MuQing said here, pause for a second: "you love me, Ann." , the fastest update of the webnovel!