Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 647

No one has ever said that to fawn since her killing talent was discovered.

Everyone is asking her to kill, to kill, to kill! You're good at killing. You're good at killing. You have to kill!

No one was afraid that she would take risks, whether she would be injured or not, and no one would prevent her from killing for her safety.

She is an emotionless killing machine. She was born to kill. Maybe she was told too much by others. Maybe it was because killing brought her a sense of accomplishment. Even she felt that it was reasonable for her to kill.

Jing Yiran's anger makes fawn feel warm in his heart.

There is a person, is so love her, not willing to risk her, even if she has a strong strength, in his eyes, perhaps she is just a common need to love a little woman.

The deer's voice became more and more gentle: "I need the protection of the Jing family. If jingyichen has an accident, jingzhongxiu will not protect me any more. What's more, I owe the Jing family too much, and I have nothing to repay. It's reasonable for Jing Yichen to solve this kind of trouble. It's also my value. Besides killing people, I can't do anything else. "

"With the strength of the king family, they can even ask the first and third killers to kill Tang shunian at the same time. First and third together, I'm not an opponent. But once the Jing family invited them, the agreement between the Jing family and the killer organization would be invalid immediately. I need to go back and continue to be a killer. "

Jing Yiran doesn't know these rules!

Xiaolu has already told him that for her sake, the Jing family has negotiated with the killer organization for a long time. If Jing Zhongxiu had not had a good relationship with several people behind the killer organization, she would not have been able to get rid of the killer organization.

Killer organizations have existed for hundreds of years. In the past hundreds of years, the rules inside have become more and more strict. There are very few people who can break away from it. Including fawn, there are no more than five!

However, Jing Yiran was just too worried about the safety of the fawn, and had forgotten all those broken rules.

He hated the year of Tang Dynasty and the killer organization!

However, he hates himself most! He hated himself for being useless!

If he had killed Tang shunian directly, where would fawn suffer now!

If he has a huge power or superb martial arts, killing Tang shunian doesn't need fawn at all.

Jing Yiran took the deer into her arms again, lowered her head and said: "you are not allowed to go. If you want to kill, let me kill it! Isn't it just a year of the Tang Dynasty? I don't believe I can't kill him! "

The deer suddenly laughed, stretched out her hand around his waist, and said in her sweet baby voice, "Tang shunian is a bit special. There are endless ways to protect his life. He is the most able person I have ever seen. I can't even kill him, not even if you go. And I'm not going to let you risk it. He's going to die tonight. But... "

"But what?"

"But you may have to sleep for a while," he said with a smile

"What, fawn, dare you! You can't... "

Jingyi ran words have not finished, the whole person then soft fell on the deer's body.

"I'm sorry, I have to track down Tang shunian immediately. If I'm slow, I may not catch up. I'll take you home in a moment."

The deer threw away an empty injection in his hand, picked up jingyiran and quickly disappeared in the night.


Tang shunian's anesthetic has gradually failed, and the severe pain in his broken arm torments every nerve in his body.

That kind of pain, let him want to directly faint in the past!

His men were driving quickly to the hospital, but Tang shunian was still too slow to keep him accelerating and accelerating.

The place where the arm was broken, because of his activity, blood began to seep out again, and the empty sleeve had been dyed red.

Without his right arm, Tang shunian was in agony. When he saw other people's two arms, he would gnash his teeth and gnash his teeth. He wanted to cut off all the right arms of all people, so that everyone would become disabled just like him!

The car has not been driven too far, Tang shunian has received a call from his subordinates to report the situation there.

In his frightened, stumbling and confused report, Tang shunian finally realized that Xiaolu arrived at the commercial building thousands of meters away from Lijing District in just a few minutes!

It's impossible!

If you can't get there by car, it's possible to take a helicopter!

Is she human or not?!

The last time she fought hundreds of people alone in the basement, she showed extraordinary endurance and physical strength, but she didn't show that evil speed.

It's normal for a person to be stronger. Some people are born with the ability to resist and fight. Fawn is a killer. Although the performance is somewhat surprising, it is not too difficult to accept. Second in the world, there must be something unique about her.However, a few minutes of time, across thousands of meters, this is simply not a human can do!

What's more, in the underground shopping mall of B city, the powerful explosive that can make a concrete passage completely explode and collapse, but it doesn't kill the deer!

She didn't even have any fatal injuries all over her body!

What a strange situation!

Tang shunian didn't believe in ghosts and gods. He did so many evil deeds, and he didn't see any little ghosts come to the door to ask for his life.

Deer must still be human, but she must have a big secret hidden in her body!

Tang shunian speculates that this secret can fundamentally transform the human body and enhance the human body's functions in an all-round way. Otherwise, the deer's strength and speed will not reach that level!

If he could get the secret, would his lost arm grow out again!

At the thought of this possibility, Tang shunian's excited eyes were red!

He was afraid that fawn would follow him, but now, he hopes fawn will come.

He's going to catch the fawn and dig out her secret!

The best hospital in a city is naturally Mu's hospital. However, Tang shunian certainly would not choose Mu's hospital to treat himself. The relationship between Mu's Hospital and Jing Yichen is very close. It's no different from looking for death where to go.

In any case, the hospital needs to take care of the serious wounds. He needs only a strong bandage to treat the wounds.

I'm afraid Jing Yichen is driving from city B to city A. Tang shunian needs to catch the deer before he comes back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!