Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 665

"You, you, you How did you wake up? "

Zhao an was so surprised that he couldn't even speak easily, and his pen fell to the ground with a "slap".

"You think I'm like you, sleeping like a pig, and I can't wake up when the sky falls?" Mu Qing's voice is still lazy. Maybe because of just getting up, she still has a trace of hoarseness in her laziness, which makes Zhao An'an's heart beat soar to 120.

"You, you, you When did you wake up? "

"Why haven't you seen me for half a month, and you've become stuttering?"

Zhao an was ashamed and angry, and stepped on Mu Qing's foot fiercely: "say it quickly!"

Mu Qing has long been used to trampling on her, neither avoiding nor shouting pain. Junlang's face is full of light wind and light clouds: "when you enter my bedroom."

Zhao An'an's face turned red.

Damned Mu Qing, had already woken up, but she had to pretend to sleep there. She made a fool of herself and lost her dead!

"You have no face! Why don't you open your eyes when you wake up? Why pretend to sleep? You must have deliberately let me... "

Zhao An'an can't say the word "kiss you".

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She had dared to say anything before, but how could she be reserved now?

Mu Qing sees Zhao an's face already red with tomato, can't help but be in a good mood.

He picked his eyebrows, deliberately angry with her: "I don't want to face? It seems that someone is more shameless than me? Why don't you watch me in front of the police for a long time? There's a big flower picker at home. I'm so handsome. My first kiss is gone today. If it goes on like this, my innocence will probably be lost! "

Zhao an was anxious: "what first kiss, your first kiss has been..."

In the middle of her speech, she stopped abruptly.

"What happened to my first kiss? Why are you stuck? "

Zhao an bit his lips and refused to speak.

Although MuQing's first kiss was not taken away by her today, 11 years ago, when she took his first kiss, the scene was surprisingly similar to today.

It is Mu Qing who pretends to sleep. She kisses Mu Qing secretly. When she leaves a letter to Mu Qing, she is caught by him and then held in his arms.

Later, Mu Qing hugs her and kisses her crazily. On that day, she promised Mu Qing to be his girlfriend.

Mu Qing didn't mention it. Zhao An'an didn't realize that, inadvertently, they repeated the good times before.

Her heart, throbbing uneasy, Mu Qing as before, so fanatical kiss her? Isn't he angry?

Mu Qing seems to see Zhao an's inner thoughts. He dotes on a smile and whispers: "fool!"

He lowered his head and bit Zhao An'an's ruddy lips and gently kissed her.

At first, MuQing was still gentle, but soon he couldn't control himself.

He recalled the fanaticism and excitement when he had just established a love relationship with Zhao An'an, and the beauty and romance they once had.

He thought about Zhao An'an for a long time. Today, he was secretly kissing by her. He almost knocked her down and pressed her on the bed to do the happiest thing with her.

Mu Qing's kiss is overbearing and warm, which makes Zhao an almost unable to resist.

All her air was plundered by MuQing, almost unable to breathe.

She clearly heard Mu Qing's violent heart beat and heavy breathing sound, which made her heart beat faster and her breathing became heavy.

Don't know how long kiss, Zhao an only feel that he is about to suffocate, Mu Qing finally let her go.

She opened her eyes and suddenly found that her clothes were almost stripped off by wood green! And Mu Qing did not know when he also took off his coat, revealing his strong and attractive abdominal muscles.

She was embarrassed and embarrassed. She pushed aside MuQing, and hastily picked up the T-shirt on the ground and put it on her body. After she put it on, she found that she was wearing the wrong one!

She and Mu Qing's T-shirts are all white. In a panic, she put MuQing on her body.

Mu Qing's heart is going to laugh over, but she has been holding on, and there is not much expression.

Zhao an took off Mu Qing's clothes and picked up his own clothes. He wore them and glared at him: "don't laugh!"

Mu Qing said he was innocent: "which eye of you saw me smile?"

"I can't laugh in my heart!"

Well, I haven't seen the skill for a period of time. I can see through people's hearts.

Mu Qingchi stood there with her upper body on, and said with a smile, "OK, don't wear it. I'll have to take it off again for a while. How troublesome!"

Zhao an did not speak, dressed, picked up the backpack and went out.

She has seen MuQing today. It's enough for her to stay any longer.

Grandma is right. When she comes to see Mu Qing, she is delaying him. She really can't control herself. Her poor self-control will make her fall deeper and deeper.How did she stop Siqing? I'll leave when I'm done. What do you think of me

Zhao an was stopped by him and said with a straight face: "get out of my way, I'm going! If you don't let go, you will be detained illegally! "

Mu Qing was angry and laughed: "I didn't accuse you of breaking in illegally. How dare you say that I was illegally detained? However, even if you are detained illegally, I will admit that you will not be able to leave today. I am sure that I will get back some benefits before releasing people. If you want to sue me, let's roll the sheets first. "

He said, picked up Zhao An'an and went to the bedroom.

Zhao an struggled and kicked, but mu Qingleng didn't let go.

Mu Qing threw her to the bed, and the whole person pressed her up. She whispered in her ear: "you send me to the door. I don't have the reason to let go. Do you miss me, to be honest? "

Zhao an said hard: "who wants you, dream to go!"

Wood green is not angry, reached out to her underwear drill: "it's OK, you always have different opinions, I can find evidence by myself, you can hold back for a while, don't be too turbulent."

Zhao an did not expect Mu Qing to be so direct!

The sensitive place was touched by his cool fingers, which aroused endless trembling and crispy numbness.

Zhao an screamed: "Mu Qing, you bastard, let me go!"

This is not at all, her body will soon betray her, she has no resistance to MuQing!

Mu Qing doesn't care to be scolded by her more and more. His breath is more and more urgent, and his eyes are more and more deep. He has already been infected with a strong love.

He bowed his head and kissed Zhao An'an's lips to prevent her from shouting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!