Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 655

When the banquet was over and the whole family was about to leave, Zhao An'an summoned up his courage and ran to Mu Wensheng and said bravely, "Grandpa mu, I have a few words to tell you."

To my surprise, Mu Wensheng didn't give her face at all. He was full of anger and said: "Stinky girl, I have nothing to tell you! Go and have fun

When there were so many people in the wooden family, the old man refused her without any politeness. Zhao An'an's face suddenly rose to the color of pig's liver, and she was ashamed to find a way to sew in.

However, Mu Wensheng has always been such a temper. He doesn't even sell jingtianyuan's face. He often quarrels with jingtianyuan, and he's even less likely to speak in a good voice because she's such a "Stinky girl.".

Fortunately, Zhao an has not been trained once or twice by him, and even jingyichen will be punished by him. Now, he is not too much of a loser. She took a deep breath and soon forgot the embarrassment of being rejected.

She grabbed Mu Wensheng's sleeve, learned from others, stamped her feet and acted coquettishly: "grandfather mu, I really have something to tell you, just two words, not to delay your time! If you don't listen, I'll hold your arm and cry

Well, Mu Wensheng is 70 years old and 80 years old. He has lived most of his life and no one has been so coquettish with him, which makes him uncomfortable for a while!

He has no daughter, only a granddaughter, Muxin, but Muxin has been sensible and obedient since childhood. He never goes West to the East, nor does he pull his sleeve and act coquettishly with him.

Among the grandchildren, except MuQing will be more lively, the rest are obedient, steady and heavy. Where could Zhao An'an be like this, holding his arms and threatening him to cry to him.

Not far away, Zhao Fu has been looking at this side. Although she is old, she stands upright and her face is very calm. Her eyes are sharp, like a knife that can cut meat. Mu Wensheng also has a headache for this old woman. It seems that Zhao family has this kind of twisted gene all the time. It is unreasonable to be crazy.

He pulled his sleeve out of Zhao An'an's hand and waved to let the wooden family leave first.

Everyone in the wooden family respected the old man very much. He let him go. All of them didn't mean to stay. They all disappeared in the hall.

Mrs. Zhao originally wanted to stay to protect her granddaughter, but Zhao an turned to her and said to her, "grandma, you and my mother can go out, and I'll have a few words with Grandpa mu."

The old lady hesitated for a moment. It seemed that she was afraid that the old man muwensheng would embarrass her baby. However, Zhao an's eyes were full of entreaties. Her heart softened and she said to Mu Wensheng, "you are not allowed to yell at my granddaughter. If she loses a hair, I will not finish with you!"

She said, mercilessly glared at wood ask to live one eye, and then turned to walk, wood asked angry beard straight shake.

It was Zhao an who had to pull him to talk to him, and he didn't force Zhao an to stay. How could he still be angry at him! What a disaster!

"Zhao Fu's fierce temper has not changed at all! I finally know why you stinky girl is so stubborn, dare to love, this is the same line of Zhao family

Zhao an quickly said with a smile: "my grandmother has always been like this, but she is very kind-hearted, that is to say, we have not taken you as an outsider! I'll follow my grandmother too. I'm a bit straight tempered. You'll be more tolerant! "

She would try every means to make the old lady happy at home, but she still had a set of pettish and pitiful clothes.

The old man didn't appreciate it at all. He blew his beard and glared: "don't, you'd better take me as an outsider. My grandson has been tossed about by you. He doesn't even have a personal appearance. The hospital doesn't care. He doesn't study medical skills any more. He thinks about women's affairs all day long, which is a shame to my wooden family! I dare not be a family with you

Although Zhao an knew that Mu Wensheng had a big opinion on him and that he would certainly scold him if he stayed alone to talk to him, she was still very sad to hear him say so.

She thought she was thick skinned enough and thought that she was not broken. Unexpectedly, her heart was still so fragile. She was so sad that she wanted to escape directly.

Mu Wensheng still knows the degree of his own venomous tongue. Usually, Jingtian can stand him. The rest of the people are scared to death when they see him. Even MuQing's son of a bitch hides from him for fear of being scolded by him.

Zhao An'an is a girl's family. She is the only child of the Zhao family. She grew up in the palm of her hand. She has not suffered much. It is estimated that she is the first time to be scolded like this.

But she could still stand here and didn't run out crying.

It seems that she still has feelings for MuQing that bastard!

Mu asked the stranger Lao Chengjing. He guessed that Zhao An'an had to talk to him alone. It must be for Mu Qing. At the moment, he even preferred to be scolded for MuQing's sake. This smelly girl has a little conscience.

He couldn't help feeling better.

His best grandson was so infatuated that he decided Zhao An'an, but mu Wensheng didn't know how much white his hair was. Zhao an had no idea what Mu Qing had done for her. He even knelt down all night to get his father's permission to marry Zhao An'an. The next day, his swollen knees were so swollen that he couldn't walk.Not only that, every time Zhao an makes something wrong, Mu Qing will wipe her ass for her, and will constantly speak good words for her at Mu's house, and buy things to take home. I have to say that Zhao An'an bought this old man to pay homage to him.

When he is old and stupid, he doesn't know anything!

Sun Tzu took care of the girl with the same pain as his liver. He looked forward to the stars and the moon and wanted to marry her home. He didn't care about her cancer that might recur at any time. Even the child didn't want it. But what about Zhao An'an? All day long, either quarrel with Mu Qing, or have to cut off the relationship between old and dead, or simply run away from home!

Mu Qing doesn't care about himself. He loves his grandson!

How many good girls are there in the whole a city, which one is as good as Zhao An'an? People are gentle and virtuous, healthy and intelligent good girls, Mu Qing can find any more painful than Zhao An'an!

He has been married twice and had two wives in his life. He knows what kind of woman is most suitable for living. In his opinion, the most important thing is to have a good wife and care for the family. If you have a good wife, your life will be more relaxed and happy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!