Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 652

However, all these days are too dangerous. One wave is not smooth and another is rising again. Jing Yichen often goes out to deal with things in person every night. When fawn can't contact him, he goes to find her in person.

Shangguan Ning is afraid that jingyichen will be trapped in the book year of the Tang Dynasty again. The whole heart is always hanging high.

Knowing now that Tang shunian died, she felt much better.

She doesn't want to leave jingyichen at all. She just wants to be held by him all the time and won't let him go anywhere.

Jing Yichen knows that shangguanning has always been a very sensible woman and never bothers him when he is working.

Today, however, she broke the rule and followed him when he was dealing with affairs. Obviously, her mood today has been greatly affected.

Jing Yichen can't help but feel some heartache and unconsciously hold Shangguan tightly.

However, to solve the problem of Tang shunian made him feel much relieved. This man has always been a thorn in his heart, especially, he has been secretly coveting his woman. He is so good at hiding that it is not easy to kill him.

Fawn really played a very important role. Tomorrow, I will ask fawn what reward she needs.

It's one thing that he refuses to give in before jingyiran, but fawn has completed such a difficult task that he can't have no expression.

Killing the most frightening Tang Dynasty book year, his wife and gentle nest in his arms, jingyichen heart relaxed and full of tenderness.

If it wasn't for the aftercare, he would certainly not be sitting in the study now, but lying on the big bed in the bedroom with her in his arms and letting her sleep soundly.

Fortunately, a group of his subordinates have been able to take charge of their own affairs. It took him more than an hour to deal with the affairs of Tang shunian. However, in order to save time, he simply issued some instructions to his subordinates. After 20 minutes, the situation of today's affairs was almost handled.

He hung up the last call, picked up his little wife, who was very quiet from beginning to end, and strode into the bedroom.

Two people lying on the bed, Jing Yichen held her in his arms, gently stroked her back, and said in a low voice: "nothing, don't be afraid, a Ning, I've always been by your side."

Shangguan Ning moved gently, found a comfortable position in his arms, held his waist, and finally fell asleep.

With jingyichen by her side, she can always sleep soundly and sweetly.

The next day, jingyichen found that shangguanning was still very sticky to him, holding him would not let go.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips. Well, his women are more and more inseparable from him now.

"Lazy pig, don't you get up? The sun's on your ass! "

Jingyichen patted and patted Guan Ning's elastic little buttocks and couldn't help kissing her smooth forehead.

His woman is more and more beautiful, white face, delicate facial features, completely plain face, in the early morning sun, skin perfect without a trace of defects, let him how can not see enough.

Yesterday I went to bed too late. Shangguan Ning is still very sleepy now. She opened her eyes vaguely and asked in a somewhat lazy and coquettish tone: "what time is it? I'm so sleepy... "

Jing Yichen looked at her lovely appearance, and her expression was gentle: "it's OK. Sleep. I want to sleep until a few o'clock."

It's already more than nine o'clock now. Usually shangguanning gets up early, but she sleeps too late last night. Seeing her sleepy appearance, Jing Yichen is reluctant to let her get up.

However, jingyichen is not willing to ask his own woman to get up, some people are willing to.

After a while, Jing Rui's cry came out from the baby room. It seems that he woke up from hunger.

Jing Yichen laughs and shakes his head, this boy, also quite can toss a person, cannot sleep even a lazy sleep.

When Shangguan Ning hears Jingrui's cry, she wakes up immediately. She doesn't hold jingyichen in her arms. She gets up from the bed and doesn't even care about her shoes. She trots to the baby room. As she runs, she shouts: "ruiruirui, my mother is here. Ruiruirui doesn't cry. She has dinner..."

Jingyichen, who just felt that he had a high status in his wife's mind, immediately felt that she had been compared with her son. As soon as shangguanning heard Jingrui's cry, she would immediately forget him and gently coax his son.

Jingyichen helplessly picked up Shangguan Ning's slippers and followed him into the baby room.

The month sister-in-law sees a family of three all in inside, discerning of retreat out. She has always been very diligent. She got up early. Now shangguanning and jingyichen are in the baby room. She goes to the kitchen and helps sister LAN and Fang prepare breakfast.

When Jing Rui gets the milk, he immediately stops crying. Maybe he is happy to eat. He looks at shangguanning and smiles at her with his small hand.

Shangguan Ning looked at her son in her arms, and the maternal love was undoubtedly revealed. She patted Jingrui gently and praised him in a low voice: "ruiruirui is really good. When I grow up, I will be a sensible and good child."

Jingyichen bent down and carefully put on slippers for Shangguan Ning: "didn't you tell me, don't worry, you should wear shoes, the ground is cool."Shangguan was smiling at him and said, "I don't have you here?"

Jing Yichen was amused by her rightful tone: "originally I am your full-time nanny, specially waiting for you to wear shoes behind you!"

Shangguan Ning picked a delicate eyebrow: "how, you don't want to?"

"Yes, yes!" Jing Yichen quickly expressed his loyalty and solemnly said: "let the young lady send you! Don't talk about wearing shoes, just make shoes for you to wear! "

Shangguan Ning immediately laughed happily. It's good to have him around!

The whole world is bright!

As the time of the day passed quickly, Jing Yichen went out to work after breakfast. Things in the Tang Dynasty haven't been completely dealt with. Some assets and forces in his hands will be taken over by Jing Yichen. Jing Yichen has to take back the 100 billion he wants to go from shangguanning.

This money is not a small sum. After Tang shunian got the money, he died before he could spend it. Although he wanted to get it back, it was not particularly difficult.

The book year of the Tang dynasty built a variety of underground small worlds in many places of B city, and now they are all in the hands of Jing Yichen.

These small underground worlds, with intricate passages and dense basements, are very suitable for secret forces to move underground.

After dealing with the affairs of the book year of Tang Dynasty, Jing Yichen gives all the remaining matters to Li Feidao. He originally came from the black forces and is very familiar with that set of things. It's no surprise to keep those people away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!