Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 662

In fact, jingyiran found his eyesight a little fuzzy these days, and he would faint every two days, but he had been holding on.

Xiaolu is not a careful person. She knows that jingyiran has always had headache problems, but she doesn't find that his eyesight is declining.

Jing Yiran didn't expect that his condition deteriorated so quickly, which may have something to do with his not having a good rest some time ago and running around looking for fawn.

The needle like pain in the brain and the darkness brought by blindness make Jingyi irritable and painful.

Pain, he can bear it! However, his eyes can't see. How can he bear it!

So he immediately asked the fawn to take him to Mu Qing and asked for immediate surgery.

Mu Qing carefully examined Jing Yiran's brain and immediately decided to operate on him.

His condition was very dangerous. The bullet compressed his visual nerve and caused a serious accumulation of blood in the brain, which continued to increase slowly.

Now, Mu Qing is only 70% sure of the operation. If it is delayed, the success rate of the operation will drop to less than 50%, and jingyiran's blindness may become permanent.

However, about jingyiran's operation, MuQing told jingyichen all about it. He stood firmly on jingyichen's side. In case jingyiran was cured, he would fight against jingyichen again and do something to hurt shangguanning and Jingrui. He would be a criminal.

Jing Yichen did not hesitate, directly let him immediately surgery.

He was able to find the book year of the Tang Dynasty so quickly and confirm his identity, which is all due to the important clues provided by Jing Yiran.

Since he has promised to have Jing Yiran, let Mu Qing do the operation for him, then he will not go back on his regret.

Cranial surgery is very complex, and requires superb medical skills and rich experience, otherwise it is likely to make patients become vegetative after craniotomy.

Mu Qing is an expert and leader in this field. Even so, the operation has been going on for more than four hours.

The bullet has been wrapped in complex brain nerves, and it needs to be very careful to get it out.

It's a miracle that jingyiran can survive after being shot.

Mu Qing deeply felt that even if this operation had a success rate of only 10%, jingyiran would certainly survive. There was no way. His luck was so bad! After thousands of years of disaster, God won't let him die. He will surely live to be 100 years old!

Seven hours later, the operation was finally finished, but the final effect still needs jingyiran to wake up to know. However, her life is certainly saved and she will not have a headache in the future. I just don't know whether her eyesight can return to normal.

Jing Yiran was sent to the intensive care unit, deer wearing sterile clothes, in which with him.

Mu Qing's eyes are all red blood, his stomach is hungry, and his throat is dry and smoking. However, through the glass door of the monitoring room, he is standing outside the door, and has not left for a long time.

Now it seems that even jingyiran is happier than he is.

Although the fawn's affection for him is not warm, everyone can see that she takes Jing Yiran more seriously than her own life.

Now she held jingyiran's hand and stood by his bed, just like a little wife watching her husband wake up. It seemed so warm inside.

Has always been a sullen deer, today for the first time asked him many times "jingyiran will be OK.".

The relationship between her and jingyiran is not like love, but far more than love.

What is love? You love me, do you love me? No, love is two people's hearts together, not afraid of any difficulties, can hand in hand through all the ups and downs, together to fight against the ordeal.

Mu Qing stood outside for a long time, with a wry smile on his lips. He turned lonely and walked out of the hospital and went back to his apartment.

He took a bath, ate some leftovers from the refrigerator, and then lay down in bed.

Zhao an's voice and smile flashed through his mind. He felt that his heart was empty. He was very tired and tired, but he couldn't sleep at all.

Until the light of the day, MuQing just fell asleep.

At more than nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao An'an, wearing a big mask, big sunglasses and a baseball cap that could cover half of his face, slipped out of the house and headed for Mu's hospital.

Today, the old lady and Zhao zhaodu went out early and busily, but Zhao an was so happy that she could slip out again!

Since the summer vacation of X University, Zhao An'an has been banned by the old lady again. She is forbidden to go out and wander around. Unless she is required to show up at school, she can only stay at home all day long, so as not to make trouble again.

Zhao an took a taxi to Mu's hospital. When he paid for the car, he felt painful.

The money she robbed from Zheng Jing was almost used. The salary from the school was deducted by the old lady. She didn't take any money!

The last time he ran away from home caused irreparable consequences. Zhao An'an felt that he was really killing himself. Why did he escape when he was idle! Now, all the civil air defense is the same as anti thief. I'm afraid that if she has more money in her hand, she will run away again!She swore that she would never run away again, but no one believed her.

No way, who told her that she had a heavy criminal record and ran away from home for several times. She overdrawn all her credit lines.

Oh, or Zheng Jing is a good man! She takes so much cash with her every day to rob her. If she has money in the future, she must repay others well.

His money can be Zheng Lun's money, pit Zheng Jing she is not vague at all, but if you want to pit the heart of extremely kind Zheng Lun, Zhao an an can't go down.

In Zhao an's mind, Zheng Lun and Zheng Jing flashed in his mind, thinking, how come these two people haven't made any noise recently, haven't they been better? This speed is too slow, another day she is free to go to talk to Zheng Lun and help her.

This idea flashed by, Zhao an put aside temporarily, now she still has a lot of broken things to solve!

She carried a black backpack, fully armed into the Mu's hospital.

Zhao an thought, she wrapped herself so tightly that no one would recognize her, right?

I hope grandma never finds out that she has come to Mu's hospital again. Otherwise, she warned her yesterday. As a result, she came here today. This is digging her own grave!

However, there is no way.

Zhao an is worried about Mu Qing. He must come to see him today to make sure that he is not ill and has become the president. , the fastest update of the webnovel!