Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 644

"Oh? Do you mean that Tang Shu Nian is now short of arms and legs

Deer light should a, and then the gun, aimed at the left side of the person who lost an arm in the back of the head.

"Now I know which of the three of you is him! Thank you so much for giving me such important information! "

The leader was anxious to cry: "Miss angel, our master is not here, I have already died three brothers, please don't shoot again! What happened today is that we are not kind. You can pay as much as you want. You can be a cow or a horse! However, my brother has lost an arm, and the family life has been hard enough. If you kill him, there will be no one to take care of the elderly and children in his family! "

"Yes, I do hear that Tang shunian has a seven or eight year old son and an elderly parent."

Said the deer, and began to smile gently.

"Such a fierce and powerful bomb actually only blew up one arm of you. You are really lucky in Tang Dynasty! However, although you are wearing a bulletproof vest today, you are not wearing a bulletproof helmet. What a mistake

The man in black, who lost an arm, had a hunchback and straightened up slowly. The hand he raised was also slowly retracted. Then he slowly turned around and faced the fawn.

His face was pale and his eyebrows were sparse. His lips were thicker than those of the Tang Dynasty. His eyes were sunken and there was no sense of handsome.

Only the eyes did not change, still sinister and arrogant.

His lips showed a faint smile, and then the smile slowly expanded, and finally did not restrain the crazy laugh.

He laughed for a long time, and his face began to twist. The hatred in his eyes was just like substance.

He said: "angel, you really don't know what to do! Do you think that you are the second killer in the world and invincible? I tell you, I will torture you to death with the most cruel means! Oh, no, I will not let you die, I will let you live in pain every day! You can't live, you can't die! "

Tang shunian was forcefully blown off an arm by the deer, and his whole body was also blasted with countless wounds. His bulletproof vest was the top-level, but it was also smashed in the violent explosion!

If he didn't have a bulletproof vest and helmet, he would have been blown apart and turned into a piece of flesh and blood!

Now, he just stood here, the explosion hurt his internal organs, the pain has been tormenting him, the broken arm even after the most professional treatment, hit a powerful anesthetic, but still has a deep pain!

He doesn't have an arm!

This result made Tang shunian just wake up and then fainted again!

He has no way to accept that he has become a disabled!

He is perfect! Without an arm, and his most important right arm, how can he be perfect?! His whole life will be incomplete!

It's all angel. It's all her! He must let her break her hands and feet!

Tang shunian's face was ferocious and roaring. If the gun in the deer's hand was not pointed at him all the time, he would certainly rush forward to tear up the deer.

However, the fawn looked indifferent, completely unaffected by his emotions: "today is your death date, do you want to torture me? You'd better go to hell first

Tang shunian is a burst of wild Laughter: "I even Jing Yichen can deal with, you a dead girl I can't deal with? I had doubted whether you were dead or not. Fortunately, I had made full preparations, otherwise I would have been ruined today! "

Fawn frowned slightly. She had a bad feeling all the time.

These two days, she has been following Tang shunian secretly, but there are too many people around him, and she is very vigilant. She is also seriously injured and her action is blocked. She can't get close to Tang shunian to take his life.

But he suddenly came to Lijing district without any precaution today. He wanted to take shangguanning and Jingrui as hostages. This is not normal at all.

There are only five people around him, one of whom is responsible for unlocking the lock. He is not good at fighting at all. In such a sensitive period, only so few people accompany him out. This is not the style of the Tang Dynasty!

He is a person who pays great attention to protecting his life and privacy. Otherwise, he would not build basements everywhere in city B. he would rather live in the basement than in the villa of Yu family most of the time. He is afraid of death. Where is the safety of his underground room in Yu's villa.

This is the reason why Xiaolu did not shoot. Otherwise, she would not have hesitated for such a long time, and would not have said so much to Tang shunian.

In movies and TV, it's impossible to say a lot of nonsense to each other before killing people. This is a taboo of killers.

Real professional killers never talk to their targets or even let them have any opportunities to speak. One hit is the most important and efficient way.

Killer is to kill, not to chat!In fact, fawn has already determined which of the six people is the year of the Tang Dynasty, but she has not shot because her keen intuition for many years tells her that there is something fishy in it.

She felt that if she shot, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

However, I don't know what kind of reliance Tang Shu Nian had. He was so fearless.

Tang shunian is Xiaolu's killer for the first time in her career. She doesn't want to leave such a failure in her life. If she wants to kill him, she will certainly kill her. This is not the underground world of Tang shunian, but a high-rise building that is not conducive to his hiding. Here, he can't escape.

In this regard, fawn is full of confidence.

Therefore, for the first time, she violated all kinds of taboos of killers and talked nonsense with Tang shunian here for a long time.

The gun in deer's hand has not been moved, has been facing her head, if he does not have a reason for her fear, she will certainly not hesitate to shoot.

"Tell me what you depend on. If you don't say it now, you will never have a chance to say it again." Deer light way.

All the smiles on the face of Tang shunian were gone. Instead, they were cruel and cruel: "I have a man in my hand. This man once died, but he was so lucky that he came back to life! However, in my hands, his life is very big

The fawn's face changed slightly. It was already a little pale and looked even paler.

Tang shunian looked at her change of expression and sneered.

He is not a kind-hearted person. If he is a person, he has weaknesses. How can he not make good use of them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!