Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 646

Tang shunian thought for a while, and suddenly said, "you have to make a promise that after I release jingyiran, I will never pursue me in my life."

In the field of killers, killers' promises are usually valid. They never sign any killing agreements with their employers because they don't show up at will. They usually make oral agreements over the phone. However, all oral agreements are valid, and most killers will not violate them at will. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to receive a task in the future.

Although Tang shunian doesn't fully believe in fawn, it's better to have this kind of oral commitment than not, because the more top killers are, the more they attach importance to commitment.

Angel has a good reputation in the killer world, and she has never broken her contract.

Tang Xiaolu was hesitant to kill her for a long time, but she didn't agree with me for a long time

Tang shunian got Xiaolu's promise, and saw that she hesitated for so long, and finally believed some in her heart.

"I need to talk to jingyiran on the phone."

Tang shunian didn't hesitate this time, he let his subordinates dial the phone over there.

When he is safe, you can let his subordinates pretend to let jingyiran go, and all of them ambush beside him. If fawn doesn't keep his promise and continue to pursue him, jingyiran will be caught again, and he will become the best umbrella again!

There is shangguanning. He is now in danger of staying at home. In the near future, he will flee abroad. However, of course, he can't go alone. He wants to take shangguanning with him!

So how could he let go of the woman he was obsessed with?

And take her away, jingyichen will certainly be very angry and painful, the rest of his life, will live in regret and hatred!

The phone was connected soon. Jing Yiran was surprised to hear the deer's voice for a long time.

It has been more than three hours since he was brought to this place by the group of people in front of him, but no matter how much he spied and inquired, these people did not want to know who told them to come.

Jing Yiran just thought it was Yang Muyan who discovered the cooperation between him and jingyichen and wanted his life, but it turned out that it was not.

He did not expect that Jing Yichen went to B city to catch the year of the Tang Dynasty in a city! This place can completely belong to jingyichen's sphere of influence. Even if others are not in city a, the whereabouts of the book year of the Tang Dynasty are very easy to expose.

What makes jingyiran happy is that the deer is really alive!

This is the best news for him!

However, the deer asked him where he was now, but he was baffled.

He didn't know where it was, but he was still in the center of city a, because it didn't take him long to get there blindfolded.

He said the environment roughly, and the deer said, "OK, I see. Wait there. I'll come to you in a moment."

Although Jing Yiran is very happy that the deer is still alive and can leave this ghost place, he is a big man and needs a woman to rescue him. He is very uncomfortable.

How can they always go against each other?

What he usually does is what women should do, while fawn does what men should do!

Jing Yiran is still immersed in the shame of being surrounded by a woman. When she looks up, she finds that fawn has already stood in front of him!

He was surprised even a pair of originally narrow peach blossom eyes are staring round!

Coming so fast?! No way!

Tang shunian rubbed his eyes hard for fear that he was dreaming.

But when he opened his eyes again, fawn stood steadily in front of him, looking at him with a kind of concern that he had never seen before.

It's really coming!

Is that too fast? Was she just downstairs? Otherwise, how can you come to him in a few minutes!

Tang shunian guarded jingyiran's subordinates. Before they could leave, they saw a gust of wind, and then there was an extra woman in the room!

Everyone was shocked!

Is this woman a human being or a ghost?! Speed so ghostly, covered with long black hair, white face frightening, there are a lot of dried up blood on the body!

This is not a girl who just woke up. Will she come out to drink blood again?

There was a strange stillness in the room, and a few seconds later, a shrill scream broke out. Just now, a group of strong men who had been in a state of tranquility just now seemed to have seen a ghost, screaming and running to the door.

They had long forgotten the requirements of the Tang Dynasty and fled to the country without their lives.

Just now that white and frightening woman, even if it is not a ghost, it is definitely not a normal person. All of them saw her, and that is not the speed of the ghost of human beings!

In one minute, everyone disappeared.

The deer saw that all the people were very smart to leave, and nodded slightly satisfied.Yes, she runs very fast, which saves her strength to kill people.

Jing Yiran is still standing by the window at the moment, because he has been threatening to jump off a building. The group of strong men, looking at him as if he saw some gorgeous beauty, made him hairy all over.

He jumped down from the window sill, walked quickly to the deer, and took her into his arms.

"You're OK, that's great! I was scared to death. I thought I would never see you again

In recent days, Jingyi has been thinking about Xiaolu for fear of any accident. Now he feels relieved to see her standing in front of him.

Deer gently pushed him away, looked up and down, and asked softly, "are you not hurt?"

Jingyi shook her head and said, "no, they are afraid that I will jump out of the building. No one dares to step forward. This method of mine is really very useful."

He said, and soon noticed the fawn's pale face and dried blood on his body.

His heart has that kind of wisps of pain, not fatal, but make him uncomfortable.

"Are you hurt? Is it serious? I'll take you to the hospital! "

Jing Yiran said that he was going to pull the deer away.

Fawn gently broke free of his hand and stood still: "I'm ok. I can't go to the hospital yet. I need to kill my target first."

Jing Yiran heard that she even wanted to kill Tang shunian again. She was very angry and said in an angry voice: "you don't want to die! What's good for you to kill him? Are you silly? Tang and Jing Yichen are enemies, not with you. I don't allow you to take risks again! No more killing in the future! Come with me to the hospital. You look so white. You must have shed a lot of blood. You need blood transfusion! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!