Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 633

That's the thigh he can hold. Zhao An'an comes to his house to rob him of his territory. How can he bear it!

Jingyichen doesn't like to be touched by others. Of course, she doesn't like people meeting Guan Ning. Except that he can hold her, other people can't do it, nor does Zhao An'an.

He is seriously thinking about whether to prohibit Zhao An'an from running to his home in the future.

Zhao an turned her eyes speechless. Her cousin is definitely a wife control!

The possessiveness of his wife has reached an abominable level, even her sister is not allowed to touch, it is unreasonable!

Before they knew each other, she didn't know how much she had taken advantage of shangguanning. If Jing Yichen knew that, she would have killed her directly!

And it's his wife who is bullying her, OK?

Shangguanning just pulled her ear, but it made a lot of effort. Her ears must have been red now. Jingyichen turned a blind eye to her and scolded her when she came in. Moreover, she hated her unclean. Would she take a bath every day? Really, is she his sister or not!

Well, she admitted that she had just forgotten that there was a little one at home, and that she was shouting a little louder. But you can't be so cruel to her!

Zhao an's heart in the crazy abdominal Fei, but the action is very agile from the Shangguan Ning body to climb up, dare not take her thigh as a pillow.

Otherwise, jingyichen will take her out directly!

Shangguan Ning is more helpless than Zhao An'an. She stares at jingyichen, takes Zhao An'an's hand and says, "don't be so fierce towards An'an, how can you do if you scare her?"

Jing Yi Chen light way: "if she is so timid, this world has no courage big."

He saw Zhao an an finally sat down honestly, and then he turned to leave satisfied.

As soon as jingyichen left, Zhao an went straight to Shangguan to coagulate her legs. She even hugged her waist and rubbed herself against her body. It seemed that she was willing to take advantage of her.

Shangguan Ning is tickled by Zhao An'an and can't help laughing.

Zhao an thought that she was laughing at herself for being so obedient as a kitten in front of jingyichen. Suddenly, she said angrily, "you're so funny. My brother just came in, and it's like eating people! It's terrible. I thought he would be gentle when he got married, but he didn't become gentle, he became fierce! There are inhuman people of the opposite sex who send me into the fire pit and don't care about me any more. As a result, my whole body has lost weight. You see, my arm is thin, so I won't take advantage of fighting in the future. "

"Well, isn't it good for the headmaster to take the lead in fighting? I don't know. I thought big X had become a gangster

Shangguan Ning's tone was relaxed and deliberately ridiculed Zhao An'an.

Zhao an makes a big fight with her. She thinks of it later. She just asked shangguanning, but she hasn't given herself an answer.

According to Zheng Jing, Jing Yichen and his right-hand man, ah Hu, have been seriously injured. Even shangguanning is uncomfortable these days. They have been lying in the hospital for several days.

But Zhao an asked him what had happened, but he refused to say a word. She was mysterious and hard to say. She had no choice but to come to shangguanning to ask her face-to-face.

Now can let jingyichen injured, already very few, this time they several all planted in, certainly is not a small matter.

Really, such a big thing happened that no one told her!

Shangguan Ning and jingyichen don't say, even her mother also didn't reveal a word, MuQing that bastard let alone, he can think of her good!

If she didn't have something to look for Zheng Jing, I'm afraid she would never have known that they had an accident in her life. Maybe she would have been disgusted with jingyichen, threw her into school, and turned her away.

Is she so unreliable? Is she so vulnerable? All things are hidden from her alone, is it because she is too jumpy to be upright?

Well, she's smart! In the future, it will certainly be very powerful, will not drag their hind legs, will certainly be able to help in the future!

Zhao an accepted the playful look on his face, hugged Shangguan Ning's thigh and said, "what's wrong with you, my brother, and Zheng Jing? What happened? Tell me quickly, I've been worried all day! "

Shangguan Ning didn't expect that Zhao An'an was still thinking about this matter. She thought that if she diverted the topic, she would forget it.

Because it's easy for Zhao an to forget what she was thinking at the moment, it's easy to divert her attention.

It seems that she is still very concerned about their affairs, otherwise she will not always be thinking about them.

However, Shangguan Ning didn't dare to tell Zhao an an too much. Sometimes it didn't do any good to know too much, especially Zhao an could not hide his words and would not lie.

She just said: "nothing, it's just that Yichen found the person who hurt him before. Originally, he wanted to get rid of the other party. As a result, he was well prepared, so he suffered a little loss. I'm just tired and scared. He didn't come back all night, so I sat with ruiruirui for one night and didn't eat much food. As a result, I fell ill. "Shangguan Ning's words are full of loopholes. Zhao An'an knows that she is not telling the truth even if she has no heart.

She was dissatisfied with the way: "you are to say a little more clearly, can let my brother and Zheng Jing suffer so much, can be ordinary people? Fool me! Which does not grow the eye to dare to harm my elder brother? Isn't it all dead that hurt my brother? Where did this come from again

Why, can't Zhao An'an be cheated?

Shangguan Ning is a little strange. How does Zhao An'an feel to be smarter? Is it that after becoming the principal, the IQ and EQ have improved so fast?

She thought about it for a moment, but she gave a general description of the identity of the book year of Tang Dynasty, because Zhao an not only knew Tang Yun, but also knew that Jing Yichen had an accident 11 years ago.

What's more, Tang shunian had a blind date with Zhao An'an. If she didn't know the true identity of Tang shunian, it would be bad if he used her to do something.

After listening to Shangguan Ning, Zhao an's eyes almost didn't fall out!

"The year of the Tang Dynasty? Tang Yun's brother of a bitch? "

"Yes, he and Tang Yun are brothers and sisters, but the relationship seems to be very general."

"Yu Mo, the mayor of B city, is he?! He's a killer? Big twisted psychology? "

Shangguan Ning was hardened and nodded: "yes, he likes to torture people. He is a terrible person. If you meet him in the future, you must stay away from him. He is hiding now. He may not attack anyone."

"Oh, it's over, it's over!"

Zhao An'an was howling in cold sweat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!