Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 638

The second corpse was found soon, which naturally caused more panic. Everyone was in danger. The exit of the underground shopping mall was full of people. Everyone crowded out in fear that they would run slowly and be killed quietly by some vicious killer.

Normal people, are running out, left behind, are abnormal.

Who will stay here without fear of death? Money is no more important than life. The salesmen in the shopping malls and shops are all scared out of their minds and squeeze out.

The remaining salesmen don't think their sense of responsibility is so heavy.

The fawn remained motionless in the dark.

With her Superman's eyesight, she calmly observes the huge underground shopping mall.

Soon, she found a few hidden passageways, and near those channels, almost a fearless salesman was guarding his shop and refused to leave.

The two surviving doubles were not afraid of death than those disguised as salesmen. They even began to wander underground, as if afraid that the fawn would not see them.

Two of them have just died, and they are not afraid to continue to hit the muzzle of the gun.

One of them walked slowly towards the fawn. The fawn saw his expression. Although he tried to keep calm, his eyes were full of fear. His fingers were shaking slightly with fear. If it was not for her good eyesight, it would be hard to find out.

If it was a real book year of the Tang Dynasty, he would not have such a reaction.

Although Tang shunian was certainly afraid of death, he would never be so afraid.

The fawn quickly killed the third stand in one hundred and twenty-seven meters away from him. He no longer hid his body and went straight to the fourth.

The fourth double quickly runs into a safety door and runs down the corridor.

Fawn watched his figure gradually disappear, but did not chase, but return to the original road.

The way the double took her must have been a trap, and she knew exactly how the other party found her.

The whole underground shopping mall is covered with surveillance cameras. It's easy to find someone. But Tang shunian knows himself again. He must be sitting in a room full of surveillance screens and looking at himself.

Xiaolu finds the monitoring room of the shopping mall in no hurry. It is full of monitoring screens. There are several men in security uniform who are on guard.

Before the deer entered the door, the people inside had already stood up with guns in their hands. Someone shot at her and was nimbly dodged by her.

These people are obviously not the security guards of the shopping malls at all. Which security guards of the shopping malls still carry guns?

They are all people sent by the Tang Dynasty, wearing security uniforms and waiting for the fawn to deliver to the door.

In a gun battle, even if it is an enemy of ten, fawn has never lost. What's more, now there are only six people on the other side, and their skills are general and their shooting skills are general.

"Bang bang bang" six bullets quickly shot out, the glass window of the monitoring room exploded, and six people inside fell to the ground one after another, and all of them had no heartbeat and breath.

The fawn calmly walked in, without looking at the six corpses lying on the ground. His eyes fell on the monitoring screen and monitoring equipment.

After a general glance, she knew that the monitoring equipment of the Tang Dynasty must be connected to these monitoring devices, and it was impossible to re access every camera. It was too hard.

She cut off the power supply of the monitoring room, and all the monitoring screens turned black in an instant.

In order to be on the safe side, fawn destroyed the monitoring equipment, so as not to send someone to turn on the power supply just after her front foot left. All this she did would be meaningless.

Out of the monitoring room, fawn quickly found the power distribution room and walked in.

In the power distribution room, there are also people watching Tang shunian. Xiaolu suspects that the owner behind the underground shopping mall should be Tang shunian, but he does not participate in any business in order not to arouse the suspicion of others.

A few minutes later, everyone in the power room was also out of breath.

The deer pulled down the main switch of the distribution room, and the whole underground shopping mall was in a dark moment.

However, this dark, for the fawn, does not affect the action, she can still see clearly.

The equipment in the power distribution room was also damaged by the deer, so it is impossible to repair them in a short time.

Darkness and murder pervaded the whole underground shopping mall. Those salesmen who did not escape had already torn off their disguise and hid behind the container carefully with guns, waiting for a fatal blow to the intruder.

Fawn likes darkness. This kind of environment is most conducive to her super performance and can protect her safety.

Although her physical function is more than ten times better than that of ordinary people, she is still human after all. She is inevitably injured in the process of carrying out tasks. Sometimes, she is besieged by many people, and it is inevitable for her to suffer some losses.

However, in the dark, her advantage will be more obvious, and the number of injuries will be greatly reduced, so the fawn will feel more secure in the dark.Fawn did not rashly choose a channel to investigate. It was the act of death. She would not do it.

Tang shunian is good at building underpasses and all kinds of basements. Last time, Xiaolu was slightly injured in the basement, and she was quite afraid of the complicated passageways and weird basements.

Although the underground world is easy to enter, it is more difficult to get out safely than to ascend to the sky.

The fawn blends himself into the darkness and waits patiently.

One hour, two hours Twenty one hours later, the underground shopping mall is still dead, the deer's body is still motionless, like a sculpture quietly hidden in the dark.

For killers like fawn, lurking in a place for a long wait is a required course and a basic skill for a killer.

Otherwise, you can't even hide, and you can't keep your own life. Talk about how to kill others.

However, not everyone can endure like a deer.

There was a rustling noise in the dark underground shopping mall.

Someone crept into a deeper entrance to the ground.

The deer didn't move. She was still waiting patiently.

Two people died here, so many customers and salesmen all ran out, but up to now, no police officer has come to check.

Xiaolu knows that jingyichen must have done a good job in the human relations of city B. today, he specially sent people to meet her outside, and at the same time, he is also responsible for dealing with emergencies outside.

As long as she doesn't go out, or send out a distress signal, no one will come in.

This is her battlefield. , the fastest update of the webnovel!