Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 634

Shangguan Ning thought she was scared and quickly comforted her: "it's OK. He should be injured now. He has no way to do evil for the time being. He shouldn't look for you. Don't worry. Yichen will surely catch him back."

However, her consolation did not play a very important role. Zhao An'an cried and regretted: "Oh, my sister-in-law, you don't know. On the day of our blind date, I didn't know his identity at all, and I robbed him with a knife rest on his neck!"

Shangguan Ning's eyes widened in surprise: "robbery?"

Isn't it? Zhao an is too bold!

What's more, how could she even rob her blind date? Is this poor and crazy?

"What's more, I refused him in every way at that time. I also hated him for his age and his oil bottle, and I didn't give him any face. Would he bear a grudge and find a chance to kill me? Oh, what can I do! I'm really unlucky to meet such a pervert on my first blind date in my life. It's the rhythm that forces me to be a turtle

Shangguan was speechless.

These things are really what Zhao an an can do!

But Tang shunian is just like a vengeance. His heart is smaller than the eye of a needle. If he doesn't get revenge, he can't be justified.

However, he certainly does not have time to pay attention to Zhao an's small shrimps now. If he wants to retaliate, he also seeks Jing Yichen for revenge. Zhao An'an must be safe at present.

Shangguan Ning patted Zhao An'an on the back and said with a smile, "well, don't worry about it. You can't get into his eyes for a while. He certainly doesn't dare to move around now, so as not to be killed. At ordinary times, you should pay attention to your own safety. Otherwise, let your brother provide you with some bodyguards, and you can deal with something. "

Zhao an felt that this method was good, and she exaggerated tears: "Oh, my sister-in-law, you are good to me! I introduced you to my brother. This move is the right move. Otherwise, if you change to be a sister-in-law, how can you love me so much? "

Shangguan Ning raised his eyebrows: "chess? Oh, I'm the chess piece in your hand! Well, Zhao An'an, I want to break up with you! "

Zhao An'an knew that he had accidentally used the wrong word. He hugged Shangguan Ning's arm and swung it around. With a shy face and a smile, Zhao an said, "don't do that. My Chinese has always been taught by a math teacher, which is just the primary school level. Don't take it seriously!"

Shangguanning is just talking about it. Where can she be really angry? Zhao an's tone softened, she laughed, and then asked her about her life in school these days in a low voice.

"Is it better to be a teacher or a headmaster?"

Zhao an an did not want to say: "of course, it's good to be a teacher. The teacher is so relaxed. I just have one or two classes every day. In addition to invigilating the examination and marking the papers, it's a little boring, and the rest of the time I'm like a fairy!"

Shangguan Ning chuckle, it seems that there is no comparison do not know the previous happiness.

Zhao an used to dislike being a teacher. She said that she had to face so many students all day. When she saw the oppressed people in class, she felt annoyed. She was a bit arbitrary in her lectures, but some of the students liked to ask questions. She was very angry.

Now I feel that the past days are relaxed, which shows that she is now under greater pressure.

"It's easier for us to be teachers, but have you forgotten? We two little shrimps were dismissed by the headmaster without any politeness. I think it's very good to be a headmaster, and we will be dismissed if we don't like it! "

Zhao An'an certainly will not forget. She nodded vigorously: "yes, yes, I have great power now, so many people come to me to treat and give gifts every day! The son of a bitch named min could protect us both at that time. It was a simple thing for him to do. As a result, he just dismissed us! He must have benefited a lot. This old man is so damned! "

Zhao An'an's excellent family conditions determined that she would certainly despise all the entertainments and gifts, but her failure to look up to them did not mean that everyone looked down on them.

At that time, President min must have received heavy gifts, so he dismissed them so impolitely.

Shangguan Ning is still nostalgic about her teaching career, because her time in school was a rare quiet time after she came back from abroad. She also met Zhao An'an and Jing Yichen at that time.

However, her life now has a new chance, with her husband and children, the past, she would not have been in mind, should be punished have been punished, her mentality is very peaceful.

Talking about the past, I just remind Zhao An'an that being a teacher is good for being a teacher, and being a principal is also good for being a principal. At least, even if jingyichen is not relied on, as long as there is no big problem in her work, no one dares to touch her easily in her present position.

Power is a good thing. Otherwise, how can so many people rush for it.

Zhao An'an will not be infatuated with power, but this kind of thing is certainly better than none.

Moreover, she is now stabilizing the head of President min, who is expected to die in his heart, but can't turn against Zhao An'an.Sure enough, the next moment I heard Zhao an's happy laugh: "speaking of it, after becoming the headmaster, the most happy thing for me is that the old bastard surnamed min would greet me respectfully when he saw me. I pretended that I couldn't hear, and I deliberately questioned his decisions. Ha ha, his face is more wonderful than oil painting every day!"

Shangguan Ning also laughed. Zhao An'an is not a bully. Although she has no heart, she is born with the ability to find fault. I'm afraid that President Min has suffered a lot these days.

"You deserve it!" Zhao an angrily scolded: "that old man, you don't know how many immoral things he did! He is not only confused with the teachers in the school, but also goes to harm those little girls, saying that he is to ensure that they will be assigned a good job after graduation. As a result, many female students have been cheated by him

Shangguanning had heard about it when he was still teaching in the school. However, behind headmaster min, there was a huge family of Min family. In addition, he refused to admit it. Those female students who were cheated could only admit that they were unlucky. President Min has been in the headmaster's position safely until now.

"Ha ha, he has a lot of handles. Others are afraid of him. I am not afraid of him. Moreover, I am very careful now. Without a handle, he has no way to stare at me every day!"

Shangguan Ning looks at Zhao an in surprise. It's only a few days. She has learned to be careful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!