Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 643

In the moonlight, the pale blade stabbed into someone's body, making a dull sound of "poop". When the knife comes out again, it has become a scarlet.

After a few minutes, everything that was in the way was fixed.

The black figure flashed into the middle of the three high-rise buildings in the community.

In the elevator button, "27" is pressed, and then the elevator slowly rises. When it reaches the 27th floor, the elevator door opens and the black figure comes out.

In the corridor, a piece of people have fallen down, all of them breathe evenly and fall asleep without knowing it.

They have been drugged, and even if the sky thunders, they can't wake them up.

A man in the shadow disdained a low voice: "bang, raised a group of stupid pigs, but so! Thanks to so much preparation when I came here, it didn't work at all

He passed the sleeping bodyguard lying on the ground, went to a high-grade security door, and said to the humanity around him: "open it, don't make any sound!"

In front of this kind of security door is not easy to open, even if the visitor is very proficient in unlocking, it took five minutes to open the door.

The room was dark and very quiet. Only a faint breath could be heard. The people in the room were obviously still asleep and did not know the danger was coming.

Home decoration is pure European style, concise in showing luxury, incomparably spacious living room, large French windows, light brown carpet.

On the bright white marble table top, there are several children's picture books scattered. On the white sofa, there are two lovely little lions lying there quietly.

In the soft moonlight, the warmth of home is vividly displayed by a few things.

Unfortunately, after those black figures came in, they didn't mean to appreciate it at all. The dirty leather shoes directly stepped on the clean and luxurious carpet, leaving a shocking footprints.

Black figures, a total of six, each holding his breath, quietly walking in.

The six were not familiar with the layout of the house, so they did not know which room the host was resting in.

One of them inadvertently opened a rather warm baby room, but there was no baby on the small crib. There was a middle-aged woman sleeping in the big bed beside the baby bed.

"Boss, the child is not here!"

"It's OK. Don't worry. Go to other rooms to look for it. Our people are watching all the time. They haven't even gone out of the door these days. They must still be at home."

"His family is too big! So many rooms make me dizzy

"Don't talk. When the host is attracted to city B, find someone quickly! When he comes back, we'll have to run for our lives

Soon, the master bedroom was found.

The curtains in the bedroom are not closed, and the light moonlight shines in. Everything in the room can be seen clearly.

There was a person lying on the big bed by the window. Even if she was covered with a thin quilt, she could still see her beautiful figure. Her slender white arms were outside, and her slender waist and long thighs attracted people's imagination.

Her long hair was scattered on the pillow at random, and she was sleeping on her side. She didn't know that six people were staring at her.

Beside the big bed in the bedroom, there is a cradle type baby bed. There is a small figure lying on the small bed. Although you can't see the face clearly, it is undoubtedly the child that these people are looking for.

"Adults and children, take them all away! Come on

When the leader finished this sentence, the dim bedroom was suddenly as bright as day, and all the lights were turned on in an instant!


The six people were stabbed by the strong light and couldn't open their eyes at all, but they were only slightly flustered and immediately calmed down and asked.

The voice just fell, the dull sound of the gun remembered, "bang bang bang" three guns, burst into the six people, instantly fell three.

"Don't move, anyone who moves will die!"

A clear and sweet baby sound sounded in the bedroom.

Then, the beautiful figure on the bed got up with the speed that everyone was frightened, and flew to their back, blocking the way.

"The year of the Tang Dynasty, I have been waiting for a long time!"

At the same time, she heard the three words of "living" in the book.

But none of them dared to turn around. The leader called out in surprise and anger: "angel, you are not dead!"

Under the bright light, the figure on the small crib can already be seen clearly. Where is the child? It is a simulation doll with the size of a baby!

Damn it, they've been fooled!

Shangguanning and her child Jingrui are not at home at all!

How could that be possible!

Their people have been watching. Shangguanning has been taking care of the children at home. She goes to bed at more than ten o'clock in the evening. She never goes out!The six of them have just looked through the house. There is no one else in the family except the middle-aged woman who is the sister-in-law!

"Hands up, don't turn around!" Deer's voice is very cold, with her unique baby voice, so that the three people feel abnormal uncomfortable.

Three people, but only five hands.

The man on the left, dressed in an ordinary black suit, did not look impressive, but the sleeve on his right side was empty, and he had only one arm.

The leader suddenly began to beg for mercy from the deer: "angel, please let us go. We are only working for the master, and today I can't help it! As soon as you let us go, I will tell you immediately where our master is hiding! "

"The book year of Tang Dynasty is among the three of you. Why should I go far and near?"

The fawn is slightly pale, with a cold expression on his face, and the smile on his lips is also very cold.

"Tang Shu Nian, do you think you can escape my pursuit if you escape from city B to city a?"

The most dangerous place is often the safest place. What's more, jingyichen with a large number of people stay in city B to search for the book year of the Tang Dynasty. City a is just the most suitable place to avoid.

Here, the strength of the king family is deeply rooted. No one would have thought that Tang shunian would dare to come to a city!

"Miss angel, what are you talking about? Our master is not here at all. He is still lying in the hospital in B city! The bomb you threw out has greatly damaged our master. He even has problems walking. How could he be in city a? "

"Let us go. There are old and young people in our family. It's not easy to come out and have a meal. The master can't see it. We won't work hard for him in the future. Please give us a way to live!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!