Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 653

Jingyichen rushed back from city B, and then went to find Xiaolu.

Xiaolu understands jingyichen's intention and knows that he is here to reward herself. Originally, she didn't want anything, because killing the Tang Dynasty book year is what she should do. However, recently, she and jingyiran are not well off, so she simply asked Jing Yichen for a sum of money.

She used to eat and live in the Jing family, and the housekeeper of the Jing family would buy all the clothes and weapons she wanted. She didn't need to spend a cent. Moreover, Jing Zhongxiu would give her living expenses every month. She never worried about money. Now she lives by herself, she knows how much money she is burning.

Living in this villa alone, the property fee and water and electricity fee are not small expenses, not to mention that she still needs to eat a lot of food every day, and she also needs to buy guns, bullets, portable micro bombs, etc.

Without money, you can't do anything!

Jingyichen gives the deer 5 million yuan, which is basically the highest reward for the task.

At more than five o'clock in the evening, jingyichen went home on time.

Although he still has a lot of things to deal with, but he resolutely put things behind.

Things are always there. It's impossible to finish the day. He has to set aside his evening time to accompany his wife and children.

If he is busy all day, I'm afraid in a few months, the little guy will forget his father.

After dinner, a family of three went for a walk on the beach.

At last, they feel more relaxed with the smile of the official.

She holds Jingrui in her arms and teaches him to recognize the sea and the small sailboat, as well as the various swimming circles and small shells.

Jingyichen pushed the baby carriage to follow her, happy and satisfied in her heart.

They have not been so free to play outside for a long time. He has too many enemies and always makes all kinds of troubles. He is afraid that his wife and son will have an accident. He always makes them stay at home as much as possible.

He was a little self reproached.

Fortunately, shangguanning is a very understanding woman. She never complains, nor always wants to go out to breathe and play. Most of the time, she stays at home quietly, supporting him silently behind his back.

Jing Rui is very curious about everything. All the things outside are fresh to him. The little guy is dazzled and is always smiling happily.

The sea breeze at night is a little bit cold. Shangguan Ning is afraid that Jing Rui will catch cold. He does not take him to stay outside for too long. He happily goes home with jingyichen.

Seeing that they were so happy at the seaside, jingyichen said softly, "if you like, you will come out and play every day."

Shangguanning and his heart are interlinked, how can you not know his heart that kind of guilt.

She said with a smile, "it's not that I've been staying at home for a long time. If I come out every day, I won't have much happiness. What's more, ruiruirui is still small now. When he gets a little older, we can go out and play more. "

Shangguanning is telling the truth. She has lived by the seaside since she was a child. She doesn't think it's a rare thing to go to the seaside to play, and there won't be too many surprises. However, after staying in the house for most of the month, she hasn't gone out to play. Now when she goes to the seaside to blow the wind and watch the hot and bustling crowd playing in the sea, she will feel inexplicably in a very good mood.

This is probably due to the fact that rare things are more expensive.

If you come out to play once or twice, you will find it hard and free. If you come out to play more, that's what it is. You may even feel that it's better to be quiet and comfortable at home because it's too noisy outside.

Jingyichen smiles and doesn't speak. However, she feels that she must create a safe environment for her wife and children in the future. She will come out when she thinks of it and doesn't have to take into account those dangers.

The next step is to solve Yang Muyan.

These two men are the most difficult and unscrupulous of all his opponents. Although the rest of the opponents are also covetous and keep trying, they will not cross the lowest moral bottom line. If we fight in the market, the smoke will not affect the family. This is the most basic rule.

Shangguanning's life has been restored to its former tranquility and warmth. After a few days, Jing Rui's centenary is coming. Jingrui's family has organized a large-scale 100 day banquet. Celebrities from all walks of life have come to attend the banquet, but Jing Rui has made a splash.

He had no stage fright at all. He was not afraid to see many strangers. He would smile at others. All the guests he provoked praised his intelligence.

Both Jing Tianyuan and Jing Zhongxiu have red faces. There are successors in the Jing family. They are very happy. They are very pleased.

However, jingyichen is as indifferent as ever. He dislikes that people are always staring at his precious son, and even more dislikes that some people always touch Jing Rui's small hands and faces, and always feels that others are going to be against his son.

After a while, jingyichen takes Jingrui away. He is afraid that someone will rob his son. Shangguan can't laugh or cry.She has never seen like Jing Yichen so protect the child, others see him like this, the eyes are all surprised.

Children, who like to tease him, which is not allowed to touch?

Fortunately, all the people who can come are very close to the Jing family. They all know more or less the character of Jing Yichen, and no one tries to push forward.

However, Jing Rui's appearance just means that he is so young and is the successor of the next generation of Jing family. He needs to be well protected and should not be exposed too much.

Just like Jing Yichen, he lived under the strict protection of jingzhongxiu since he was a child, and rarely disclosed his situation to the outside world. Until he grew up, many people did not know how old he was and what he looked like.

The hundred day banquet was very lively. Zhao An'an, Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Zhao all came. Zheng Jing also brought Zheng Lun, and they sat at a table.

Next to the table is the wooden family. Mr. Mu sits there with his sons and grandsons, and people keep toasting. This is a miracle doctor who can bring the dead back to life. As long as the king family can invite him to a banquet, it's hard for others to see him. Today, he has to be close relatives. No one can guarantee that he will never be ill or ill.

Zhao an is absent-minded eating food, but his eyes have been drifting to the wooden table, but floating to and fro, there is no sign of Mu Qing.

The wooden family all came, but did not see the wood green, this is really some strange.

Today is Jingrui's centenary banquet. He has such a good relationship with jingyichen. How can he not come? , the fastest update of the webnovel!