Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 640

Xiaolu doesn't know whether Tang shunian is dead or not, and will not go back to check. At this time, there must be a lot of people around him. If she goes back, she will face hundreds of bullets.

Moreover, before carrying out this mission, Jing Yichen once said that this mission was totally different from those she had taken over before. Her primary goal was not to kill Tang shunian, but to save her own life.

If we take the life of Tang shunian at the expense of her life, it will be the most loss making business.

However, no matter what jingyichen said, Xiaolu knew that her mission had failed.

This is the first time in her career that she has failed since she became an official killer at the age of 16!

Most of the time when a killer performs a task, he doesn't need to go back to find out whether the target is dead or not. A good killer usually kills with one blow and doesn't need a second shot at all.

And the second shot, the success rate will be less than 50%, because the other side has a strong sense of preparedness, the mentality of the killer will be greatly affected.

Once you need to go back and determine whether the target is dead, to a large extent, it means that the assassination has failed.

If a killer is not sure whether he has killed a person every time he kills, the killer is not qualified, because luck can't always be accompanied by a killer. Killing is not by luck, but by excellent strength.

Although the mission failed, fawn's expression was still calm and her eyes did not fluctuate, but her heart was not reconciled.

She asked Jing Yichen for this mission. As a result, she didn't know whether Tang shunian was dead or not. His bullet proof equipment and the miniature bomb might not have taken his life. As a result, Jing Yichen would have to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to determine the life and death and specific location of the year.

Although she is not reconciled, fawn is not too depressed. Her emotional fluctuation has always been small and has been adjusted quickly. At this time, the situation is so tense that she can not be distracted.

The deer ran in the disordered underground passage, and her speed almost became a shadow. All the people who pursued her were surprised and angry and tried to shoot at her.

Suddenly, a bullet was shot into his left shoulder, which brought up a blood mist and made the deer's speed slightly slow.

A large crowd of people gathered ahead and blocked the passage.

And she's running out of bullets.

The burning pain and massive blood loss caused by the bullet made the fawn's face pale.

She took out the last miniature bomb and threw it forward.

When the bomb exploded, the people who had just been killed turned into a blur of flesh and blood, and the aftershock of the bomb also made the deer fly more than ten meters away.

The internal organs were shaken and the deer's lip was bleeding.

But before she could wipe off the blood, a more violent explosion broke out in the underpass here!

A lot of explosives have been buried under the passage for a long time. Although the detonating explosive will cause a large area of collapse under the tunnel, and all those who are still chasing the fawn will die along with them. However, no matter how many people will die, no matter how many people will die!

A passage nearly 100 meters long was completely destroyed, and the upper and lower floors of the passage were also destroyed. More than 200 people who pursued the deer were all killed.

The passage is completely blocked. If you want to find the deer's body from inside, it will be a huge project!

Because of the underground passage here, it is difficult for large machines to enter. If you want to open the tunnel again, you can only use small equipment and a lot of manpower.

However, no one went to find the deer's body. If she could survive in this situation, she would not be human at all.


The shooting incident in the underground shopping mall of B city caused the panic of the people in B city. The new mayor of B city and the director of public security all came forward to declare that they would find out the murderer and return the people a safe and stable living environment.

As for the scene of the crime, the underground shopping mall, has now been completely sealed off, and the police are fully investigating the causes and consequences of the incident.

The shooting incident in the underground shopping mall forced the above ground shopping mall to be closed.

Not only because of the recent shooting, but also because there have been several obvious earthquakes from underground shopping malls in the shopping mall. Like the earthquake, the staff did not dare to go to work. Of course, customers did not dare to go shopping.

It was Li Feidao and twenty elites sent out by Jing Yichen to take care of the fawn. They waited outside for a day and a night. At about two o'clock in the morning of the third day, they lost the news of fawn.

In order to ensure the safety of Xiaolu, Li Feidao and Xiaolu talk to each other every hour. At 1:30 in the morning, Xiaolu has just reported and has found the trace of the real book year of the Tang Dynasty. At 2:30 in the morning, Li Feidao talks to Xiaolu again, but she has no reply.

He waited for half an hour, and then tried to contact her again, because she was sometimes in a critical moment and could not answer at all. Moreover, the underground signal here was not very good, and sometimes it was interfered by other signals. It was normal that she could not be contacted.But after Li Feidao contacted fawn three times, he didn't get her reply. He suddenly had a bad premonition.

Li Feidao didn't care how late it was now. He immediately called jingyichen.

Unexpectedly, jingyichen did not sleep at all, he has been waiting for news.

Li Feidao quickly reported the situation to jingyichen, and then listened to jingyichen: "OK, I see. You don't leave or go underground. Stand by and contact fawn every ten minutes."

An hour later, jingyichen took a helicopter to the underground shopping mall in B city.

Ah Hu, whose injury has recovered as before, follows jingyichen and a group of dozens of people enter the underground passage together.

Xiaolu is assigned by him. Jingyichen feels it is his duty to personally investigate whether she is alive or dead.

Li Feidao has reported that there was a violent explosion underground, and it was after the explosion that he lost contact with the deer.

When Jing Yichen took people in, there was almost no one in the underground passage. After seeing them, several people met on the road unexpectedly shot themselves in a hurry and didn't give them any chance to ask questions.

After walking a long way inside, after turning a few turns, it was impossible to get in at all, because a passage leading to the next floor was completely buried. Under a large amount of gravel, the bodies of those who had no time to escape could be seen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!