Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 645

"You were buried under the rubble that day, and there was a man looking for you like crazy. Who do you think this person is? That person looks like a talented person. You are so nervous that you almost fight with Jing Yichen. You say, what if I let him break an arm like me? No, no, no, it's too cheap for him. At least he has to break an arm and a leg and become a complete disability

At first, he was worried that jingyiran had no use value for angel. He was worried that jingyiran only took Angel seriously. Now it seems that Jing Yiran, the person he hates the most, has high utilization value.

Angel has always been a cold killer. Only when he said that jingyiran, did his face change!

Ha ha ha, it's ridiculous. The second top killer in the world has love! And this love, became her fatal weakness!

Killers are not allowed to fall in love and get married. This is the iron law of the global killer world, and angel has openly violated this iron law! I wonder if her organization would give her the most severe punishment if she knew the news?

Tang Shu Nian didn't know that the deer had broken away from the killers' organization and no longer worked for them. Naturally, he didn't need to abide by any iron rules.

Xiaolu never thought that Tang shunian would use jingyiran to threaten her. She used to be a person who was used to it. She didn't have to worry about it. She didn't have to worry about being revenged by her relatives and friends after killing people, because she had no family members or friends.

As a result, she simply forgot that there is a scenery around her that may be used and hurt by others.

Jing Yiran is really her weakness now. She would rather hurt herself than let him hurt. I just don't know what the situation is now.

The deer coldly looked at Tang Shu Nian, and the killing intention in his eyes suddenly appeared: "he had better be OK. If he has something, I will certainly not let you go."

"Of course he's ok now, but it's up to you to see if there's anything else in a while. If I have something to do, he must have something. If I can leave safely, he won't have to be short of hands and feet. Well, do you want to have a word with him

Tang shunian is full of self-confidence. When he gets the weakness of fawn, it is equivalent to pinching her lifeline. He doesn't believe that fawn will bravely shoot at him regardless of jingyiran's life and death! Of course, he must let fawn hear jingyiran say the news controlled by his people. Otherwise, how can fawn believe it!

Tang shunian looks ferocious with a smile.

How could he come here without any preparation? Without amulet, how could he show up easily.

Moreover, if shangguanning was so easy to catch, he would have started it! Those who doubt him will be protected all the time. Sure enough, this is a trap for him!

I'm afraid jingyichen already knew that he had already come. He set up a teacher and went to B city with great momentum. It must be to cooperate with Xiaolu in this play!

He was nearly taken in!

Thanks to him, he always likes to leave a way for himself and add more layers of protection. Otherwise, he will die today!

Before the deer spoke, Tang shunian waved to one of his men: "connect the phone, let Miss Angel listen to her man's beautiful voice!"

His men immediately took out his mobile phone and started to make a phone call. After a few seconds, there was a familiar and distressing voice for fawn.

“…… Who on earth sent you here? Get away from me! I don't think you can touch me! If anyone dares to step forward, I will jump down from the window! If I die, you'll be in vain! Ha ha ha

Jing Yiran's voice just fell, a group of men's shouts were heard on the phone, some were abusing, some were teasing.

However, it sounds like jingyiran has not suffered any substantial damage now, and the fawn is slightly relieved.

Only half a minute after the call was connected, Tang shunian asked his staff to hang up the phone, so as not to say too much and disclose the specific location.

The deer listened quietly, and then said faintly, "let him go, I will let you go."

"No! You are so good at tracking. If I release the hostage, you can catch up and kill me in five minutes. I'm not so stupid! Jing Yiran must still be in my hands now. When I guarantee my safety, I will release him immediately and never break my promise! "

As a matter of fact, he thought that even if he was safe, he could not let Jing Yiran go. What a good weight! With Jing Yiran in hand, the female killer cast a mousetrap in front of her. She didn't dare to kill him!

Ha ha ha, he is so clever!

Tang shunian was proud, so he heard Xiaolu's crisp way: "OK, you can go, but I want to talk to jingyiran again, I want to confirm his position!"

Tang shunian looks at the deer in amazement, but she agrees so happily.This condition he put forward is obviously beneficial to him and unfavorable to her. Is she so confident in herself that she can rescue jingyiran even if he breaks his promise?

Tang shunian put away all his complacency, and his face became a little dignified.

This damned killer, he has to think of a safe way to solve her, otherwise he has been staring at by such a fierce killer, he can't sleep and eat well!

After waiting for a long time, the deer did not see any reaction from the Tang Dynasty. Instead, he began to show hesitation.

She had a late reaction, she just promised too fast!

She has a lot of experience in killing people, but she is not good at sophistication and intrigue.

She did not worry that he would destroy Nuo. She was confident enough to rescue Jing Yiran and kill Tang shunian.

Therefore, the conditions just put forward in the book year of the Tang Dynasty have nothing to promise to her.

Fortunately, Xiaolu is not stupid. Knowing what she just said unintentionally revealed her strength, she immediately asked: "Tang shunian, you are so hesitant to speak, are you just lying to me? You didn't intend to let Jingyi go at all, so you were afraid that I would pursue you again? "

Tang shunian immediately said: "how can I, as long as I make sure I'm safe, I'm sure I'll let it go. You don't need to worry about this! I'm just afraid that you will kill the door again. I will not rely on you at that time, and I will not be left to you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!