Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 663

Zhao an comforts himself in his heart that he is OK. This is the last time he sees Mu Qing. He will never come again.

She didn't know how many "last times" it was.

Zhao an lowered his hat, lowered his head and rushed into the hospital, like a thief quietly came to Mu Qing's office.

Her palms were full of sweat, and she was incredibly nervous.

After a long time, Zhao An'an opened the door of the office with trembling fingers.

As a result, the office was empty!

Zhao an's original bow waist suddenly straight, this is how to return a responsibility?!

Why isn't Mu Qing in the office?

She specially checked online before she came. Mu Qing didn't make an appointment for any surgery these days. In fact, he hasn't had surgery for a week in a row. With this, Zhao an suspected that Mu Qing would be given up by Mu Wensheng. Otherwise, with Mu Qing's powerful medical skills, there would be a line of patients waiting for him to have an operation every day.

On the official website of Mu's Hospital, the doctor's appointment will be clearly displayed. Other doctors' schedules are full, but Mu Qing's schedule is blank!

You know, before Mu Qing is the most full doctor about!

Zhao An'an thinks that it is his own who has returned Mu Qing to the present situation, so he has the courage to ask Mu Wensheng to restore Mu Qing's position as president.

As a result, MuQing was not in the hospital today!

In addition to staying in the hospital, he usually doesn't go anywhere. In Mu Qing's own words, the hospital is his home. Here, he is like a fish in water, and he is the most valuable.

Even if there is no surgery, no patients to see a doctor, to Mu Qing's character, should also sit in the office to study medical books ah!

Zhao an stood there for a moment, then turned to the front desk of the hospital.

"Excuse me, is Dr. Mu Qing in your hospital? I want to see him. "

The little nurse at the front desk looked suspiciously at Zhao An'an for a long time without speaking.

It can't be blamed for the little nurse. Zhao An'an covered her face with a hat, sunglasses and a mask. It was like a robbery.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhao an said in a vicious voice: "what are you looking at! I covered my face. What's wrong? I'm sick. I'd like to. Do you mind? "

This typical bully tone scared the little nurse and rushed to check the doctor's arrival.

"Doctor Mu hasn't come today. Would you like to see another doctor?"

"Why didn't he come?"

How could she, a little nurse, know such a thing!

"This is not clear"

"when will he be able to come?"

"I don't know."

"Can he come tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Should I?"

Zhao an was angry: "how did you become a nurse? How could you ask three questions?"

The little nurse is almost crying. She is an intern nurse. How can she know the daily activities of top doctors like Mu Qing!

She would like to know that Dr. MuQing is so handsome and good-natured that she would like to be his girlfriend. But the sea that likes MuQing in the hospital has gone, and she can't turn to her!

Now, as long as anyone inquires about MuQing, she will be surrounded by a group of women. How dare the little nurse ask when MuQing will come to the hospital!

Zhao an was angry for a long time. He tried to suppress his impatience and asked, "is Mu Qing the president now?"

Little nurse a Leng, and then quickly shake his head: "no, the dean is still wood with wood director, not wood green doctor."

Mu Qing didn't become president!

Wood asked to live that dead old man, actually dare to cheat her!

Zhao an was very angry and turned around and left.

She felt that Mu Qing might have been given up by Mu Wensheng, not to mention the president, and might even have been expelled from Mu's hospital!

However, when she walked out of the hospital door, she realized that even if Mu Wensheng had already given up Mu Qing, could she still go to Mu's home and ask for mu Wensheng again?

The old man's reputation is too bad. What he said yesterday was good. How can he turn his face and refuse to recognize people today!

Zhao an is very sad. Mu Qing's greatest wish in his life is to be a top-notch doctor and develop Mu's Hospital into the best noble hospital, but now it is all destroyed.

She was carrying a bag, walking aimlessly along the road, did not notice that there was a person behind her.

In fact, Zhao An'an has been following her since she left home today.

Although the book year of Tang Dynasty has been solved, there is still a covetous Yang Muyan! And for Yang Muyan, Zhao an's role is greater, and she is very likely to deal with Zhao An'an.

Therefore, Zhao An'an should not be left alone at all, otherwise it would be too dangerous.

In case Zhao anqing leaves home again, it's really necessary for him to leave home again.As soon as Zheng Jing received the call from Zhao's servant, he immediately went out to follow Zhao An'an.

Zheng Jing's tracking ability is very strong, he has received special training in this field, with Zhao an's level, as long as he does not show up, she can't find out.

Zhao an was walking, and suddenly found that she was very familiar with the surrounding environment. When she came back to her mind, she found that she had accidentally come to Mu Qing's apartment.

Do you miss him too much?

Or this road has been deeply engraved in her mind, so that even if she is in a trance, she can come here.

Zhao an turns around and wants to leave.

But a few steps out, she stopped again.

Why don't you go up and see if MuQing is there? She still has the key to his apartment. It's easy to get in.

Zhao an had this idea all his life, and he couldn't control it.

The light of joy in her eyes flashed away. Then she turned around and went on to MuQing apartment.

But when it came to the apartment, she hesitated again.

This doesn't seem to work well. If Mu Qing is at home, what should she say when she goes? Do you want to say that I'm passing by and drop by?

This is too fake!

No way, no way. She was so stiff with Mu Qing last time that she refused to marry him. Mu Qing even said such words as "you don't ask to marry me". How can she find him again!

What's more, how did she promise the old lady yesterday that she would never meet Mu Qing again? Don't you mean to let Mu Qing forget her completely?

Don't delay MuQing any more!

Zhao an tightly in the heart, step by step heavy step away from the apartment.

But when she went far away, the kind of reluctance and worry in her heart came out again.

Just take a look, just one!

She goes in quietly, Mu Qing certainly won't find it, and maybe Mu Qing doesn't go out at home? , the fastest update of the webnovel!