Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 639

There are more and more people in the underground shopping mall. With the deer's eyesight, you can see clearly.

She took advantage of people's inattention, suddenly burst out of their own limit speed, ghostly appeared in an entrance, quietly walked in.

Naturally, Tang shunian did not know that the deer could see things even in the complete darkness. He turned off all the lights in the underground passage, and there was a dim little fluorescent lamp at a long distance.

But this is exactly the best protection for the deer, because she came in in black, it is difficult to find her figure if she is not close to her.

However, fawn is not afraid that those people will find her. She is just worried that there will be monitoring equipment in the underground passage, so that she can be easily exposed.

Someone approached her and was killed easily by her. The whole process was only a few seconds without any sound, and no one paid attention to it.

She simply changed her dress and changed her face with the small tools she had brought with her. Her face turned black a few degrees, and then she brought a fake short hair.

After finishing, she strode in.

Fawn made a special experiment and found that no one recognized her in the underground passage. Some nodded to her in a mild manner, but most of them ignored her as if they could not see her.

It seems that these people in the Tang Dynasty have a bad relationship with each other, and they are not familiar with each other. They should be new people, not trusted subordinates.

The underground passage here is not as complicated and tortuous as the underground kingdom that trapped Jing Yichen in the year of Tang Dynasty, but it seems deeper.

After only walking for more than an hour, the fawn has basically figured out the route.

It's just that there are countless basements on both sides of each long underpass, and they look exactly the same, no difference.

Occasionally someone came out of the basement. After the deer looked at it quietly, he went deep underground.

Shallow basement, should be those ordinary people's bedroom, deep basement, it is possible to live in the Tang Dynasty.

The deeper we go, the more people there are. All of them are very vigilant. It is difficult to get close to them.

Deer did not hesitate to turn around and walk back, threw a miniature bomb and then quickly left.

A few seconds later, the whole underground world roared with deafening explosion, and all parts of the underground passage were falling stones.

As soon as the vibration abated, a large number of people came to investigate.

The deer entered the deep passage smoothly, and then opened a basement door calmly.

It is narrow and empty, with only some compressed biscuits, mineral water and other food and drinking water.

deep basement is as like as two peas, and the deer are quick to open up to check. This is the most stupid method and the only way. Otherwise, the doors of these basement doors look the same. There is no way to tell where the Tang Dynasty is hidden in that basement.

The deer didn't look for it for a long time, but found the clue.

There is a basement, all kinds of wire terminal interface, and these wires, at least half of them are buried underground.

The fawn drew a sharp knife from his boot and began to dig up the concrete floor of the basement along the wire.

It's not that she doesn't want to use a simpler way, but she has been around here for a long time, but she can't find the entrance to the deeper level, so she has to start from here.

It's only the deer, who has infinite strength, can dig. The solid concrete is crushed like tofu in her hand. Her body is not human at all.

So many lines will not be buried too far. Maybe, they are under the basement.

When the deer was digging the ground, the basement was suddenly opened, and a man came in. However, before the man could shoot, his eyebrow had been hit by a fast bullet, and the whole man fell down.

Quickly get rid of a man and the fawn continues to dig.

Half an hour later, she finally dug through the ground.

However, at the moment of digging through the ground, the whole underground passage suddenly remembered the sharp and urgent alarm.

Originally staring at the monitoring screen, Tang shunian's pupil suddenly shrinks and instinctively looks up to the ceiling.

A black muzzle, passing through a fist size hole, was aimed at his head.

The roar of the alarm didn't distract the deer. She didn't seem to hear anything. All her attention was focused on Tang shunian.

At the moment, the year of the Tang Dynasty looks funny.

Because he was wearing thick bulletproof vests all over his body and a bullet proof helmet on his head. He was wrapped like a bear. His whole body was bloated and clumsy. The movement of looking up seemed to be very difficult, which made his face red.

“Angel!” Tang shunian was surprised and angry at the white tender hand holding a gun. With that hand, he knew that the world's second largest killer had been found!But Tang shunian soon remembered his equipment, and he laughed: "angel, you kill me! You shoot

Thanks to his preparation and wearing a bullet proof vest, no bullet can pierce his equipment now!

The alarm is still roaring. In the Tang Dynasty's room, a defense alarm system was set up. As long as someone touched the wall of his room, the alarm would ring immediately.

Although his room is not particularly solid, but with this alarm system, anyone who wants to come in will inevitably trigger the alarm device, and he will be able to respond in a timely manner.

The deer held a gun in his left hand and aimed at Tang shunian, but the gun in his right hand kept shooting. The basement was constantly breaking into people, trying to kill her.

After the bullets of the right hand gun were finished, the left hand gun was replaced by the right hand, "bang bang bang" sound continued to ring. At the same time, the deer took out another micro bomb from his arms, and then through the fist size hole, threw it at the foot of the Tang Dynasty.

After throwing the bomb, fawn quickly rushed out of the basement, the gun in his hand kept ringing.

Two seconds later, the bomb exploded. The place where the fawn had been staying, which was the size of a fist, had collapsed!

The labyrinth of underground passages and identical basements helped the fawn escape.

She had a great memory, and had already written down all the routes she had taken, and had already calculated the route of escape.

She has the last micro bomb on her body, which may save her life in a critical time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!