Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 635

It seems that it is a good decision to send Zhao An'an to the school.

Seeing the surprise in Shangguan Ning's eyes, Zhao an can't help feeling proud: "Miss Shangguan, don't look at me with such adoring eyes. I'll be proud!"

Shangguan Ning was very supportive and said, "it's normal for me to worship you, headmaster Zhao! I think you are more and more attractive now! I was worried about your bad life at school, but now I'm worried for nothing

Zhao an was very happy and said: "you don't know. I got up earlier than the chicken and went to bed later than the dog these days. I've been very busy all the time. However, I've learned a lot. The assistant my brother assigned to me doesn't know where the talent came from. It's so amazing. I know everything, and I know everyone. He helps me I'm not joking

Shangguanning encouraged her: "well, you've done a good job, and you'll certainly do better in the future. It's difficult at the beginning, and it's easy to be familiar with all the work in the future."

Zhao an, who has always been optimistic, is not optimistic this time. She worries: "I won't be able to go anywhere in the future! It's really tiring to be a headmaster. Now I finally know why those principals and directors are bald. They are all tired! Min is not the headmaster now. He not only grows fat, but also has long hair on the top of his head. What a miracle! Oh, do you think I would not be a headmaster for two years and become bald? How terrible

Shangguan Ning imagines Zhao an's bald face and laughs happily.

Zhao an looked at the bad friend laughing at himself, and looked at her fiercely: "you just laugh hard. If I'm bald, I will pull out all your hair and make you bald!"

Although Zhao an has been complaining about school life, Shangguan Ning can see that her mental state is very good, and her words can feel that she is growing rapidly.

Because the school is full of students, as a principal, she has undertaken a lot of responsibilities. This responsibility has brought unprecedented pressure to her, and also brought her growth momentum.

She has always been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. She insists on not doing the best in one thing, but now the situation has changed a lot.

In the past, both Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Zhao thought that with Zhao an's character, they certainly could not take on heavy responsibilities. They had never thought of letting her go to high positions for training. They all asked Zhao An'an to deal with those innocuous things. Even if she did something wrong or didn't do it, there would be no serious consequences.

They dare not let her to be a headmaster. In case the school is ruined, it is a small matter to lose money, and it is a big thing to delay the children's studies.

Jing Yichen doesn't take these things seriously at all. He doesn't have any pressure to make Zhao an an headmaster. Even if Zhao an demolishes the school, he still doesn't have any mood swings.

Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an are chattering in the bedroom. Jingyichen feeds Jingrui milk powder to coax him to sleep. After that, he goes to the study to deal with affairs.

Jing Yichen has been dealing with the affairs of Jingsheng group for several days. Although he is only dealing with the urgent and important matters, his workload can not be underestimated. Fortunately, he is familiar with all the affairs of the group, and can get twice the result with half the effort and high efficiency.

There are obviously more things to deal with today than in the past few days, because his body has recovered very well, and the backlog of things has been dealt with at the same time.

This year, Shengjing has always paid attention to two charitable projects, one of which is to donate money directly to the society.

However, his request is to incline the donation to schools, focusing on helping out of school children and outstanding students from poor families. Moreover, he asked to set up a scholarship in X university. Students with difficulties in family can be exempted from all study fees in X university. If they get excellent results, they will not only be free of tuition, but also get scholarships to get the opportunity to study abroad.

The reason why Jing Yichen focuses on school this year is obviously for Zhao An'an.

Many poor children often know more about hard work than the rich children. They have excellent results. In addition to less knowledge, the other comprehensive quality is very good. If X university can have more students of this kind, the overall level will be improved by a large margin, and the status of Zhao An'an, the headmaster, will also rise.

Jingsheng group makes donations every year, sometimes in disaster areas and sometimes in poor and remote areas. Many welfare homes and homes for the aged in city a also have donations from Jingsheng. This is the first time that Jingsheng donates to X university.

In any case, where you donate, you can bring better results to X University, and you can do more with one stone.

Recently, the biggest cooperation projects of Jingsheng are all with Jishi group. Jishi group is now completely controlled by Jibo. With the support of Jingsheng, the stock price of Jishi group has risen rapidly, and various businesses have gradually returned to normal. However, Jishi group has lost a large number of excellent talents and high-quality customers, which can not be made up for a while.

If it was in the past, Jibo would be very impatient and radical, eager to improve the development speed of Jishi group. However, although he still has ambition, he has no ambition to surpass Jingsheng.He clearly knows how far away he is from jingyichen, and the fact that the Ji family has such a slow recovery is due to jingyichen.

He is now comfortable and willing to live under jingyichen, keeping close cooperation with him, ready to seize the inheritance of the Ji family.

Jing Yichen is not interested in controlling the Ji family, but he will never let the development of the Ji family surpass that of the Jing family. He is not so kind as to let Ji's group develop without concealment.

Therefore, he did not sign all the documents on cooperation with Jishi group, and some cooperation conditions were even more stringent. In this way, we can ensure the absolute strong position of Jingsheng group.

The next day, Zhao An'an learned about Jingsheng group's donation to X university.

The donation caused a sensation in the whole school and even the whole city, because the amount of donation is too large, which is the highest value since the establishment of X university!

Not only in the school, but also in newspapers, TV and other media, which has promoted the reputation of Jingsheng group and the reputation of X university.

Less than a week after the new president took office, a large amount of donations were sent to the school. As anyone can see, Zhao an, a young and excessive headmaster, has enormous energy behind him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!