Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 651

MuQing is sleepy and has messy hair. Her cartoon pajamas are wrinkled. She has just got up from the bed.

Jing Yiran doesn't know that MuQing's pajamas are lovers' clothes bought according to Zhao An'an's preference. Seeing him wearing such childish pajamas, she can't help but despise his dressing taste.

If you look at his drowsy appearance, Jingyi is not angry.

"Can you hold the scalpel in this way? The fawn has a bullet on his shoulder. It's not a small operation to take it out! Can you do it or not? If you can't, I'll get another doctor. "

Wood green smell speech, throw down to prepare to put on aseptic clothing to go: "Oh, OK, change a person! If you want to take it or not, put it inside to rust. I won't serve you! I'd better not let me take the one in your head. I can't hold my scalpel. What should I do if I cut your brain! "

Jing Yiran was fuming with anger, but at this time he was angry and could only bear it. Who let Mu Qing be a doctor!

If he had a bullet on his shoulder today, he would never ask him to have an operation even if he had a bullet on his shoulder. However, today is the fawn who comes to get the bullet. He can't let fawn bear the pain because of his ambition.

Jing Yiran took a deep breath, pressed down the anger in her heart, held Mu Qing, and said in a sincere way: "I just had an impulse. I talked a little bit too much. Don't mind. I'm afraid that you are too sleepy will affect the effect of the operation. It doesn't mean anything else."

Jing Yiran before and after the contrast is too big, wood green directly stunned.

Isn't it? Is Jing Yiran's brain pumping today? I'm sorry to him! Will the sun come out in the west tomorrow morning?

Usually, jingyiran doesn't say anything like this. He has a bad temper. Just now he said he would not take the bullet. Before that, jingyiran probably hit him directly in the face again!

Wood green can not less get Jing Yiran's fist!

Jingyi ran before a second or bully, after a second has become a small sheep, Mu Qing is not used to.

But people have already said that, and he can't care about it any more.

He looked strangely at the fawn and slapped her uninjured right shoulder with a smile. "How did you do it?" he inquired

"What?" the deer said inexplicably

Is it asking how she killed the year of Tang Shu? Did Mu Qing know the news so soon? Didn't he just sleep all the time?

"I've turned a lion into a little poodle! Teach me quickly Maybe he can use the same method to tame Zhao An'an!

The fawn was more puzzled. He looked around, blinked and said, "where are the lions and poodles?"

Mu Qing is speechless. It's as hard as ever to talk to fawn!

Looking at her silly appearance, I really can't figure out how she took Jing Yiran under her pomegranate skirt.

Jing Yiran knows what Mu Qing means. He can't help but stare at Mu Qing, and his tone is not good: "doctor mu, your medical ethics are good! If you want to have an operation, you have to inquire about the patient's private affairs. "

Mu Qing knew that he was in trouble, and the spring breeze was blowing his face with a smile: "where can I? I just care about it, just care about it! Let's go. Let's go. Go to the operating room. Get the bullets out. I've got to go to sleep. I'll have to have the operation tomorrow. "


Jing Yichen with Shangguan Ning and Jing Rui quickly returned to their home.

The house has been cleaned, the dirty carpet has been replaced with a new one, and the three people killed by fawn have long been gone.

But jingyichen did not go to the bedroom with Guan Ning to sleep, but changed a bedroom. Although it was smaller than the original master bedroom, it was better than that bedroom which made people uncomfortable.

Shangguanning doesn't mind that the original master bedroom was once the "battlefield" of Xiaolu and Tang shunian. Her bearing capacity has been improved rapidly, and some small things will not affect her at all. She can deal with the bloody situation calmly.

Jingrui has fallen asleep on the way back. He is inexplicably excited all night, and finally tired, he enters the sweet dreamland.

Moon sister-in-law didn't know what happened when she was sleeping. The deer gave her a little medicine, and now she is still sleeping safely.

Tang shunian's goal was not her, but shangguanning, so she was safe even if she stayed at home. What's more, there was little deer at that time. It was no problem to protect her life. Otherwise, shangguanning would not dare to let sister-in-law stay.

Jing Rui sleeps, but Shangguan Ning doesn't even feel sleepy.

She put Jing Rui back in the baby room and went to the study.

Jing Yichen is in his study to deal with what happened today. Tang shunian died in the hospital. There are still many people injured or dead. He needs to mobilize all aspects of the relationship to erase all traces.

Seeing Shangguan Ning come in, he hung up the phone, got up and hugged her, and said softly: "what's the matter? Why don't you go to bed so lateShangguan Ning nestled in jingyichen's arms, smelling the faint fragrance on his body, whispered: "I want to be with you."

Her attachment is so clear that jingyichen's heart is soft.

He took her hand and went to the desk and sat down. He held her in his arms and adjusted a comfortable posture for her. He said to himself, "did you scare you tonight?"

Shangguan nodded, thought and shook his head.

There must be some uneasiness. The atmosphere of the evening has been very depressed and tense. Although she and Jing Rui were not at home at that time, they were in the bulletproof car that jingzhongxiu gave her, but she was still flustered.

Because jingyichen was still in B city at that time and had not come back.

In her heart, he always felt that she was not lost.

However, she did not wait too long. Jingyichen appeared in front of her by helicopter within half an hour, and then took her to jingyiran with Jingrui.

Originally, she and Jing Rui should go home, but she doesn't want to be separated from jingyichen. She just follows jingyichen.

Most of the time, without going through some ups and downs, I don't know how important the other party is in her heart. Shangguanning didn't think she was a clingy woman, but now, she doesn't even want to be separated from Jing Yichen for a moment.

Perhaps it is because of no mother, she grew up, independence is very strong, never too much to rely on who.

Even after marriage with jingyichen, although she loves him very much, she won't rely on him for everything, and she won't stick to him if there's nothing wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!