Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 642

Finally, Jing Yichen put his eyes on the 100 meter long destroyed passage.

"Dig the passage as fast as you can. You have to see people alive and dead to see corpses!"

"Yes, young master!"

The power of Jing Yichen is obviously much stronger than that of the Tang Dynasty. The underground passage was dug through two days later.

Li Feidao calls Jing Yichen to report the progress: "young master, we didn't find the body of fawn, but we found her miniature earphone. We found a lot of blood where we found the earphone. After DNA comparison, it was fawn's

Jingyichen relaxed, but the tone is still plain: "good, you do not need to come back for the time being, first in B city standby."

Hang up the phone, jingyichen stood up, out of the study, to the living room.

In the living room, Shangguan Ning is holding Jingrui to feed him. Since yesterday, her health has been completely well, and Jingrui finally doesn't have to drink milk powder.

Seeing jingyichen come out from the study, Shangguan Ning has a faint worry on his face: "what's the matter? Did you find it? "

Jingyichen gently shook his head: "no, but found her lost earphone and blood, she should be injured, with her body function, those injuries are certainly not fatal."

Shangguan Ning can't help but feel relieved. It doesn't matter if you get hurt. As long as the deer's life is not in danger.

Jingyichen hugged her, gently pinned her hair on her cheek behind her ear, and said in a low voice: "don't worry, she has been a killer for so long, what danger has not been experienced? I'm afraid she has suffered more than me. She has been trapped in a desperate situation for countless times and has been besieged many times. Has she not lived to this day? Injury is certain, with her ability and physical fitness is not dead

Although Jing Yichen has been a little worried about fawn, he still feels that deer will not be in danger.

He used to fight with fawn and fight with her. No one knows her ability better than him.

In terms of fighting, the two of them are a little similar. They are both very desperate, but they both know how to save their lives.

Jing Yichen knows that Xiaolu must have followed Tang shunian. She didn't listen to him at all. She still put killing Tang shunian first!

Jing Yiran soon learned from Li Feidao about the latest search progress, and it was the best news for him that he did not find the deer's body!

He wanted to go to B city to look for the trail of fawn himself, but he was stopped by jingyichen's people. Once he broke in, he was stunned by violence.

After being knocked out four times, jingyiran is finally honest.

He knew that he could not go out by himself. The only thing he could do now was to wait and wait for the fawn to come back safely to him.

In the past, he thought fawn was a killer, and he was the second top killer in the world. It was a matter of great honor for him. He would feel very proud.

But now, he didn't want fawn to be a killer at all.

Because it's too dangerous. You may die if you're not careful!

He wanted the fawn to live a stable life, not a bloody life on the tip of a knife.

Jing Yichen still did not go back to Jingsheng group to go to work. He put all his energy into looking for the book year of the Tang Dynasty. Finding the book year of the Tang Dynasty means finding the deer.

Of course, finding the deer also means finding the year of the Tang Dynasty.

Just one of the two is enough.

However, both of them are hard to find. It took jingyichen three days and three nights to find the trace of the Tang Dynasty book year again.

Li Feidao got the exact news that Tang shunian was seriously injured and had to be admitted to the hospital.

However, it is difficult to determine which hospital, because he released a very confusing smoke bomb, and at the same time let many people pretend to be him and live in all hospitals in B city.

There are three large hospitals, five medium-sized hospitals and eleven small hospitals in B city.

If every family goes to explore, it will certainly require a lot of manpower, which is not feasible at all.

Unfortunately, they didn't find any trace of the fawn. She seemed to have disappeared completely. She didn't show up and left any tracking signals and information to them.

City B is not a city. The Jing family is in absolute control in city A. no hospital dares to disobey Jing Yichen's orders. However, the hospitals in city B don't give much face, especially those small hospitals, which are at a relatively low level. They don't know the terror of jingjias and the strength of jingyichen, so they don't buy it.

On the contrary, the three big hospitals in B city cooperate very well, because the presidents of these three hospitals are all from big families. The king family, a legendary family with hundreds of years of standing, all need to look up. Where can they stop Jing Yichen's people from entering the hospital for investigation.

The three big hospitals soon found out that they were treated by someone else pretending to be the year of the Tang Dynasty.

Jing Yichen's eyes were on five medium-sized hospitals.

The equipment in small hospitals can't keep up with it, and the level of doctors is also very general. If Tang shunian was seriously injured, it was useless to go to a small hospital. Only doctors in large and medium-sized hospitals could save him.In order to solve the problem of the book year of the Tang Dynasty, Jing Yichen once again came to B city.

He personally took charge of the town, directing his men to trace the year of the Tang Dynasty.

All the confusing news is eliminated by Jing Yichen. Finally, he chooses two hospitals, and then let people attack them.


In a city, on the beach of the bathing beach, there are three or three children and lovers in love playing in the sea.

On a summer night, the sea breeze is cool and refreshing.

The stars all over the sky are blinking quietly, as if they are passing on some unspeakable important message to the people on the earth.

At night, it was already deep, and the last few children on the beach were taken home by their parents. The sea water splashed on the beach and rolled up layer after layer of white spray.

There are several black figures, with a whole body of evil spirit, quickly from the soft sand beach, leaving a series of heavy footprints.

In the weak moonlight, the figures are stacked in the lower layer, like ghosts, over the high wall of the community, and quickly sneak into the dense green holly bush.

The security guard at the gate was very energetic at the first moment, but at the next moment he didn't know what was going on. He felt sleepy and couldn't open his eyes.

His willpower was not firm, and he soon obeyed the body's reaction and fell asleep.

The ghostly figure was not at ease. After looking around for a long time, he found that there were still some people who were in the dark, and two of them leaned on quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!