Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 654

What happened to Mu Qing?

Zhao an's heart was full of anxiety and anxiety.

No, he's always in good health, and he's a doctor himself. Even if he gets sick, he'll get better soon. If you can't even attend a banquet, what kind of disease will it be?

Or, because he was so disobedient that he didn't even want the hospital for her, he went to England to look for her like a needle in a haystack, which completely angered Mu Wensheng and his parents?

The possibility is very high.

Zhao an is very aware of Mu Wensheng's temper. He attaches great importance to filial piety. He has always cultivated MuQing as the successor of the Mu family. He has spent much more effort on him than any son or grandson. He used to take MuQing with him all the year round, teaching him medical skills and how to be a man and do things. He even taught him how to manage the hospital and how to get along with patients 。

Mu Qing gave up his career as a doctor and hospital president only for a woman who didn't want to marry him. The old man must be very angry.

It is also possible that he will not love Mu Qing any more when his heart is cold.

Mu Wensheng's temper is stinky and hard. It can even be said that he is moody. Even Jing Yichen looks like a good child in front of him. Zhao An'an is very scared of him. It is normal for him to put his favorite grandson into the "cold palace".

Zhao an's absent-minded appearance has long been seen in the eyes of Mrs. Zhao. She and her daughter looked at each other's eyes and saw a smile in each other's eyes. Then they ate as if nothing had happened.

However, Zhao An'an is far from the only one who finds MuQing absent.

MuQing is mu Wensheng's most proud grandson. In the past, no matter where the old man went, he would bring MuQing with him, and he would introduce his grandson to all people with a high profile. Later, MuQing's medical skills became famous in the medical field, and even had the posture of surpassing the old man. Everyone respected Mu Qing very much and would not neglect him because he was young.

Because Mu Qing has a high level of medical attainments. Although he is not as good as Mu Wensheng on the whole, he has surpassed him in some fields. Moreover, he is gentle in character and can not refuse to go to him for treatment.

Mu Wensheng has already stopped going home and wants to see a doctor. Now the top doctor in a city is Mu Qing. Today Mu Qing doesn't come, so it's not surprising that he made friends with the Mu family.

"Master, you are so blessed! But why didn't you see the most powerful little wood doctor in your family? "

Mu Qing is the master of Mu Wensheng, and he is better than LAN. I don't know how many lives have been saved and how many people's diseases have been cured. Therefore, MuQing has been awarded the title of "Xiaomu miracle doctor"

Mu Wensheng looks like a red face today. I don't know, so he will be 100 years old for his great grandson!

He looked like a fairy, and said with a smile, "what kind of doctor, don't call him that. Just because he's a bit of Taoist, he can't be regarded as such a word! But at last, he is diligent and willing to study hard. There is an operation in the hospital today. He can't leave. He is probably busy at the moment. Otherwise, I must have caught the boy! "

The old man said this, people suddenly realized, but more and more respect for wood green.

They not only have excellent medical skills, but also have excellent medical ethics. They would rather not participate in such an important hundred day banquet of the Jing family, but also operate on patients. This is their gospel!

"The miracle doctor Kobayashi is worthy of his reputation. He treats patients with such care. He is indeed a good doctor taught by the master himself."

"Yes, once my old man had a heart attack. He was sent to the hospital at two o'clock in the middle of the night, which was saved by Dr. Kobayashi. No, I can still come to dinner today!"


The atmosphere in the banquet hall was very good for a time.

Only Zhao an an did not believe that Mu Qing could not come to the banquet because of the operation on the patient.

Based on her understanding of MuQing and the hospital, even if there is an operation that must be done today, Mu Qing does not have to perform the operation himself.

Mu's hospital is not supported by him alone. There are many well-known doctors all over the country, and there are even excellent foreign doctors to see patients. The medical skills of these doctors are also top-notch. They are experts and scholars in various fields. General surgery does not need Mu Qing's help at all.

Zhao an thinks that Mu Wensheng just doesn't want Mu Qing to be disgraced outside. After all, he is his grandson and a member of the Mu family. If Mu Qing is rejected because he doesn't like him, he won't take him out to the banquet, so he won't show his face.

With a spoon in his mouth, Zhao an can't eat all the delicate and delicious dishes.

Mu Qing is angry with Mu Wensheng because of her. Now even the head of the hospital can't do it. She can only be a general doctor in Mu's Hospital, and her status has dropped dramatically!

She didn't feel much about the change in this position before, because she had never been in that position and didn't know the big difference.

Now, she has become the principal of X University, and finally knows how big the gap is between the principal and ordinary teachers. The president's words, there are many times can determine a teacher's life and death.In the school, the same kind of curriculum is often competed by several teachers. Some teachers have a hard relationship or are very excellent, so they can choose the courses they like. On the contrary, they can only teach what they don't like or are not good at. In this way, the evaluation in the future will naturally be much different.

The president has a lot of power in his hands. In a word, he can decide which teacher teaches which subject and which teacher can be promoted from lecturer to professor or associate professor.

I think the same is true of the intricate interests in hospitals.

Doctors must also be under the control of the president. The president has a lot of power and can be respected and flattered by others. An ordinary doctor may suffer a lot of difficulties.

Although Mu Qing is a member of the Mu family, there are always people who hold high and trample on others in this society. Maybe some people will see that Mu Qing is not the president of the hospital to challenge him. It is difficult for him.

Zhao an's heart is very uncomfortable. She feels that she owes Mu Qing too much. It seems that there is no other way to repay Mu Qing except by making friends with others.

However, how long she can live does not know, where dare to marry Mu Qing.

In the past, when Zhao An'an saw delicious food, she would forget her worries and become a happy eater. But today, she can't be happy, and she can't taste whether the food in her mouth is sour or sweet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!