Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 637

When she got up the next day, Shangguan Ning found that jingyichen was still around her. She asked dimly, "why don't you go to work?"

Jingyichen pinched her delicate little nose and said with a smile, "I still like me so much last night. I'm going to drive me away this morning? Baby, you are too heartless, my service yesterday is not good enough? Otherwise, you try again? "

Shangguan Ning didn't wait for him to finish speaking, so he immediately put out his hand to cover his mouth: "shut up, don't go to work, don't bully me any more!"

Jingyichen took away her hand with a smile and said with a good temper: "OK, listen to you. Don't bully you. Get up and have breakfast."

After a night, Shangguan Ning's chest swelled again. Jingyichen knew that she must be suffering from distension at this time.

His eye color slightly a bright, light voice way: "Oh, it seems that I have ready-made nutrition breakfast!"

Shangguan Ning ignored him and dressed himself to wash.

Jingyichen sits on the bed, watching his wife's beautiful figure disappear in the room. She gets up in a good mood to see her son.

Of course, he didn't go to work on purpose. Recently, all the affairs of the company were handled at home. Because the problem of Tang shunian has not been solved, he is not at ease to let shangguanning take his children at home alone.

The trace of the Tang Dynasty book year was found yesterday, and the fawn has gone to chase and kill it.

However, there has been no news spread. Jingyichen knows that Xiaolu has not been successful.

Tang shunian is very cunning. He can't easily reveal his whereabouts. Now it seems that he is "accidentally" exposed. In fact, it may be a trap.

Fortunately, fawn has outstanding ability. Even if it is a trap, it doesn't need to worry too much.


Fawn hasn't been killed for a long time.

She is an efficient, calm, persistent and fearless top killer of any difficulty. She once made a living by killing people and exchanged blood for her life with the huge wealth she gained from killing.

In a way, in her first few years as a killer, she was trading other people's lives for her own.

Killing Tang shunian today is actually protecting her own life.

She owes too much to Jing's family. She has never made any demands on her, either in the perspective of Zhongxiu or jingyichen. She volunteered to kill Tang shunian.

It's just killing people. It's her strength, and it's the only skill she can have. She's proud of it.

In an underground shopping mall in B city, the lights are bright. From time to time, customers come together in twos and threes to choose their favorite things from each shop.

The rent of the underground shopping mall is much lower than that of the ground, so the things sold are also very cheap. Many ordinary people in B city like to go shopping here.

Last night, the deer followed the Tang Dynasty book year, and after coming here, he lost the trace of the Tang Dynasty book year.

Fawn has excellent vision and hearing, first-class speed, and extremely sensitive sense of smell. Usually, she never loses her target.

However, after coming to the underground shopping mall, fawn encountered a problem.

She also discovered four years of the Tang Dynasty!

these four people as like as two peas are tall, fat and thin. They wear the same clothes. They use the same perfume. They look very similar to their faces.

At the speed of the fawn, at most two can catch up with and kill, and the other two will surely escape.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that fawn can't be sure if there is a real year of Tang Dynasty among these four people!

She has seen all the materials and photos of the book year of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, she once met him in the underground kingdom of the book year of the Tang Dynasty. However, the meeting was just a glance at the moment of opening the door, which could not really understand his appearance.

Fawn used to take on tasks, and there were all kinds of people. Among them, 99% of them had never seen the real face of the target, but only had seen the photos and basic information, but she never failed.

Because she always has an amazing intuition about the target. After seeing the photos, she usually has a deep impression on the target. When she kills, she doesn't kill the wrong target because she hasn't seen it.

None of the four people today made her feel like she was facing a real goal.

Xiaolu can be sure that none of the four people is the year of the Tang Dynasty, but the appearance of these four people shows that the year of Tang must be nearby.

She is a killer. Her best skill is to take the target's life in secret. Although her close combat is also very good, almost no one can beat her, but she can't use this stupid method.

What she can do with a bullet, she will not be foolish to consume her own physical strength and fight with others with fists.

Only those who like to consume other people's physical strength and torment them to death are unwilling to give them a happy life. Only those with serious psychological distortion like Tang shunian will do it.

Xiaolu is a little surprised why he was exposed. Judging from the fact that Tang shunian arranged four fake doubles to lead her away, he should have known that someone had come to kill him.But she was very well hidden. How could he find out?

Fawn doesn't have any active cells in her feelings, but she has a strong intuition in killing people. After long-term training, she knows all kinds of ways to kill people and can think carefully about all the details.

She caught up with one of them as fast as she could and gave him a fatal bullet in his heart.

Her pistol was muffled and killed a man. There was no sound except a dull low noise.

After she killed someone, she left quickly and decisively, and did not deal with the corpse at the end of the corridor. She knew that someone would soon find the body, and then it would become very chaotic here, which would help her hide and help her determine the reason for her exposure.

She dressed in a humble black, quickly shuttling in the underground shopping mall, found a second double, quickly killed him.

At this time, the body of the first double has been found. The underground shopping mall is in chaos. The screams of women and the cry of children are filled in the air, which makes people panic.

Xiaolu didn't go after the third double, because the underground shopping mall here is very large, and there must be a deeper underground passage built by Tang shunian. The other two living doubles will surely run to the underground passage to avoid hunting. If she goes, she will certainly ambush in the middle of Tang Dynasty.

The fawn looks calm and has a steady heartbeat. It doesn't have mood swings due to killing two people in a row.

Taking advantage of the chaos, she hid herself in the dark, like a falcon, waiting for prey to appear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!