Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 664

I don't know if Mu's family has forced Mu Qing to go on a blind date recently. Mu Wensheng has already given up on him. It is estimated that he will not even be in charge of his marriage.

Does MuQing have any connection with that fox spirit? Will he marry her?

Zhao an a belly of questions, but no one to help her answer, stuffy she can't breathe.

Zheng Jing hides in one side, sees Zhao an an repeatedly in that leads to the MuQing apartment path walking, in the heart is tired for her flustered.

This girl is really dead hearted. Why doesn't she agree to marry MuQing? Looking at this situation, it is clear that he likes Mu Qing. He doesn't like it. He just doesn't want to go up when he goes around under the building.

Isn't she very quick? The character is careless, like a boy, when did he become so pushy?

After waiting for more than half an hour, Zheng Jing was relieved to see Zhao an an finally go upstairs.

He couldn't help carrying Zhao An'an directly to Mu Qing's home!

Zhao An'an enters the apartment and presses the elevator button on the 11th floor. As the elevator rises slowly, her heart rate suddenly speeds up and "bang bang bang" jumps up.

When she got out of the elevator, Zhao An'an stood in front of the MuQing gate, and then quietly stuck her ear to the security door. After listening for a long time, she didn't hear anything inside. She gritted her teeth, took out the key, and gently unscrewed the door lock with the softest unlocking action of her life.

With a click, the door opened.

Zhao An'an has been to MuQing. I don't know how many times he has been here. He has never felt that the sound of opening the door is so loud.

She pushed the door gently as usual, only opening a small slit, and then kept looking in.

After watching for a long time, there was no figure of MuQing.

Zhao an was a little bold. She put the key back into her backpack, gently opened the door and crept in.

Is MuQing really not at home?

Zhao an has an indescribable disappointment in his heart.

She did not give up pushing open the door of MuQing's bedroom. A sleeping figure on the bed came into her eyes. Her disappointment was immediately replaced by surprise, and her lips showed a smile unconsciously.

He seemed very tired, just opened the door a little loud, even did not wake him up.

Zhao an gently walked to the edge of the bed, gently sat down, almost greedy looking at the man he thought of day and night, looking at his handsome sleeping face, there is indescribable happiness and satisfaction in his heart.

It turns out that she is so easily satisfied?

Mu Qing used to hang around her all day. She was still annoyed with him. Now she can't see him. Grandma stopped her from disturbing Mu Qing again. On the contrary, she felt that she was happy even to see him?

Zhao An'an wants to slap herself. She is useless! Sometimes you don't cherish it well. When you lose it, you don't want to look for others.

However, she felt that she did not want to face is also very good, at least in this way can see Wood Green ah!

It's over ten now. Why is he still sleeping?

Are you sick?

Zhao an anxiously raised his hand and gently touched Mu Qing's forehead.

It's not hot. It should not be sick.

Did you stay up late yesterday?

Otherwise, he would have gotten up early, and he would not have slept so heavily until ten o'clock.

Zhao An'an sat on the edge of the bed, quietly looking at Mu Qing.

The bright sunlight, shining through the clean glass window, sprinkled all over the bedroom.

Bedroom decoration style is completely in accordance with Zhao an's preferences to decorate, some luxury, some warm.

The beautiful and expensive crystal chandelier on the ceiling, or Zhao an asked Zhao Zhao to bring back from Europe, was robbed by Mu Qing and installed in his bedroom.

This kind of chandelier is not suitable to be installed in the bedroom, but suitable for the spacious living room. However, MuQing is reluctant to install it in the living room. He said that he usually stays in the bedroom for the longest time. He should install her chandelier in the bedroom, so that even if she is not around, he can have a little comfort.

On the cupboard at the head of the bed, there are two cubs holding each other. This was bought by MuQing 11 years ago when they were in love. She only liked it for two days, and then she abandoned it because it was too childish. MuQing picked it up, washed it, and then kept it on the head of the bed, saying, "this is the two of us, and we are not allowed to lose it in the future.".

On the white curtains, there were all kinds of pigs that she painted so ugly that she couldn't bear to look directly at. MuQing didn't wash it off after several times. Later, he simply ignored it. He said, the more the pigs looked, the more they looked like you, or don't wash them.

Everywhere is her trace, everywhere is she and his recollection, the beautiful is addictive.

Wood green is still deep sleep, do not know that there is a woman, enter the room, blatantly has been staring at themselves.

Zhao An'an used to think that the best person in the world was his cold and cool cousin. He was perfect all over, especially his face, which was so handsome.But now, she thinks, Mu Qing is the most handsome.

Jingyichen is too cold and rational, not as human as her wood green.

The sun shone on his handsome face and plated him with a beautiful halo, which made Zhao An'an want to kiss him.

Soft and good-looking face, straight nose, heroic eyebrows, ruddy thin lips, even ears are very good-looking.

Zhao an laughs unconsciously.

Mu Qing is so handsome, her medical skills are so good, and her people are so smart, why do you like her?

It's normal that she likes MuQing. It seems that it's a little difficult for Mu Qing to like her?

If only MuQing could sleep like this all the time and never wake up, she could be here watching him all the time.

Seeing Mu Qing who sleeps like a child, Zhao an is reluctant to leave.

She lowered her head and gently pecked at the green wood lip. After a long fight between man and nature, she stood up and walked out of the bedroom step by step.

There was a slight sound of closing the door in the bedroom. Mu Qing, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes. He reached out and stroked his lips. His dark brown eyes were full of happy smile.

Zhao an, who knew nothing about it, walked into the living room and suddenly remembered that he had a suit of clothes in his backpack.

She took off her backpack, quickly took out the clothes wrapped in the gift box and put them on the living room table. Then she took out a pen from the bag, pulled a tissue from the tissue box on the table, and wrote on it.

As soon as I finished writing the last full stop, I heard a lazy voice coming from behind.

"It's different to be a headmaster. I'll write love letters to me! But are you sure you want to write in a tissue? "

Zhao an was startled, turned fiercely, and then fell into a familiar and warm embrace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!