Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 632

Zhao An'an is not stupid at all. Those people are always looking for trouble, and they have nothing to do with their looks. Besides, she doesn't think she is beautiful enough to make people angry.

"Well, don't think I don't know. They are all pointing at me behind my back. Unexpectedly, some people say that I have been taken care of by others! Blind their eyes! They have been wrapped up, can we say that others have been wrapped up? I have a universal brother. They don't have one. They are so jealous! Those people's level is so poor, but also mixed so well, if not greasy, I write the name upside down! You mean to say me? What a shame

"Don't they pick on me? Then I'll let them not find fault. A group of old women in the province chew their tongue there every day, saying that I'm not in good shape and I don't have a headmaster's appearance! Isn't it just wearing skirts and high heels? I'll show them my auntie! "

Shangguan Ning finally suddenly realized that Zhao An'an was stimulated!

Some aspects of their personalities are very similar. For example, they both hate trouble and like simplicity.

Zhao An'an must have been entangled by those people, so she wanted to wear a skirt and high-heeled shoes to block their mouths.

After all, she is now the principal of X university. She is really half a public figure in a city. There must be a lot of people staring at her every day, and there are also many people who find fault. After all, not everyone knows the real identity of Zhao An'an.

Some people will deliberately provocation, want to see the reaction of the people behind Zhao An'an, so as to find the people who support Zhao An'an.

Now many people are questioning the identity of Zhao An'an, and even inquire through various channels.

Can let a less than 30-year-old woman parachute to the X University as the principal, and force the former president min to retire to the post of vice president, dare not have the slightest complaint, her backstage must be very powerful.

Zhao an once resigned once, which was the biggest failure in her career as a principal. However, she was able to come back to be the principal again after such a big failure. It shows that all the people in a city have already been punished.

Wang, director of the Education Bureau, was even very kind to her. She was in line with her peers. She did not have any airs, but also repeatedly invited Zhao An'an to his home.

If director Wang had not always been honest and upright, and his wife and children had a harmonious family, people would have doubted his purpose for the beautiful headmaster Zhao an.

City a is not only a university like x University, but also three other universities which are slightly inferior to X University, as well as many other primary schools, middle schools and high schools. However, director Wang's attitude towards the principals of other schools is not so good.

In the past, when President min was the principal of X University, director Wang and he were just nodding friends. They were absolutely not as friendly and intimate as Zhao An'an.

Many people are unconvinced, so have to find fault, only a few people can see the greasy, carefully watching.

Zhao an has always been not good at social intercourse, but now she is not as willful as before.

Since she has decided to be a good headmaster, she will be extremely rational and mature.

Of course, Zhao an, the director of the Education Bureau, has not really paid attention to it. It is enough to deal with a few words. It is impossible for her to go to the director's home for dinner.

Zhao an looked at her short skirt and high-heeled shoes on the ground. She cried, "these people are so annoying. My pants, my sports shoes, are you not allowed to follow my sister in the future?"

In the workplace, especially on formal occasions, women always wear skirts as formal clothes, and pants are casual clothes. Don't you see that the wives of heads of state wear skirts as long as they attend visits and conferences?

Although Zhao an is a long way from the wife of the head of state, she is a headmaster, and wearing pants in many occasions is not serious enough.

Sports shoes are even worse, not even flat shoes. If she wears a professional dress, she should wear a pair of decent high-heeled shoes, otherwise it looks too awkward.

Shangguan was smiling and comforting her: "you wear formal clothes when you go to work. You can wear what you want on the weekend! Besides, you still have winter and summer vacation. It's going to be summer vacation soon, so you can relax and relax

This is good for the education industry. There is a long holiday to spend. Zhao An'an finally has a little spirit: "yes, I've been busy these days. I can have a long holiday! Ha ha ha, great! I am the headmaster. I must have more holidays this year for three months

This Is it really good to let someone like Zhao an an be the headmaster?

If the summer vacation is three months, the winter vacation is three months, plus weekends and other holidays, the class time is not even 100 days! The students must be happy and crazy, and the key parents must also be crazy!

However, Zhao an still felt that the vacation was too short. She sighed, "well, if only we could change the vacation and class time, or we could take a month off for a month's class! Who made these rules? How can they be so cruel to the flowers of our motherland? "

"Headmaster Zhao, you think too much. It's very good to have more than one month's leave. Don't dream. Wake up quickly!"

Shangguan is really speechless. The headmaster is too arbitrary!Zhao an wakes up from her dream and complains for a while that she is under great pressure at work and has too much to learn. After her universal cousin taikeng Mei, she remembers to ask shangguanning what happened to them.

"What's the matter with you? You look half dead, your face is so white, and your state is so bad. You've just seen you walk lightly..."

She said, and put her face close to Shangguan Ning and said in a low voice in an ambiguous voice: "is my brother too ignorant of abstinence and exhausted you? I heard that if you have kidney deficiency, what do you eat? Liuwei Dihuang pills are very effective. Otherwise, you and my brother have a try

What a mess! Thanks to her, she said it!

Shangguan Ning was angry with her smile and lifted her hand to pull her ear: "I know nonsense all day long. I've been a headmaster for a long time, but I still haven't got a proper shape!"

Zhao an exclaimed with exaggeration: "Oh, my sister-in-law, you can be gentle. I have two ears in total. If you pull out one, and the other is left alone, what a pity!"

Only, her ghost cry wolf howl to the real "wolf" to lead.

Jing Yichen opens the door and looks at Zhao an lying on Shangguan Ning without any image. She frowns and says coldly: "Jingrui just fell asleep. If you call me again, you will throw you out! Besides, you are not clean. Stay away from ah Ning. She has no strength. Don't lie down on her legs and press her! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!